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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Menrva, which, in particular are of concern?? A lot of the transport planes (usually!) aren't in a combat zone (well, we all know that's NOT really true). I'm dealing with 3rd party add ons. Give me a list and I'll see what can be done Truer words! Sometimes it takes longer to dial in say, fuel cells in the fuselage & wings to make sure they're INSIDE the structure than anything else (case in point: the Me-262 -- was all kinds of messed up!!)
  2. View File SF2 WW2 ETO B-26 Marauder Data Ini Adjustment Pack SF2 WW2 ETO B-26B/G Marauder Adjustment Pak 8/29/2017 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This package contains a new, modified data in for the B-26 Marauder, as used in the ETO (Northern Europe) during WW2. Also included is a "backed up" copy of the original data ini, just for safety's sake. If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use. The full aircraft, available here in the CA Downloads, has already been updated for new users. Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do NOT need to redownload the entire aircraft again. = Instructions for Use: unzip to a temp folder or your desktop. Copy/paste the B-26_data.ini (and B-26_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into the B-26's folder in you ETO-centric mods folder. Go fly. Good Hunting!! Kevin "Wrench" Stein Updated 8/29/2017 Changes: All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without Small adjustment to some FM parameters. Submitter Wrench Submitted 08/29/2017 Category ini File Edits  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 WW2 ETO B-26B/G Marauder Adjustment Pak 8/29/2017 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This package contains a new, modified data in for the B-26 Marauder, as used in the ETO (Northern Europe) during WW2. Also included is a "backed up" copy of the original data ini, just for safety's sake. If you have this aircraft already, THIS is the pack to use. The full aircraft, available here in the CA Downloads, has already been updated for new users. Reminder - if you have this aircraft already, you do NOT need to redownload the entire aircraft again. = Instructions for Use: unzip to a temp folder or your desktop. Copy/paste the B-26_data.ini (and B-26_Data - copy.ini) You know, copy them BOTH into the B-26's folder in you ETO-centric mods folder. Go fly. Good Hunting!! Kevin "Wrench" Stein Updated 8/29/2017 Changes: All hit boxes reset or newly created for those components without Small adjustment to some FM parameters. Different (stock) destroyed model referenced
  4. I base the min/max off the bounding boxes, then the collision point (hit box?) off the bounding box, and adjust as necessary. Especially for tail draggers, that only have a single "fuselage" mesh -- this reinforces the absolute NEED for 3d modelers to break up the fuselage mesh into "nose", "fuselage", and "tail". The same thing with wings, they must be cut into an inner and outer set. when I was flight testing the Ventura after the box adjustments, the damn thing crashed due to the "tail" damage because the HB was too far down. Yup, it's collision points that really mess me up!
  5. Here's what I have for my X-4. Test and see how it works: the major problem is, in game you can't have an wire guided* A-A missile, so it reverts to being IR guided, with growl *nor any other type. this was tested and tested and restes in the early 2000s when these were "popular". Nothing else seems to work.
  6. 13 Rue de Ripoli....

    Anyone that's ever seen this movie will know the reference of this thread title (which I"m sure I spelled wrong..) Afficianodos of aviation films will appriciate this lost little gem from Hollywood. I'm talking about 1948's "FIghter Squadron", staring actors and, most importantly, P-47 Thunderbolts. If you've never seen it, take the time. The flying sequences are worth it (both the archival combat footage and the 'new' shots for the film. It's never been released on video (tape or disc) that I know of...but someone uploaded the full movie to YouTube. Enjoy!
  7. <cough> Azon bomb The X-4 should already have it
  8. moved to a more appropriate forum. to the answer the question, not that many remain. 3rd Wire for the various DLC packages (well worth the money, and they're inexpensive!) CombatAce (of course!! and the best) Capun's site (good luck with that!) yakarov has a place for his helos -- https://strikechoppers.wordpress.com/
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  10. with cockpits, one could re-add the moved items, back where they came from. But that was in SF1. In SF2, it might not work. BTW, just looking at the heirarchy, you wouldn't be trying to do the 'remove bits' to a ground object, would you?. AFAIK, that dosen't work (at least not when I've tried it)
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  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. yes, that's the "parent mesh". Unfortunately, it'll remove all the "child" meshes as well
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  16. and that's on a 63% map, iirc!! good screenies!!
  17. don't forget, you'll need the TW exporter to finalize the lod into 3rd Wire format
  18. my friend, could you please check in to the CAF forum?? Some futher work is needed on the CF-100 I, and the community, thank you!!
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  20. thanks Jordi! Hope things go well with him, and he stays safe!!
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  22. NOW, you all know WHY I put those "items" in the terrains!!!
  23. also the "parkingchance=" percentages. If you lower them, they won't generate as many large birds on the ramps. the best solution, of course, would be to rebuild all 6 airfield's inis, using Mue's Target Area Editor, and move the large parking slots based upon the largest aircraft available (both in length and wingspan).
  24. Guess where I was today.

    I tell this to everyone going to Las Vegas: Check the timetables at Nellis AFB. (way back when =1990s early 2000s=) it used to be Tuesdays and Thursdays (iirc) you could take tours of the T-Bird's facility. It's WELL worth it!!
  25. Site Updates

    I might have to have that app!! I know it doesn't get said enough, but thanks again Erik for EVERYTHING you do for us and this site!!

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