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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Indeed, to prevent piracy, ALL the lods in the SF2 series (and I mean ALL -everything-) have been locked away one or another of the 2012 patchs. The only things available for extraction are inis, bmps, tgas, and jpgs. also, from your post in the 1stGen Forums, even it you extracted the Hawkeye's lods, it won't run in there. All the SF2 lods are Unicode, and are unreadable by all SF/Wo* 1stGen games.
  2. Thought I'd give this one a good going over. Gepard's "Ostseeausgang" (Denmark, Sweden, parts of West & East Germany, etc). I've re-tiled it, and now it's a Full 4-Season (tm) terrain. what i'm having some trouble with is decieding on what to do with Sweden. Do I 1) keep it neutral. That means I can ignore all the target areas. Or. 2) have it "FRIENDLY" on the NATO side. I could use some input on that Also, while giving it away completely, would like one of our (remaining) 3d modelers to make a gigantic Easter Egg (tm). See below thanks in advance!!
  3. hmm...hadn't thought of that! Most of the land area IS in Sweden! Well, I fiddle with the bases and such, but still leave them NEUTRAL. That way, they'll be updated/cleaned up and ready to go for whomever wants to do a campaign for it! Thanks Gepard!! no takers on Reptilicus?
  4. View File SF2 KAW RF-51D Mustang SF2 KAW RF-51D Mustang = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: as these aircraft were built with the latest 3W exporter, and due to the skin format, they will most likely =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Installs* This is the recon variant of the Mustang, the RF-51D. Like all other Mustangs, it is fully capable of most other operational Missions (CAS,STRIKE,Armed_Recon, but not auntie-ship or Air-To-Air). The primairy use was the photo-recon role; all other ground-attack roles are secondary. This skin represents aircraft from the 45th TRS "Polka Dots" during the late 1940s and 50s, with special focus on the Korean War. The skin is in DDS format, and decal randomization is set to TURE. 18 new serial and BuzzNumber decals are supplied. No weapons are included excepting the drop tank data; all others can be found in the GunnyPak or the KAW Weapons Pak, both available at here at CA. The pilot figure and engine sounds are included, as in an SF2-style hangar screen. The Standard Keystrokes ™ operate the canopy (Shift/0) Happy Hunting! wrench kevin "bob" stein =For the KAW Team= Submitter Wrench Submitted 11/05/2012 Category P-51  
  5. nail on the head, my brother! also, that light pole is maybe on 1 or 2 pixels in thickness, like the trees, they really aren't 3d objects (alpha object) whereas the bus is, as you said, like a building, (solid object). As such can only be removed by having the 3d object it is replaced with another without it. (or maybe put a gas station over it??)
  6. you need to remove the 3d object(s) from the tod itself. Which means you might need the original tod files from the original creator. Unfotunately, you can't just repaint them. are they from stary's GCE tile set? maybe contact him and see if he a) still has the original 3d objects to send for install INTO the TE, or b) maybe he can remove them from the TOD, generate a new one and send it to you
  7. half the stuff on the 1stGen cockpit dosen't even work. maybe one from Stary's Generic cockpit pack?? required screen shot:
  8. just for grins and giggles, I've been going over a LOT of the aircraft we've released over the years, and thanks to Mue's Tool Box, have been readjusting and fixing incorrectly named meshes in data inis, and readjusting the hit boxes. (images below are the PV-1 Ventura, before and after resetting them. You can see the major differences!) are these repairs something the 2-dozen odd ww2 players might be interestered in? I probably would NOT be updating entire aircraft packages (there's just too damn many -- several hundred at least!)
  9. the stock A-1 Skyraiders are pretty good, with the exception (like Otto said) of the pilot hit box. Nice safe place for it, in front of the propeller!!!
  10. indeed, I was hoping you'd weigh in on this thread! like we said above, bounding boxes are good starting point, but many definately need to be eyeballed in (example: engines --> the "cowl" bounding box is always too large, and you need to shrink it in to get the box INside the actual cowling). Swept wings are problematic as the damn boxes are always rectangular; it's a pity we can't them to actually fit the shape But I've found SOOOOOO many with just oddball flaws -- fuel tank boxes 1/2 meter BELOW the aircraft!! or all tail surfaces one side! I also worry about increasing vulnerability of the aircraft to enemy fire -- we all know many (most?) guns are a bit overmodeled. like in the image below, I'm really afraid to even go near the sabres -- I like them too much!! (lol!)
  11. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 KAW & Post-War B-29 & Washington B.1 Adjustment Pak 8/31/2017 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This package contains a new, modified data in for the Post-War and KAW era B-29 Superfortress, and the RAF Washington B.1. Also included is a "backed up" copy of the original data ini, just for safety's sake. For those with the skill to copy/paste, you can use this data ini for your WW2 PTO B-29 as well. You'll only need to copy/paste the TOP section of the original data ini from your WW2 B-29 into this new one. If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use. Both of the full aircraft mods, available here in the CA Downloads, have already been updated for new users. Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do =NOT= need to redownload the entire aircraft again. = Instructions for Use: unzip to a temp folder or your desktop. Copy/paste the B-29_data.ini (and B-29_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into the KAW/Post-War B-29's folder. Do the Same for the Washington B.1. Copy/paste BOTH supplied data inis into the WashingtonB1 folder. Go fly. Good Hunting!! Kevin "Wrench" Stein Updated 8/31/2017 Changes: All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without Small adjustment to some FM parameters.
  12. View File SF2 WW2 Ventura & Harpoon Tweeks/Fixit Pack SF2 WW2 PTO Ventura, Harpoon, Lodestar Adjustment Pak 8/29/2017 -- For the WW2 players -- This package contains a new, modified data inis for the following aircraft: Pacific Theatre: Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Early) Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Mid) Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Late) LOckheed PV-2 Harpoon Lockheed C-60 Lodestar (transport/cargo) European Theatre: Ventura Mk.II (RAF) Included are "backed up" copies of the original data inis for each of these aircraft, just for safety's sake. If you have these aircraft already, =THIS= is the pack to use. The full aircraft packages, available here in the CA Downloads, have already been updated for new download users. Reminder - if you have these aircraft already, you do NOT need to redownload the entire aircraft again. = Instructions for Use: unzip to a temp folder or your desktop. Inside, you'll find two main subfolders: PTO ETO As most of the USN variants (and the Lodestar it seems!) were used in the Pacific, all those Ventura's are here, in the PTO folder. Copy/paste the various /Objects folder DIRECTLY over the original /Objects folder in your WW2 PTO-centric mods folders. -- For the RAF Ventura Mk.II, do the same thing, excepting you're now doing it to your WW2 ETO-centric mods folder. This was done simply as a "make it easier" for me to upload. Go fly. Good Hunting!! Kevin "Wrench" Stein Updated 8/29/2017 All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without Small adjustment to some FM parameters. Destroyed model referenced to a stock 3W aircraft, available in all versions Submitter Wrench Submitted 09/01/2017 Category ini File Edits  
  13. Version 2.0.0


    SF2 WW2 PTO Ventura, Harpoon, Lodestar Adjustment Pak 8/29/2017 -- For the WW2 players -- This package contains a new, modified data inis for the following aircraft: Pacific Theatre: Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Early) Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Mid) Lockheed PV-1 Ventura (Late) LOckheed PV-2 Harpoon Lockheed C-60 Lodestar (transport/cargo) European Theatre: Ventura Mk.II (RAF) Included are "backed up" copies of the original data inis for each of these aircraft, just for safety's sake. If you have these aircraft already, =THIS= is the pack to use. The full aircraft packages, available here in the CA Downloads, have already been updated for new download users. Reminder - if you have these aircraft already, you do NOT need to redownload the entire aircraft again. = Instructions for Use: unzip to a temp folder or your desktop. Inside, you'll find two main subfolders: PTO ETO As most of the USN variants (and the Lodestar it seems!) were used in the Pacific, all those Ventura's are here, in the PTO folder. Copy/paste the various /Objects folder DIRECTLY over the original /Objects folder in your WW2 PTO-centric mods folders. -- For the RAF Ventura Mk.II, do the same thing, excepting you're now doing it to your WW2 ETO-centric mods folder. This was done simply as a "make it easier" for me to upload. Go fly. Good Hunting!! Kevin "Wrench" Stein Updated 8/29/2017 All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without Small adjustment to some FM parameters. Destroyed model referenced to a stock 3W aircraft, available in all versions
  14. View File KAW/Post War B-29 & RAF Washington B.1 Data ini Fixit Pack SF2 KAW & Post-War B-29 & Washington B.1 Adjustment Pak 8/31/2017 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This package contains a new, modified data in for the Post-War and KAW era B-29 Superfortress, and the RAF Washington B.1. Also included is a "backed up" copy of the original data ini, just for safety's sake. For those with the skill to copy/paste, you can use this data ini for your WW2 PTO B-29 as well. You'll only need to copy/paste the TOP section of the original data ini from your WW2 B-29 into this new one. If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use. Both of the full aircraft mods, available here in the CA Downloads, have already been updated for new users. Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do =NOT= need to redownload the entire aircraft again. = Instructions for Use: unzip to a temp folder or your desktop. Copy/paste the B-29_data.ini (and B-29_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into the KAW/Post-War B-29's folder. Do the Same for the Washington B.1. Copy/paste BOTH supplied data inis into the WashingtonB1 folder. Go fly. Good Hunting!! Kevin "Wrench" Stein Updated 8/31/2017 Changes: All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without Small adjustment to some FM parameters. Submitter Wrench Submitted 08/31/2017 Category ini File Edits  
  15. looking that over, I see some that I'm pretty sure have been done, in partucular the B-29. I "think" I uploaded a newer version, possibly the KAW or Post-War versions with fixed HBs. I"ll have to recheck! Looking at the list, oddly, the WW2 F4U-4 has perfect boxes. Which means that I induced the issue on the KAW ones. I'll get on those as soon as I can! Thanks for pointing them out
  16. the only real difference between that and the 'standard' Trop, is the dust filter, built and installed at the Aboukir Modification center (next door to Alexandria). While it would be nice, simply as eye candy, it' not a necessary thing for the Western Desert. besides, there ain't (hardly) nobody building WW2 stuff anymore, so what would be the point?
  17. F-16C Windhover Squadron (Ace Combat 6)

    Moved to the proper category, "What If.." skins. As it not a real bird. But a vERY nice skin!!
  18. View File SF2 WW2 PTO B-26B Marauder Adjustment Pak SF2 WW2 PTO B-26B Marauder Adjustment Pak 8/29/2017 -- For the WW2 PTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This package contains a new, modified data in for the B-26 Marauder, as used in the PTO (Southwest Pacific ie: New Guinea) during WW2. Also included is a "backed up" copy of the original data ini, just for safety's sake. If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use. The full aircraft, available here in the CA Downloads, has already been updated for new users. Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do NOT need to redownload the entire aircraft again. = Instructions for Use: unzip to a temp folder or your desktop. Copy/paste the B-26_data.ini (and B-26_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into the B-26's folder in you PTO-centric mods folder. Go fly. Good Hunting!! Kevin "Wrench" Stein Updated 8/29/2017 Changes: All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without Small adjustment to some FM parameters. Destroyed model referenced to a stock 3W aircraft, available in all versions Submitter Wrench Submitted 08/29/2017 Category ini File Edits  
  19. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 WW2 PTO B-26B Marauder Adjustment Pak 8/29/2017 -- For the WW2 PTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This package contains a new, modified data in for the B-26 Marauder, as used in the PTO (Southwest Pacific ie: New Guinea) during WW2. Also included is a "backed up" copy of the original data ini, just for safety's sake. If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use. The full aircraft, available here in the CA Downloads, has already been updated for new users. Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do NOT need to redownload the entire aircraft again. = Instructions for Use: unzip to a temp folder or your desktop. Copy/paste the B-26_data.ini (and B-26_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into the B-26's folder in you PTO-centric mods folder. Go fly. Good Hunting!! Kevin "Wrench" Stein Updated 8/29/2017 Changes: All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without Small adjustment to some FM parameters. Destroyed model referenced to a stock 3W aircraft, available in all versions

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