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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. which makes no real difference, as they're all mapped the same
  2. stary made an "ejecting pilot mod" several years ago. but for stock, it was never there like in the Janes' series
  3. no, never been able to. something that hard coded in the engine
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  5. first off, are the 109s from Crapun's mods or those available here at CA (based on Russ's 109s)? His stuff (usually) don't match the rest of the SF World's. And, have you downloaded and installed the WW2 Guns and Weapons paks??? (located someplace in the downloads section)
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  7. Spanish Skies

    I think so too. Daniel has the max files, so it should be fixable (at least, I hope he still has them!! )
  8. Spanish Skies

    I've just sent Daniel what I have of the Ar-68, so he can pass it on to you guys. It a complete aircraft, with cockpit (modified Kesselbrut Hurricane pit), bmp skins. I made some generic LW decals, but they're just for stand ins. here's a screen shot of it from a year or two ago. edit: I forgot to include the engine sound, from GregoryP's ww2 AvHistory sounds (Jumo 211 sound)
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  10. the actual question is: why would you need (or want) to? everything was designed and built for the SF environment as a stand-alone mod. You might actually be going backwards, moving it to FE (no disrespect to my FE colleges!) Also, there's a myriad of items that are only found in the various SF cats.
  11. there's also a working SCUD, too. But I can't remember WHERE it went!!
  12. Look at the Iowa's data ini ... the numbers are quite larger (well, given they're for a 16" gun.....) Or the other naval artillery My guess is those could be determined by the base caliber of the weapon. Obviously, a 6" is going to shoot farther than a 105mm It makes me wonder if those numbers allow for standard arty (ballistic arcing trajectory -plunging fire-) or a flat direct fire mode
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  14. SPAD XII Cannon?

    ummm.... If I may interject, as stated in the announement thread and in the aircraft's data ini: what the issue more looks like, is the OP needs to have the Fire_Secondary_Gun key mapped to his controller, and the key for the gun group selection(s) mapped as well
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  17. seriously? you don't know what a file pathway is???? You posted 4 of them in post #15 above. what I'm talking about is the CORRECT pathway for decals to work based upon this tree... (name of mod folder) Objects /Aircraft F-86F 335th ----decals ini within 335th skin folder /Decals F-86F USAF D --decal tgas-- so, then the pathway would read [Decal017] MeshName=VertTail DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=F-86F\USAF\d\Snum Position=-3.947,0.90 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.75 DecalMaxLOD=3
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  20. what the hell kind of pathway is that??? Since the decals ini resides within the specific skin folder, one only needs the path FOR that skin... Using a Sabre as example...(335th FS, 4th FIW) other than the stock decals used (NationName and Insigina), you'll note the pathway to the F-86F main folder in the /Decals folder
  21. read my post again...I'm NOT talking about skins (we assume you DO have a seperate skin for the other squadron), but decals. You'll need a seperate folder that 2nd squadrons decals, along with the correctly written decals ini withIN it's skin folder, pointing to the correct decal folder also, make sure you have have the start and stop numbering for the level 2s correct... (the example below is WW2, for the 6 TBFs flying from Midway during the Battle of I can't make it any simpler
  22. I know there's several posts about it, but easiest is open the options ini, and find this line: ObjectsFade= ??? change it to FALSE You can also change your horizon distance in the game's options panel, and up the detail levels (for ground objects and stuff) otherwise, I know there's some folks messing with maximum draw distances, and all sorts of things. But that above, is the quickest and easiest (that I know)
  23. because you don't have a seperate decals folder that that other skin. If 2 units have differing numbers, and assuming decals are randomized (only Level=2, btw), you'll need a different folder for ANYTHING the other squadron uses. Also assuming there's at least 1 Level=1 decal to activate the squadron name display, and said "squadron specific" decals Switching to another squadron via the mission editor should not remove things like national markings or "service names", (again) assuming those are all Level=0) If, OTH, you used something like Navy VAQ-111 that, being squadron specific, become a Level=1 decal, as it names the squadron
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