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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I don't remember if Veltro ever finished his Sunderland... BTW, it was RAF 88 and 209 Squadrons that had detachments at Iwakuni. The little info I have shows them in "all white" sea search scheme the TBM-3 pak should still be in the 1stGen downloads someplace. Since it's DAT ... well, no LOD I have the MAX files for the B-45, but nobody wants to pick it up and finish it.
  2. SB-17 is USAF used for SAR -that's the one with the lifeboat (we don't have one) OTH, we do have the PB-1W Navy Fortress, used for radar picket patrols PB4Y-2 Privateer is USN - no such aircraft exists. used for patrol and ELINT TBM-3 used only by USN. I did it some years back .... none of these have any actual usage in game, excepting maybe the PB-1W as is main mission tasking is "NAVAL_SEARCH"
  3. Battle of the Titans

    But still, all in all, this is an OUTSTANDING game, and a bargin at the 10 USD price. My most sincere compliments to the whole Killerfish team!! I'm enjoying the hell out of it!! Now....any thoughts for something in the Pacific????
  4. Yamato Museum

    awesome! thanks for sharing!!!!
  5. You just admitted you're downloading from a pirate site. Aiding, abetting, supporting and condoning. If you purchased them, download them from the 3rd Wire site. We're done here ... this thread is closed, and no one will be assisting any further
  6. PlumberPig: We do NOT condone ANYTHING to do with pirated material. You are most definately in violation of site policy (and probably international copywrite?) in the promotion and use of pirated/stolen material (namely, all the SF2 series from the site linked above). Don't do it again ... this is your first and only warning. as has been said, spent the money and buy the real games from the real site of the real person that built them.
  7. is there a textureset.ini INSIDE the skin folder, properly set up for that new skin? That's also required
  8. Hi all.

  9. File Name: Afghanistan Terrain (Modern -2003 & Later) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 25 February 2011 File Category: Full Terrains Afghanistan (Modern - 2003 & Later) Terrain == For SF2, Full-4 Merged -ONLY- (and/or SF2:I) == MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS are SF2 and SF2:I, as it uses the IsraelME tileset -- the tiles are NOT included. However, during the rebuild process I did test it with Stary's enhanced IME tile set. Several new tiles have been added for his specific tile set. They ARE included. But DO NOT USE THEM if using the STOCK IME tiles -- there are 'matching tiles' for the stock set, already set up to be used. See the "To Install" for more information. (meaning: right now, it's pointing to the IsraelME.cat) This is a small update/upgrade of Gepard's Afghanistan terrain, bringing it more up-to-date "Modernish", with regards to Allied Operations against the Taliban and other various Bad Guys ™. All airfields have been replaced with 'stock', more Western/NATO looking, as (re)constructed by Western Forces after their arrival in-theatre. (unfortunately, when matching the airfiled types to 'real world' types, you now lose the ability to base aircraft needing the LARGE Runway 4 - B-52s, B-1s, etc) You =MUST= have the Gepard's original terrain to install this to. You can download it from the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/10404-afghanistan-terrain-version-10/ It will be needed for the various theatre-specific GroundObjects, and Nation.ini modifications. It should also be noted, that EricJ's 'enhanced targets' ini is NOT incorporated into this mod. Due to changes in the types of runways used now, that mod is, unfortunately, NO LONGER COMPATIBLE with this one. The "LimitedNations" and "AllowedMissonTypes" statements have been edited to more reflect the 2003 and later timeframe (I'm sure a left out a NATO component or 2; please feel free to add whichever country I've missed! And let me know which ones!) Remember -- this is just a small, minor overhauling. No real major changes. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Special Thanks to EricJ, who asked for this upgrade, and his invaluable assistance. And to all our Fighting Forces in the far-flung regions of the world. Click here to download this file
  10. also, don't confuse a "file" (like an ini or bmp or tga) with a "folder", the the aformentioned Objects, Terrains, Effects, etc. Files go INTO folders
  11. already been done, my friend. I did one about 3-4 years back I DO like the 3 tone, though!!! http://combatace.com/files/file/12639-ethiopian-air-force-f-86f-40-sabre-skin-decal-pak/
  12. does it say anything, anywhere about "you have to find and/or supply your own cockpit"??? or is the cockpit, cockpit ini, avionics ini and adjustement to each aircraft main ini included? I'm not going to download, unzip and examine something I don't need (as all mine work, and always have) just to find that out. It should have just been a drag and drop, with all necessary parts provided (yes, including the 3w A-6A cockpit and all it parts.)
  13. then what you need is an entirely new lod, that's set up the way you require
  14. it's a CONTROLER issue have you tried recalibrating the keyboard inputs??? if not, I suggest doing the smart thing, and get a joystick; even a cheep one
  15. have you tried doing it the 'regular way", as a "remove component' in the AircraftData section? fer example.....
  16. that's not likely to happen, as Wolf has Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong since left the community, and took his Max files with him. (although, iirc, the DAT managed to get them somehow....wouldn't give them to the Mainstream ™ community when asked, however) the lod does date from 2005. Unfortunately, all Wolf's Mustang's suffer from some issue or another, usually a mapping problem near the tail
  17. for the IR growls, they are more "global" meaning all IR missiles use the same one BUT... say for instance, you want the Atolls and Aphids to use another. IIRC, that should be readily changable in each weapon's data ini (as SF2 uses seperate ones for each weapon --- Caveat---- you'll need to extract the main, stock WeaponsData.ini, place in in the /objects/Weapons folder and edit it there, otherwise it'll revert back to the stock sound. If anyone knows for sure if that WON'T work, please correct me!) EDIT-- !!! opps --IRGrowl & IRGrowlLock are in the SOUNDLIST.ini!!! my bad. I know you can replace the wav with a "same named" wav, but don't know if you can add another or how to link to a specific missile As to changing the years, the instructions I wrote have always worked, in all versions of the game. Places not to change them are aircraft's data ini weapon's data ini (unless completely incorrect) terrain operations span -- and there ARE several that ain't right. Those have long since been corrected.
  18. was downloading the A-6 Super Pak not an option for some reason?? http://combatace.com/files/file/12897-a-6-superpack/
  19. have you LOOKED in the Knowledge Base? I know for a fact there are at least 3 entries on "how to fix the year spread" issue
  20. yup, one enemy airbase, at the very least, is required. On ALL maps
  21. IL-2 '46 on GoG?

    did i see this right??? and for less than 5 dollars??? would it be worth it?? (haven't played IL-2 since the original a zillion years ago!!)
  22. should have stated that in the announcement, doncha think???
  23. IL-2 '46 on GoG?

    that looks pretty damn amazing. you all know i'm a "WW2 PTO kinda guy"

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