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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. try this. obviously, size will need proper adjustment when placed on the aircraft. also, post screenies of the aircraft too! usmc decal.7z
  2. ah, yes. the never-ending-DAT-betas. cockpit one could use the Hurri's as a stand-in
  3. around 200 or so individual trees (at least with the WoE TE that I've been able to add). It's not just the trees (alpha objects) it's the solid objects as well that count on each tile. I've a few tiles in the 350-370 item count, but that's the TOTAL count, solids and alphas best idea is a larger 3d object, imported into the TE for the "forest" that should covers several hundred square meters (given the 2km x 2km for the stock tiles). IIRC, this is how Stary did it with the Green Hells. Then, it's just skinned to match the tree shapes. With luck the terrain engine may count it as only "one" object. to answer the next question, is no, I do not know how to import a 3d object into the Terrain Editor.
  4. what are you talking about, and WHY are you shouting??? The use of all caps is like shouting, and is considered very rude. now, in a calmer tone, tell us exactly what the issue is, and what is this "video" you're on about?? as to adding mods, have you tried READING the enclosed readmes from your downloads? They usually explain what is supposed to be done, and where things go. You might also want to study up on the threads in our conveniently supplied, and constantly ignored SF2 Knowledge Base https://combatace.com/forums/forum/268-thirdwire-strike-fighters-2-series-knowledge-base/
  5. Mk.1s would be nice too. thanks for the link to the salvaged wreck! that reminds me, I'd started updating the FMs on all of our (Cocas & Co) Beaufighters over a year ago! ... must finish and upload them! It flys better now!
  6. my opinion, it's a waste of time modding DAT stuff. Given the extreme difficulties in obtaining them. now, if one were to build a new FREEWARE Blenheim (of any/all marks).... that would be something! In fact, I'm sure Cocas' Beaufighter MAX files could probably be used as a starting point, as they're brothers (and the Beaufort as well) and share a great deal of common parts. not to disparage your work, which IS cool, just stating the obvious
  7. here's hoping, considering the last update was nearly 2 years ago. Hope fades quickly
  8. Font Color

    the colors are in Hexidecimal values.
  9. In the Med, 1973.... CAG's up! Stand by for launch!
  10. looking good! I still wish TK would give us a F-4J for DLC, man I'd be all over that!! (and so would a LOT of people!)
  11. Font Color

    I'd also remove the background tga, as it makes the text (sometimes) a little brighter and/or easier to see. Been doing that to all my 3W games since 2003!! [InfoDisplay]//BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga <-- just comment out this lineBottomLeftPosition=0.01,0.985BottomRightPosition=0.99,0.985DisplayWidth=0.20VerticalBorder=0.0015HorizontalBorder=0.008EnemyTargetColor=1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0FriendlyTargetColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0 UnknownTargetColor=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 WaypointColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 TextFile=HUDText.strNormalColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0WarningColor1=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0WarningColor2=1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0AGLAltStart=609.6AGLAltWarning=152.4EnglishUnitUseMPH=TRUE
  12. View File SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak SF2 F-4B Phantom (Mytai) CVW-9 Skin/Decal Pak 12/24/2017 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V = *Can be used in any install that has access to the F-4B & F-4B_67, which is stock in all merged installs, excepting SF2:I (well, actually it's probably there as well!). The 1968 VF-92 & 96 skins are particularly designed for use in SF2:V, as they represent the squadrons during one of their Southeast Asia cruises* This package contains 3 revamped & updated skins, now for SF2, originally created by Mytai01 in 2005(ish) for SF1. This skins are: F-4B: VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1964) embarked aboard USS RANGER F-4B_67: VF-92 Silverkings (1968) VF-96 Fighting Falcons (1968), both embarked aboard USS ENTERPRISE during the Vietnam War All 3 skins are new builds, from Sundowner's excellent template. The skins are in jpg format. Almost all decals from the original Mytai pack have been reused, with some modifications on the Modex number decals. Decal randomization has been set to "TRUE". Included are the data and loadout inis for both aircraft, with some small changes in the loadouts. The data inis now incorporate manually operating (meaning: you, the player can now) wingfold and canopy operation. Both use the Standard Animations Keystrokes (tm), Shift/9 for wings and Shift/0 (zero) for the canopy. Also included, is all of Mytai's original research material that came with the 1stGen Package. This inlcudes photos and other text files. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Submitter Wrench Submitted 12/27/2017 Category F-4  
  13. since you mentioned the DLC F-4N, I did up one for VMFA-531, using "bits" (overall gull grey, circa 1980). I have your N enhancement pack, just haven't installed it yet
  14. ok, here's the VF-92 and 96 skins, using the F-4B_67, both dated 1968 for use on ENTERPRISE the VF-96 aboard RANGER up above is dated for 1964 I hope to have them uploaded in the next day or 2
  15. LOL! "Gas to Go" is my wife calls me too! --------------- Marine Phantoms out for a drive (VMFA-231)
  16. Glad to help! Mytai did an awful lot of research on these, even though there's only 12 Modex & serials per aircraft, they are 100% historically correct. some years back, I wanted to convert his entire set to SF2, did a couple, but than left it hanging. But I'll get these, and maybe some others...?? It'd be a crying shame to let them all get lost. the real hard part is to figure out WHICH F-4B to use them on. Back in the day (SF1) there was just the one F-4B (1962-1974). In SF2 we've got 3! F-4B (1961-1965) F-4B_65 (1965-1968) F-4B_67 (1967-1977) *77 is for usmc So I"m matching the skins to the closest dated model below, Silver Kings, 1968 (F-4B_67)
  17. in fact, not only does the map need enough sea room for both fleets, but it must have the NavalMap=TRUE statement in it's main ini, AND have CV zones* designated by their respective colors on the ***_water.bmp (see the IcelandNA map or my Waterworld for examples) *=CV zones should be at least 200km in diameter, as that's the distance the Naval Search (Hawkeye's) aircraft operate at, and should be at least another 100km apart beyond the AWAC orbit zones.
  18. first one converted ...(now uses stock SF2 jpg skins - can't really reuse the originals, as there was some mapping changes from SF1 to SF2.) Using (most of) Mytai's decals. I made some small changes, as the Modex also has the intake and ejection warnings; removed them from the decals also tweeked the loadout ini, adding back the wing tanks (but left the Mk.4 gunpod -which wasn't used much afaik-, and added manual wingfold and canopy operation to the data ini. VF-96, 1964 USS RANGER
  19. a PS to that; both VF-92 and VF-96 are stock squadrons, so you can easily select them from the squadron drop down on the loadout screen (or an edited campaign ini)
  20. well, if you don't have SF2NA, you don't get the NA ships. Period. in a full 5 merged install (meaning: all installs) ALL the ships are available in their respective service dates. (just look in you /Ground Objects folder; you'll see them) as the LODs are no longer available for extraction, having the inis is of no use without them
  21. Long ago, Mytai has pretty much all the early skins. However... they're 1stGen (SF1) and need some editing (to say nothing of a new, high rez base skin). give me a few days, what with the holiday and all, and I can have 92 and 96 skins converted
  22. "2 weeks" ---------- required screenshot
  23. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  24. Lexx's stuff vanished quite a long time ago, in one of the site crashes. But, editing the weapons data ini to use one of the existing effects is .... ????? (isn't there one in the BunyPak, or the C6 Mega?)
  25. Gents, you all know that you're complaining about a mod package that's nearly 10 years old, right?? And that the people that built it aren't even around anymore? My suggestion is, if you have documented proof of the ECM issue and the capabilites the aircraft is SUPPOSED to have, is the make the adjustments in the data inis of said aircraft, state the reasons for the changes in your readme (documenting the appropriate USAF T.O.s or whatever), and upload the corrected data ini's to one of our many convenient categories (suggestion: Object Mods / Ini File Edits) so the community can share in the correction. Don't forget to include a screenshot, either (required) Because complaining about it in a 10 year thread, accomplishes nothing. Work the problem and share it with the community. That's how we do things here

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