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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. You can't. You aren't a site Admin Just continue the discussion to it's end, and then it'll be moved and locked in the KB
  2. because we don't put discussions into the KB. Only answers. when the discussion is finished, then we can move it.
  3. no, just specific boats. IIRC, the YAP carriers do. Personally, I think it's a waste of polys that could be used elsewhere to improve the ship itself. While nice to have, it's just eye candy
  4. Version


    SF2:I IsraelME Terrain Remod 6/1/2015 = For SF2:I (or any Merged Install) = **Note: This Is A MODERN (1948 and Later) Version -ONLY-!!!** This is a remod of the stock SF2:I IsraelME terrain. It has been extensively retiled, target areas have been expanded and enhanced and so on. BE ADVISED: at this time, it's unknown of these terrain mods will break campaigns-in-progress. To be safe, back up any campaigns-in-progress inis. It is designed to replace, and expand, the existing stock 3W terrain. Stock in-game items have been used as much as possible, although some additional structrues HAVE been added. Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, aren't included (really, there ARE -none- included -use the ones from the Israel 2 terrain remod, as they're the same). Its up to the End User ™ to make sure that you have the theatre-specific (read: Israeli & Arab states) proper items. SF2:I is REQUIRED for this terrain (DOH!), as it references a myriad of IsrealME -only- terrain items. A massive amount of retiling has been performed, with the addition of over 60 new tiles to fill in blanks left in the original set. BE ADVISED: these new tiles match the STOCK styling =ONLY=!! Do NOT use these new tiles in/on any IME terrain with any other tile set. They will not match!! Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, may visually defy gravity and other Universal Laws of Physics, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, even if they might have had strategic or tactical values. You may also experience longer loading times; this is to be expected. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, but =before= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section makes for essential reading. It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with. There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. ok, just to let anyone that's interestesed know that I've been reworking this a bit more since the last post. with accurate charts in my possession, I can start moving and adding items (villages, radar facitlties, etc) to more "real life" locations. Also added the permanent pack above the Arctic circle. What is really needed, and I have no desire to do, is create all new tiles of "tundra" for many of the regions. For now, it remain locked in (semi) eternal winter. My charts show the full, maximum extent of the pack in both winter and "summer". but, it'll be what it'll be. no time frame for re-release as the right eye has taken a turn for the worse (rapidly building cataract). it'll be out when it's out as "version 3"
  7. check the alpha channel it may be "defective", or not saved correctly
  8. Going Rogue

    oh, yeah.....looking forward to THIS one!!!
  9. Two Marines Moving ... an awesome business!

  10. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO Bristol Beaufighter TF.X, v.9 by Cocas 1/2/2016 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.* *Note x2: This mod represents both early and late production Beau TF Mk.X for ETO and MTO** usage ONLY! Seperate versions for other theatres, will be released when and as they are finshed. We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility, at some point in the future, of more work being done. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examination, flying pleasures and so forth.* **= will require new squadron code and/or individual aircraft letter decals. But the paint scheme is the same for MTO usage, in the aircraft lifespan/timeframe. However, SEAC/SoWesPac are completely different, and will require the release of "theatre specific" versions. This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. This package contains 2 complete aircraft, representing the Beaufighter TF Mk.X in both it's iterations. This pack contains the following aircraft & skin/decal sets: Beaufighter TF Mk.X (Early) No.143 Squadron No.236 Squadron No.254 Squadron -- all of North Coates Strike Wing, Coastal Command Beaufighter TF MK.X (Late) No.254 Squadron, CC The TF Mk.X (Early) has the rear flex MG, no radar and no fin extension. The TF Mk.X (Late) is the final produciton verison, with thimble nose radar, rear flex gun, and the tail fin extension. The Squadron Crest is used as the paint chip seen on the Loadout Screen. Skins are in jpg format. Everything is included (weapons, pilot figures, sounds, etc), excepting the guns (you should have all these already). All markings are decals, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. Other squadrons can easily be reproduced by creating new squadon code letters (either for ETO or MTO usage). As is my habit, a sample bmp is left in the Decals folder so you can match the font and size. All serials, while correct for the variant depicted, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no specific aircraft with the unit(s) represented. When in-game, you'll see: Beaufighter TF Mk.X (Early) (CAF) Beaufighter TF Mk.X (Late) (CAF) on the aircraft selection drop-down for this aircraft. The "CAF" (for Cocas Aircraft Factory) will diferentiate these Beaus from any others you may or may not have. It =IS= designed to replace any other Beaus of this type from "other sources". As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein - for Cocas Aircraft Factory -
  11. real French ones are already availalbe
  12. why would having one even be necessary? To cart around James May? All my records show them as post-war mods; haven't turned up anything of them being used "in service" during the war
  13. july 2013 (the final patch) works just fine
  14. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  15. to say nothing of YOUR helicopters, yakarov!!!!
  16. one would need a 3d modeler to build said item(s). as to making 3 tiles, how fucking hard can that be?? (ok, 4 with the needed 3way -still to be done) in truth, reworking this terrain is the best idea, it's just too barren and lifeless. But in 2004, it was one of the very few availalbe
  17. is this in the in-game terrain folder, or the terrain editor's Verdun folder, or both?? If the game one is gone, there is a (slight) possibility they still exist within your terrain editor. Hopefully, you were using the 3W TE, and not any of the other tools, that don't save backups I've absou-frakking-lutely KNOW what that feels like, if any does, it's me!!
  18. I'm looking at them now, just need the 3 tiles (however, I've found some other issues with the terrain that needs fixing, and redoing that as well) The unfortunate fact of the matter is, several thousand of the sea2ice50 need to laid down, and possibly one 3-way tile (sea, snowfield, iceberg (goldberg?) at the lower right edge of "border" I never really liked the "drift ice" on this map ... but what can you do?? Cancun, huh??? Don't go near the cenotes -- they lead to the underwater bases!!!
  19. Quite simple. Neither Major Lee (original creator of the terrain) nor myself made "sea to iceberg" transition tiles Remember, too, the original terrain is over 11 year old and the aliens you're looking for are in Antarctica; the SGC know all about the abandoned Ancient's base
  20. Version


    SF2 WW2 Italian Aircraft Pak = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) - Something for your MTO-Centric Installs - **Note: Having SF2I Expansion Pak 1 is HIGHLY reccomended, as a few of the destroyed models referenced reach over to the stock destroyed C-47A. If you do NOT have Exp1, you will NOT have the burning wreck on the ground. You will have to locate some other destroyed model for use. Also, due to the extensive modifications to the cockpit and data ini, this mod will absolutely -NOT- work in 06 level 1stGen game installs. 08 Level 1stGens may have some issues, but this has not/cannot be tested by me.** This pak contains a reissue of Veltro2K's WW2 Italian Air Force (Regia Aeronautica) aircraft. These are the complete aircraft, with various/sundry changes. This pak contains: Fiat CR.42 "Falco" (will show in-game as "Fiat CR.42 Falco (V2K)" in game) Fiat BR.20 "Cicogna" Medium bomber Piaggio P.108 Heavy Bomber (no name appears to have been given to it) Sounds, weapons, guns are included. New SF-2 compliant Hangar and/or Loading screens were either converted or new builds for this pak. They are, for the most part the "box art" style. The Falco has as many 1stGen skins as I could find, and they've been incorporated into this pak. Most skins remain in their bmp format, but have been slightly resized. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. User lists have NOT been created; consider these non-exported, RA use only aircraft. See "Changes" in the Notes section for more details. When possible, the original release readmes have been included (LloydNB's Falco skins). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! =PLEASE= read the "Notes" section for the change list, and other important notations. Also, the Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft. For those that still have the original releases, it's advised you delete the aircraft and decals folders for them; this pak is designed to replace them in total. **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. The source files have been lost, and there can and WILL be no modifications to the physical model. They 'are as they is' and you must accept them with this caveat in mind. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created** Happy Landings wrench kevin stein
  21. well, duh! it's made for post-war, 1950s Fleet Air Arm useage you'll also notice, i said "based off of" . Oddly enough, the lod, and skin maps are all called "me1110".
  22. How many of you knew about these guys?

    sure did know about them. one of my friends from school, his father served in the 442nd.
  23. what do you think this one is based off of?? http://combatace.com/files/file/16136-supermarine-rapier-f1/

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