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Everything posted by Wrench

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  2. Weapons In FE2

    The gun's entries can be removed (what kind of gun and how much ammo) from the data ini as VonS has shown. however, IF the gun is part of the physical model, there IS a data ini trick to remove that mesh.. However, one needs the LOD and Mue's Lod Viewer. From there, it's just adding a few simple statements to the data ini to remove the component (hereinafter referred to as the "remove component trick"
  3. recon altitudes are hard coded. the alternative would be to hand fly the entire mission at whatever (high) altitude you wish, or build specific single missions, and are hopefully, able to edit the altitude WPs in there
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  6. iirc, mod mafia is working on one; but it'll be SF2 only
  7. Weapons In FE2

    FE2 is set up exactly like SF2 -- Objects/Weapons or Objects/Guns for add ons there is no need for seperate weaponsdata ini or gundata ini in FE2 as they are handled by each individual "objects" sub folder within the 2 main folder ( --/Guns, --/Weapons), that contains the specific (main) ini and data ini. VonS, safe to assume you're on FE1/Gold? In that case, having the items added to the weaponsdata and gun data inis, those 2 inis would reside at the root of the /Objects folder, as was done for many years with SF1. (oddly enough, SF1 at the 08 patch level allowed for folderized storage for new weapons -for the lods and skns- but they still had to be added to the weaponsdata ini, via the Weapons Editor, with said ini residing in the /Objects folder, )
  8. to answer the question, FE2 is a completely seprate game, and does not need any of the SF2 titles to run
  9. why would one even NEED the weapons editor to change simple things (like the sounds or effects)? Weapons' data inis are simple plain text. If you can't do it from there, you shouldn't be messing with it. At all
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  12. Version


    A-4AR FightingHawk, Fuerza Aérea Argentina A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE =and= WoI Introduction, from the ReadMe: This package will create a complete, 'nation specific' aircraft; the A-4AR FightingHawk, as used by the Argentine Air Force. You will also be adding several 'new' Argentinian nation-specific weapons, so get your Weapons Editor of choice warmed up. As stated, this is a COMPLETE aircraft, with ALL parts necessary to -almost- unzip and fly away. I've included ALL the aircraft LODs and Damge tgas, as the A-4F itself is readily availble as a free add-on aircraft from 3rd Wire, and it's internal parts exist in all versions of the game, excepting WoI. This is the main reason it's an 'all inclusive' mod -- WoI does NOT contain the necessary aircraft LODs, and as it's freely available, I reckon it won't voilate the EULA in any way, shape or form. This is an almost complete rebuild of an aircraft created by "Ravens**t" , from 2005. The skin supplied, and possibly the decals, were originaly created by Soulfreak. All the serial numbers are new, created by me. The aircraft is based off the stock 3rd Wire A-4F Skyhawk, and while not a perfect physical match (there are a some exterior changes on the Real Aircraft ™ - such as the ECM/ESM fairing atop the verticle fin, after all, the Real Aircraft ™ were rebuilds of the A-4M), it's close enough until someone builds a correct A-4M body. Loadouts are a 'best guess' based on the eariler FAA Skyhawks, and research on the Web. Ravens**t's original readme is also included, for historical purposes. The cockpit is based off Julheim's "What If..." Kestral, and included a working HUD, CCIP and for WoI users, working Ground Mapping radar. Also included are almost all the avionics, including various and sundry bmps and tgas, from The Mirage Factory's F-16A-10, as they have the best look and feel. Remember: although this is designed for use in ANY of the game, you won't have the GM radar working in SF/WoV/WoE. I have supplied a WoI-only style avionics ini (for use in that game), as at present, it has the only avionics70.dll that supports HUD/CCIP and Ground Mapping radars. So, again: there are 2 avionices inis - you'll be choosing which to use based on what game you install it to. Obviously, after the next patch comes out for SF/WoV/WoE, you'll be using the WoI style one. But that's still a long time off... See the "Selecting the Avionics ini" in the install instructions below There are 2 hangar screen enclosed, one is RS's original for SF/WoV/WoE, and a new one by me for WoI. It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, ---BUT-- you WILL be adding the Agrentine nation specific-weapons. See "Adding Weapons" section below. As you've probably guessed by now, there's an EXTENSIVE readme with hightly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. It's strongly reccomended that you read it through first, before making choices. There's even a screenshot to illustrate a point (aimpoint, actually)! Also, an extensive Rants & Notes section. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein NOTE: package re-uploaded with corrected credits in readme, and this message also corrected .
  13. poke poke poke..... although TK's isn't bad. There are a few skins for it, too. I know I have the 3=tone (edit: changed is to isn't)
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  15. yes, it has been discussed -- several years ago in the WW2 forums. It'd be the same as the working SCUDs & other surface-to-surface missiles we have. The data ini would (could? should?) have to be built using NA-style coding (maybe?), like the pre-existing cruise missiles, which are targetable (with missiles -- in theory, you should be able to intercept with a fast enough aircraft, select the target, and guns-only shoot it).
  16. lack in interest by MODELERS. Thought that was rather clear
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  18. also, folks, need I remind you all of the 25-odd Max files I'm keeping of Coca's unfinished WW2 aircraft == among them are the Buffalo and Havoc/Boston (C version, others are fairy easily made from the base model) All that's required is someone that can work in Max, and has the desire to build WW2 aircraft for the betterment of the FREEware community. Which, it seems, ain't likely to happen.
  19. shouldn't that be inaccessable? (could have been an English major ... i'm always correcting people grammer!) also, given the fact that transports really don't have anything purpose in the game, other than eye candy, what real good would a C-69 be?? Even the EC-121 / WV-2 would only be usable in the "Naval_Search" mode with NA as part of a full - 5 merged. Again, just eye candy, as there's no data link coding in game for "remote radar viewing" (like what Fighters Anthology had -- you could run radar silent, but still "see" using the AWACs data link capabililty)
  20. yes, the 130A is a stock 1stGen aircraft. AI only. Was never brought over to SF2
  21. better check the downloads sections, friend ... Veltro and Co release a 262 over 2 1/2 years ago....
  22. none of those mission statements have ever been activated, either in 1stGens or SF2. And never will be. "Naval_Search" is semi-active, but only in SF2 with SF2:NA as part of the merged install. And all it does is generate AEW aircraft that fly around turning fuel into noise. Without in game data linking (like Fighters Anthology had), they're just eye candy
  23. um...??? if the sites are dead and gone, so are all the files they carried

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