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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I wish I could release the Clunk! It still needs quite a bit of LOD refining and skin work (like serials and such!!) I'm keeping YOU in mind, Frenchie, when help is needed
  2. @Wrench: PT boat weps

    that 37 is most definately from a P-39 -- that's how their magazines were in that weird circular shape
  3. and you're not running into problems with The Wall, expecially in the Baltic?? -- Required Screenie --
  4. wasn't that the point of the excercise? to remove the 'external' canopy framing of the aircraft's lod?? well, then, you need to start running down individual node names of the framing in the cockpit lod, and remove them in the cockpit.ini. Or, just don't look up Just out of curiosity, which Hind it?
  5. well, one must first know the node name in the _data ini, try this: in the main component listings, for example... ]Fueselage[ ShowFromCockpit=FALSE (or if NOSE, same thing)
  6. X Wing remod?

    me wants!!
  7. then, you aren't looking hard enough. I've found plenty of resources on Japanese weapons. Unfortunately, I never bookmarked the sites. I do, however, have a FM on their "Explosive Ordanance" In truth, neither the IJA or IJN had a large selection. The naval guns were more "dual purpose" like the US or RN (including the 18 inchers) The ground forces really did have a rather limited number of weapons.
  8. that would be my thoughts as well, somehow pivioting the entirety of the aircraft (possibly via thrust vectoring?). It seems a bit far to go though.
  9. on the colored tails Ponies, lower the serial number decal about 0.05 (or at most, 0.10). That should center it in the "square"
  10. I like it! For Florian's Orion?
  11. remember, that doesn't exist in 1stGen games, only SF2
  12. probably not, as the thrust line is straight-through the centerlilne. There's no way to make a "tailsitter" out of it. Been tried for long time. You might be able to make "fake" landing gear, holding the aircraft at an angle, but takeoff and landings will still be probelematic. In 2010 I did a bunch of rezamping, but don't remember what my final results were. Have to find, it, and go back and see. I know for certain, it would need complete remapping, as it really doesn't have a skin (per se).
  13. might want to ammend you credits, as the original F-86A skins, with 99.9% accurate serials (as are ALL my KAW Sabre skins) Even the E and F models, those are all mine too. unless, of course, you wasted all sorts of time reinventing the wheel... all these have been available for several in my KAW Sabre Packs
  14. USS Ling, SS-297

    how sad. I hope you can find those pics, Ed!!
  15. they just do that there's nothing that can be done (that I remember). TGA vs TGA issues
  16. http://combatace.com/forum/189-adding-weapons/
  17. since someone couldn't be bothered to put a response in English .. let alone necrothreading a post from over a year ago.... a translation
  18. Was is a goof in the _types. ini?? I've had that myself. Also, did you put all the bits INTO the terrain's folder, or are you using it from the /GroundObjects folder?? just curious, as your edit says you fixed it
  19. Learn your callsign

    Blaster Boomer ???? sounds a bit gassy to me.....
  20. to give them more "hang time", increase the drag. that what I had to do for the para-flares I made for KAW
  21. Happy Birthday Star Wars!

    On this day in 1977, Episode IV A New Hope premiered! been a long time!!
  22. Proud Manchester

    We're with you!
  23. just to let you all know, I moved this thread from The Pub to here, as it'll be seen more often by those that can assist. Enjoy!

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