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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Don't waste your time with Capun's crap... just download Yakarov's Cobras, from here at CA. Put's that other stuff right where it belongs -- in the trash
  2. Ready to fight Evil (tm) wherever it's found..
  3. After 25 years the Ark Royal is complete

    unbelievable!! the details! maybe it'll get donated to a RN museum?
  4. No. That's what's instrument panels are for
  5. Southeast Asia, 1968 Outbound from USS Shangra-La, VA-152 Scooters head to work
  6. New Aircraft

    that's the Sargent York, isn't it??
  7. same fix as the WW2 installs -- just what G20 said, but you don't/shouldn't need to mess with the game's main ini. Never had to do it before, and never had a problem.
  8. that is some seriously weird shit!!!
  9. yup, just got 'em. A quick examination show that pretty much all I'll need to do is write a quick read me, an release it Eole's name. A FINE job of work, sir! I salute and thank you!
  10. yes, you can move objects up/down in cockpits. But only one at at time, and in only one direction. I (re)moved the HUD off del's Herc pit; I just have to find where it is (mod folder)
  11. Possible Meteor breakup over Detroit.

    I'm just amazed at how much light was given off -- you can see how bright things on the ground got.
  12. I can almost garuentee that it can only be fixed in MAX
  13. would be nice to actually know which aircraft she's talking about --- is it RazBam's Banschee, or Crapuns??? Is the Panther Pasko's?? or another versions? the cockpit issues has NOTHING to due the map edge (aka "The Wall"). If you'd bother to READ what she wrote, she's describing a take off, as the aircraft climbs the pit lod lowers itself down. This is a known issue in the 3rdWire series, and has never been fully resolved on certain 3rd Party add-on aircraft. as to the nose wheel, Pasko's Panther's are well know for a number of faults (btw, mine works the way it should) also, Ully, stop necro-threading. It's annoying
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  15. Pilot to high

    (I HAVE to say this, please forgive me!) duuuudde, you can never be toooo high!!! ---- yes, what Geezer said. Those same figures x/y/z corrdinate style are used for everything from pilots, to muzzle flare location, weapons mounting, lights, exhaust, what have you!
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  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  20. Important Note To all New Members About Downloads: ALWAYS READ THE ENCLOSED READ ME BEFORE INSTALLING A 3RD PARTY ADD ON
  21. I think it's the "mine is bigger than yours" syndrome .... honestly, I wouldn't even worry about it!!
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  23. Questions, Questions

    I'll have to find it, and them move it!

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