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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. yes, quite easily. import the IsrealME tile set**, and then create the transitions from the (iirc) GermanyCE-ish tiles that PB used. Not an issue, just massivley time consuming as all the "real" mid East will need to be tiled by hand. and DON'T forget the rivers and lakes (including the man-made ones). And the Suez Canal (but not really needed...) ** including the 'specials' and expansion tiles I used for the IME and Isreal 2 rebuilds
  2. one would need to create a *_water.bmp, and add the correctly colored "CV zones" and hope for the best. I remember when PureBlue released it, I said "there's a lot of vacant land in the south". In theory, it'd be usable (read: retiled and targeted) for those regions in Syria, Lebanon and Israel.
  3. Star Wars Screenshot/Vids

    For Carrie....
  4. Something A Little Different

    also seems a bit like "Steamboy", as well. There's a "war of the worlds" follow up anime that I've seen on (iirc) Netflix. Lots of large mecha to counter an 2nd Martian invasion
  5. File Name: XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Scavenger Suppression File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 December 2016 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Scavenger Suppression 12/25/2016 For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version This is the fourth of 20 full battles for Imperial players, covering the time frame from before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire. In this set, you are now attached to ISD Commandant. You have been tasked to track down and destroy a group of pirates known as "The Scavengers", who are most likely in colusion with the Rebels. Under Admiral Malp's command, FRG Skylark, CRV Astra and his ISD, have been ordered to clean up the mess this sector has become. See to it that order is restored, and Imperial commerce can thrive. These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added lots of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000 For Carrie 12/27/2016 Click here to download this file
  6. Version


    XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Scavenger Suppression 12/25/2016 For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version This is the fourth of 20 full battles for Imperial players, covering the time frame from before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire. In this set, you are now attached to ISD Commandant. You have been tasked to track down and destroy a group of pirates known as "The Scavengers", who are most likely in colusion with the Rebels. Under Admiral Malp's command, FRG Skylark, CRV Astra and his ISD, have been ordered to clean up the mess this sector has become. See to it that order is restored, and Imperial commerce can thrive. These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added lots of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000 For Carrie 12/27/2016
  7. Hey Everyone....

    Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to everyone!!!!!
  8. Terror attack in Berlin

    and why waste a perfectly good rubber boat? sharks gotta eat, too.......
  9. It's a Kaiju Christmass!

    As always, the El Rey Network is doing it's annual Godzilla fest for the holidays!! http://www.elreynetwork.com/schedule Long Live the King of the Monsters!!!
  10. don't hold your breath ... Veltro's pretty much left.
  11. XvT ship patch?

    has anyone seen and/or tried this ship patch for the GoG version of Xvt?? As seen on the GoG Forums.. https://www.gog.com/forum/star_wars_xwing_and_tie_fighter_series/release_for_xvt_xwa_models_custom_tiedef_bwing_tie_fighter_xwing_battle_conversions_for Read the entire thread, as the orignal link in NFG, but someone posted it further down. I hope to try it next week (if all goes well), and see. If so, it'll add the T/D. But some converted TFCD mission will still require the Missile Boat. Wish we had a new version of the old Draconis Ship Patch!!
  12. thanks. I used period (1940-45) maps of Formosa to assist in target placements. They're as realistic as the game engine and the objects at hand, allows retexturing that strip is pretty easy -- just a simple bmp (or is it a tga? -- can't rememer!!) Bastgone looks pretty good!
  13. I can almost bet (real) money it related to the applied material of the model
  14. XvT ship patch?

    carefull with those, Eset gave me a warning on one of them -- can't remember which one though. One of the things I like from the GoG forum one, is the conveted TFCD missions have wavs and the associated lfd files for them. I need to look them over better. I have gotten the original Draconis Ship patch to work with no issues -- a simple copy & paste of the relevant files, and everything works!! (T/D, MIS, Carack Crs, Contrainer Transport, etc) I've got to finish off the readme, and make sure the install instructions are very plain and easy to follow. But so, far not issues. (one or another of these patches will be needed for many of the upcoming TF 3rd party missions I'm converting to XvT -well, BoP really!)
  15. Yah, I couldn't remember what the RAF sights were --- Mk.II or Mk.III "Ace Maker", and if they were "normal" manually adjustable or the other kind
  16. indeed! Give us the secret!!! we'd had several other mods that used that, and they came up "broken" when transfered from SF1 to SF2
  17. ah, nope. Trust us, Stary got it right on his cockpit the gunsight on the Fagot was a fixed reticle, not lead computing. Nor were any of the Lend-Lease aircraft sent to Russia (P-40, P-39, P-63, etc) Don't confuse reflector gunsights with a lead computing device (ala K-14 that only appeared in the late model Mustangs) Leave it as it was issued
  18. File Name: SF2 WW2 PTO Republic P-47D "Razorback" Thunderbolt by Cocas File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 December 2014 File Category: P-47 SF2 WW2 PTO Republic P-47D "Razorback" Thunderbolt by Cocas 12/24/2014 = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.* This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examinations and so forth. **REMINDER: this pack is for PTO Razorback Jugs -only-!!! And by PTO, this means SoWesPac, NOT CBI, not the Solomons, etc!!! This would include New Guinea, points north and west, and obviously the Philipines. Other theatres will follow as they are completed.** This pak contains 2 complete aircraft, representing the Razorback P-47D-2/D-10 in early/mid 1943, and the later D-15 thru D-20 Razorback Thunderbolt as seen in late 1943 (November-ish) through (nearly the) war's end, in the SoWesPac regions of the PTO (read: 5th AF). Skin(s) included are: P-47D-5 (early model): 340th FS, 348th FG (SWP, mid-1943 scheme w/star-and-ball) P-47D-20 (later model): 340th FS, 348th FG (SWP, late 43/early 44 w/star-and-bar) 310th FS, 58th FG, (SWP/New Guinea region, late 43/early 44) All markings are decals, and Decal randomization is TRUE. The aircraft is finished in standard 0D/Grey, with Southwest Pacfic markings. Please note, SWP Theatre, Squadron and/or Group specific markings -ARE- painted on. The serials herein should be considered "generic" in nature, but ARE for the correct model variant. For the most part, there are NO nose arts, with the exception of a few for the 340th, "borrowed" from Major Lee's 348th FG skin set. All the 1stGen Hangar and/or Loading screens were either rebuilt to SF2-spec, or created new for this package. They are in jpg format, and fit SF2 styling. Damage textures are also new, in DDS format. The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Pilots, sounds, weapons are all included. Templates for this aircraft will be issued as a seperate release, for those skinners that wish to do other units/theatres. As there are several P-74D Razorbacks available, when in game you'll see: P-47D-5 Thunderbolt (CAF)(Mid 43) P-47D-20 Thunderbolt (CAF) on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. This will diferentiate it from any others that are around (Wolf or DAT). For those with the SWP/PTO Razorback mods I've done for Wolf's P-47, this mod is designed to compliment, NOT replace it. However... it's your choice to keep them or not. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as usual, PLEASE!! give the "Notes" section a read, too. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein =for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division= 12/18/2016 Updated - added missing decals Click here to download this file
  19. don't the newer ones that Veltro and I did some years ago include Crusader's "bomb sight mod"??? I know we added it to a bunch.... and if you're flying a heavy at that low altitude....well.... we all know what happened in real life
  20. Apparently, after 72 downloads and 2 years, NOBODY reported that there were some missing decals until 2 days ago?? This has now been fixed. When installing, just overwrite the originals
  21. don't forget that "dirt airfield" lod that montycz made, and I used on the WW2 Formosa map. looking REAL good there Baff!!!
  22. Tomcat on russian carrier

    Love it!!!
  23. XvT ship patch?

    the old Draconis ship patch. absolutely NO issues so far. Other than NOT having the pictures of the added ships in the craft data base (when you go and look at them). But to me, that's a fairly small issue. It was a simple copy/paste of the releveant files, minus the "new" z-xvt-sp.exe (and NOT running the install bat file, which probably dosen't work in Win 7 and higher....). Added the T/D, Mis, Container Transport, Carrack cruiser -- these are important not only for TFCD conversions, but for some of the Imperial mission sets I'm still working on (only 20 more to go!!!) I have to write up instructions, and post it. But it was actually pretty easy. Updates the XvT side to BOP as well.

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