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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Comet SR.1s (GOR-339) of No.14 squadron on a training sortie, circa 1965
  2. Korea 3 works in 1stGens (minus carrier operations). you just need to downgrade it. instructions in the knowledge base, just follow them backwards (converting 1stGen to SF2). btw, that 1stGen POS is one of the most inaccurate, incorrect and just plane wrong terrains around. Things aren't even CLOSE to where they're supposed to be
  3. as with most things, a little reasearch and brain sweat goes a long way if one has the dash 1 manual at their disposal... http://www.avialogs.com/en/aircraft/usa/lockheed/f-104starfighter/1-14404-1-f-104g-flight-manual.html#download
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  5. Salmson

    what about just desaturate to "b&w" or try a sepia filter?
  6. you're going ass backwards...completley different ships with completly different locations for EVERTHING If you have WoV, just extract everything with "scb125" in the name. BTW, it you have WoE, all the bits are in it's object cat as well. you'll just need the "main ini", which you might have to create to be placed in a newly created SCB-125 folder.
  7. probably not without folding up like a paper airplane. Wasn't stressed for that in game, maxed out a 7.3
  8. google not working?? how about we combine all these threads into ONE, instead of opening new a one every time a question arises?
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  10. Timor Sea 1970 HMAS Melborne with 724 NAS Super Furys and 805 NAS Skyhawks embarked, on excercise
  11. just to let you know that the only individual screens are the 'hangar screens'. you can have one for each skin, when they're placed in the respective skin folders. for all the menu screens, they're "global", and can't be tailored to individual aircraft. locked in by the game's code. but these do look nice!
  12. USNF Lives Again! Good project!! required screenshot
  13. Salmson

    good job! IIRC, that's how I got started in modding! After several thousand hangar screens..... my only suggestion is to make the aircraft smaller, so it won't cover up the "mission" text. On this style hangar screen, I usually use somewhere around 40% opacity for the drop shadow (see below for example, albeit for SF2)
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  16. those statements ONLY work in SF2. It's called "year specific loadout" (we can also do them for specific nations, too) you didn't tell us you were trying to adapt an SF2 mod downhill to a 1stGen you'll have to load the gunpod by hand when the Genie's service years run out
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  18. suggestion: for the various carts, and other non powered vehicles, sometimes the "truck destroyed lod" and 'vehiclefire effect' for the secondary works good! maybe for the privy , "AmmoDumpExplosion" -- yes, pun intended!!!
  19. Salmson

    oh, I LIKE the cover art!!! sometimes, all it takes is understanding the question, and coming up with a crazy answer!! I"m glad that worked for you Jackson!! Happy Flying!!
  20. yeah, apparently his old site in not longer in existence. We (Dave and I) tried contacting him in April 2015 to try and get his max files for the La9/11, so we could get someone to fix the various issues, but to no avail. sorry it didn't work out!
  21. you can't have both. the gunpod take over the genie station. learn to read data ini station numbering
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  23. 2048 Terrain Tiles

    just make sure that the TODs leave room to add targetable "terrain objects". I've found that densley populated TODs make it almost impossible to get "the usual suspects" added to a terrain. but, MAN THEY LOOK GREAT!! (is Quack's city walled??? It looks like battlements around the city's edge!!!!)
  24. Salmson

    IIRC, Jackson said he was running FE1, on a late model machine If 10 is similar to 7 in "how" it reads the 1stGen games, installling to the C:/ProgaramFiles places it the protected area. What we've found out for SF1 is install the game to the ROOT of the C drive (C:/FirstEagles, for example), and adjust the shortcuts as needed. So, in essence, MOVE the entire game folder (very odd that it's called "WW1", and not FirstEagles) to the root of the C drive, adjust your shortcut and try again. It's a simple experiment, and in the long run should benifit in general game playing. But in all honesty, maybe you should upgrade you FE to FE2 in this later OS

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