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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I stand corrected... It appears that certain parts of the FM hadn't been finished the last time we worked on it (May of this year). So, my apologies -- it has NOT been released yet must contact Do335, as he was the last one fiddling with it
  2. CL, I'd check the SF2 downloads "What If..." section. I'm pretty sure we (Cocas & Co.) Released it
  3. other than the fact that nothing of C5's site has been updated since (maybe) 2009!!! Those are best left in SF1/Wo* best to find direct SF2 versions here at CA
  4. Wouldn't it simpler to just try and locate SF2 versions of the aircraft in question? (and you'd still need to tell us which ones they are)
  5. oh my!!! very nice!!!!
  6. that REALLY does look good!!! do you plan on using the "rachet" sound for the gears, like I did for Monty's??
  7. far be it that end users ™ should actually learn how to use the 1stGen weapons editor -- which has several tutorials in the SF/Wo* Knowledge Base on it's use -- and do things wrong just because they're convenient or too lazy to do it right. PLEASE, I beg you, stop posting these "wrong turns". It's not helping the new users or the community as a whole.
  8. Link below to the ready-to-use SF2 versions of the F-5 http://combatace.com/files/category/620-f-5/ Carlo, yup. indeed.
  9. Bob Hoover is dead ?

    saw him perform in the Aero Commander once, a long time ago. Hell of pilot!!! 'another eagle has flown unto to sun'
  10. that won't and dosen't fix the problem...which is with the F-5s tanks. That would only prove that something can be loaded onto those hardpoints. Which we already know is possible. Did you install the weapons correctly, or just dumped things into the /objects folder? Did you follow the correct steps in installing the weapons Have the center line and tip tanks been converted for use in SF2? There are major differences in how the weapons are set up from 1stGens to SF2. Have you actually LOOKED into the weapons folder for the 2 types of tanks (if the tanks have been updated to folderized versions) to see if the required main ini, data ini, "skin" (jpg or bmp) and tank lods are present? Things don't just drop in from 1stGen to SF2 without a little work, or downloading an SF2 weapons pak wherein all have been converted already
  11. I have redone ALL the hit boxes for the post-war Superforts. I've just never gotten around to posting them. Several other small changes, too. (like adding a figure in the tail gunner position) Try this. The tail gunner uses the rear facing figure from the (A)B-26 Invader Reminder: this is for POST WAR B-29s ONLY (haven't done the WW2 version yet, but it'll be pretty much the same) B-29_DATA.7z
  12. zip the map, and it should attach just fine
  13. it that lockup on ALL terrains, or just WW2 maps? I'd test on the standard Desert or Range first. Worry about carriers later. lock at 100% is most likely an aircraft fault.
  14. wouldn't do any good...the models were revamped for SF2 (the lods have been changed) don't see why you couldn't add an "invisible" skid 1/2 meter below the bottom of the aircraft, though. It'd have to be pretty large however (like, the size of the plane) or rewrite all the collision points, but that would through everything else (damage boxes, etc) out of wack)
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  16. why aren't you using WBS's Essex/Tico class?? He built them specially for use in WW2 and Korea
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  18. Who's going to be the new President?

    Cthulhu Why vote for the lesser evil???
  19. I think they mean something like these: (done like 10 year ago! -- the SF2 ones that is! <g>)
  20. i have 2 maps of the Shanghai region (east and west), dated 1954, but based on Japanese 1942 data, and some earlier surveys dating to 1917. They're yours if you want 'em. I can't find any of my other maps, that I used for the WW2 China terrain remod. But I'll keep searching the archives.
  21. at some point in time, I really should finish off the CBI terrain......
  22. unfortunately, you can't remove/hide meshes on Ground Objects, only aircraft. OTH, this one wonders if a "damaged or destroyed" model could be added? But, again, if its "under water"....????? (playing too much Atlantic Fleet, methinks! <g>)
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