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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. XvT ship patch?

    CRAFT MODEL FROM B-Wing B-Wing.opt BOP TIE Defender TieDel.opt XW Missile boat Mislbt.opt XW Medium transport Rebtuna.opt BOP Modif corvette Corvta.opt BOP Modif.frigate Friga.opt BOP Passenger liner C-3 Pasngr.opt XW Scout craft Patrlb.opt XW Lt cal.crs MC-40a Ltcal.opt XW Container transport Frtc.opt XW Carrack cruiser Crusa.opt XW ================== Table with new crafts for BOP CRAFT MODEL FROM TIE Defender TieDel.opt XW Missile boat Mislbt.opt XW Passenger liner C-3 Pasngr.opt XW Scout craft Patrlb.opt XW Ltcal. crs MC-40a Ltcal.opt XW Container transport Frtc.opt XW Carrack cruiser Crusa.opt XW this list above dosen't really mean anything, but I'd found this listing of opts (physical models), and wanted to put it someplace where I wouldn't lose it. (it should also be noted that several craft listed are already STOCK in XvT/BoP) I've also found a copy of the old Draconis ship patch, unzipped, and was looking it over as well. Comparing it to the ship pack above, it almost seems that one dosen't need to hack the game exe, like the DSP provides a 'new one', but this newer ship patch seems to only need certain files edited. Of course, one also needs the opt, pnl, int and a couple other files placed in the various folders. It also looks like a simple edit of the SPECDESC.txt in the main folder, that - believe it or not!!-- already has most of the craft listed. More exploration of this is ongoing
  2. File Name: XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Pursuit of Brightness File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 December 2016 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Pursuit of Brightness 12/11/2016 In this set, your Task Group will be chasing down and destroying the Rebel Cruiser Brightness, seen escaping in the previous missions (NTB 02). For this, you have been transfered to the Nebulon-B Frigate Skylark, under command of Admiral Malp. CRV Astra has been assigned to Malp's Task Group. See to it that this Rebel ship never returns to it's base!! These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000 Click here to download this file
  3. Version


    XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Pursuit of Brightness 12/11/2016 In this set, your Task Group will be chasing down and destroying the Rebel Cruiser Brightness, seen escaping in the previous missions (NTB 02). For this, you have been transfered to the Nebulon-B Frigate Skylark, under command of Admiral Malp. CRV Astra has been assigned to Malp's Task Group. See to it that this Rebel ship never returns to it's base!! These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
  4. both versions of the TE are in the downloads section ... Tool/Utilities or something like that
  5. fuselage decals only need the fore-aft and up-down coords. (meaning: only 2 entries, actually, that goes for all decals, just fore aft/ up down or left right/ fore aft for wings and such)
  6. only three (really 2) alignments are allowed Friendly Enema Neutral (which will appear as "red" enemy on the inflight maps) anything places in a "neutral zone" will be ignored by both side. What I don't remember is, will any air defense units left over there do anything. My gut says no, but can't really remember.
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  9. of course you can specificy certain types of SAMs to a location ... I've been doing it for years (especially when the exact type's location is known from kmzs or other map/photo sources) BUT... due to internal errors in the game's code, "direct called" SAMs & their associated radars will NOT show up on any RWR (vector, 3-ring or TEWS). Only the 'generic' callouts will generate RWR readings. A real pisser for someone like me that wants a much geophysical accuracy as possible
  10. this "basic" region, but extending at minimum 500 miles further west, north and east. Some parts of Tunisia, Libya, etc would still be required, to say nothing of the needed airfields on Corsica and Sardinia (and southern France, northern Italy, southern Germany -ignoring Switzerland- and the Balkan states. I don't actually see it happening, unfortunately. What with most of the Axis (and many Allied) aircraft no longer available to the General End User ™. And the general malaise in major modding, with referenced to a project of this size. To say nothing of all the work involved in starting (especially FINDING) a new DEM, and building the world zone from scratch.
  11. what Gepard said also, TFD tool. I used it to cut a river canyon through some mountains on the (unfinished) CBI map. But one must be VERY careful, or you'll have a valley where you don't want it
  12. not for Gen1 -- when editing weapons, you need to create/update the WeaponsData.Dat file, as well as the WeaponsData.Ini.. Only the weapons editor can do that. The 1stGen WE is in the downloads section, or should still be available at 3rd Wire
  13. Boeing 281

    VERY NICE!!!!
  14. Indeed. Welcome to the club. Considering I was the one that MADE the EAF Mc.205 all those years ago. And historically correct markings for VMF(N)-513's Skyknights in Korea. Pity the model needs so much revamping. It's quite old and really long in the tooth
  15. yess, the tool only ready TFD/HFD style terrains. Even the Lod Viewer can't see the IcelandNA terrrain (maybe too big??)
  16. that's because you're using a 1stGen game. Naval battle groups WILL generate in SF2, when SF2:North Atlantic as part of the merged install. Otherwise, you'll have to find a way to build scripted missions with the various Surface Action Groups assembled (read: hand built). OTH, you can create "clones" of warships labeled as "CARGOSHIP", but that also caused a shit load of issues. Wev'e been doing that for many, many years. But, like i said, does cause issue (in both SF and SF2)
  17. the first question should be: what KIND of ships??? warships? cargo vessels (ie: all civilian shipping)??? both series 1 & 2 will generate convoys of ships (for A-S missions) only from those with a GroundObjectRole= CargoShip. Warships won't show up. And there's some random oddities that seem to favor one type over another, usually based on what/which appears first in the GO listings.
  18. Dutch, British, and US wrecks illegally salvaged.

    Indeed. No respect for those that gave their lives so many years ago, to protect them.
  19. IsLandingLight=FALSE was done 10+ years ago for Simon Porter's Firefly, for it's searchlight. Still, though, only on with the position lights. (as all lights are linked together via the on/off switch). It didn't illuminate much in front, but one can try fiddling with brightness and the LightSrcOffset= LightSrcRange= LightRange= figures and yes, Mue's tool will give you the X/Y/Z coords to place it
  20. not sure I"d open 2 sessions of the TFD tool and compare them if possible (didn't know there WAS another version!!)
  21. yeah, one of my rebuilds. http://combatace.com/files/file/11286-america-southwest-texasmexico-for-sf2/ mind you, this is what you asked for -- America Southwest (Texas/Mexico), aka: ASW If you're asking about the California/Nevada/Arizona map (aka SCal, for Southern California), that would be this one: http://combatace.com/files/file/8146-southern-california-ver-20/ this is in the 1stGen downloads, so it'll need the SF2 statements added to the data ini. I do have an updated (slightly) version, with a water bmp. But in general, the map is rather poor and nowhere near full scale there's also a "hot fix" (that may or may not fix!!!) http://combatace.com/files/file/8153-socal-hotfix/
  22. I will certainly try! I see him once in a while posting on FB This coming Monday I'm going to for 2 eye surguries (cataract and glacauma), but should be operational with the left eye! (I hope!). The Dr said it's not going to change my already defective vision (corena issues) but will help in other ways Hangar screens are still pretty easy -- as was discussed in the Thread.
  23. I stand corrected... It appears that certain parts of the FM hadn't been finished the last time we worked on it (May of this year). So, my apologies -- it has NOT been released yet must contact Do335, as he was the last one fiddling with it

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