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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. have you perhaps, tried reading the enclosed install instructions, usually provided in the "Read Me" text file??
  2. and what's keeping you from repainting Raven's L-4 -- the template is provided -- into IDF colors???
  3. never been able to 'stack' anything in these games as far back as I can remember doing terrain mods. I know I've tried for years!!!! (unlike the old Fighter's Anthology, where you really could pile things up) Things just tend to "drop" to within each other, probably as Mue says, due to the z-buffer stuff
  4. most, nearly all of the old SF1 sites just simply died...
  5. you won't be saving any space, as all the aircraft (stock ones that is) are already stored in the various cat files in the core install However, one way to save some space is to remove (delete) the mods folders for Expansion Packs 1 & 2 === they've already merged with all you other mods folders, so you really don't need those 2.. If you actually look into the stock folders, you'll find nothing but the aircraft (or ground object's) main ini. Everything else, unless there's a 3rd party add on, is called forth from the aforementioned cat files. So, there's no "space saving" to be found there Also, (defining this for the 100 millionth time), SF2 by design, is merged with itself -- all the core files are available to all the mods folders through their individual executables. Meaning: everything is available to all, at all times. you can, however, remove or delete the various aircraft (and by inference, ground objects) from the other various mods folders. For instance, removing the Israeli aircraft (and tanks) from your SF2E and SF2V mods folder, as they aren't associated with those theaters. But, as said above, you're space saving would be minimal. In your WW2 install. you can remove everything, EXCEPT!!! one player flyable and one AI flyable == it's a trick I learned (and posted somewhere in one of the KBs) many years ago. Having those stock aircraft in a "period specific" install keeps the game engine from respawning ALL the other stuff
  6. Version


    Republic F-84C Thunderjet, 59th FIS, 33 FIW (by RussoUK) =For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended/Preferred,etc) *Expansion Pak 1 may be necessary for WW2 era weapons, if not using the GunnyPak* Some modifications, tweeks, and general fiddlating on Russo's early Thunderjet. AKA: revamping of my very old F-84B/C mod, refocused on just the C model (Bs did a lot of crashing and self-disassembly, and wound up back at the factory, or on 'fire training') Serial/Buzz number are 100% correct for the 33rd FIW; those marked in the Numbers.lst with a star (*) have 100% positively IDed as being from the 59th FIS. All others are, again, from the 33rd, but was unable to 'attach' them to any specific squadron(s) within The Wing. Decal radomazation is set to "TRUE" Like the recently released F-84E & G, it has a new 'experimental' SF2-level flight model, uses the same Sabre drop tanks, and uses the same manual keyed animation (surprise! Shift/0) to open and close the canopy. It also uses the same sound file, not included. The same 'generic-style' hangar screen from the G is included as well. A userlist is included; as these were ONLY used by the USAF, it may be moot! As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff. Good Hunting wrench kevin stein
  7. seriously, do you even look in the downloads sections?? we've had the Topsy since 2005, in Wolf's WW2 planes pak I even did a reskin and ini upgrade in 2008 http://combatace.com/files/file/7097-ki-57-topsy-skin-and-ini-pak/
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  11. indeed, if we have the max files, we can find someone to make any needed fixes. Hopefully!
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  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. I'm in floods of tears here

  15. Halberstadt D.V

    how many skin maps are there? Each skin map needs a coresponding "_holes.tga" (or dds, depending!) so...for example, the stock SE-5A, has in total, 5 _holes.dds, each one "named" to match the various skin map (TK uses numbers to identify each map, unlike 3rd party that usually use the component's name like "fuselage", right wing, etc) SE-5A_1_holes.dds SE-5A_2_holes.dds and so forth the good thing about adding them, even using stock damage textures renamed to fit the skin naming, is that they DON'T have to exactly match the mapping of the skin. You only need to get "close enough" I do this all the time for many of the SF2 addon aircraft I work on. You just need the holes to show up. and, of course, they must reside in the MAIN section of the aircraft's folder (ie: Objects/Aircraft/"name-of-aircraft", where all the inis and lods and such are they aren't that hard to do, really, just open the skin map in your image program of choice, (gimp, PS, etc), the extract the damge textures from the cat, and open which ever one you think might be close enough. Do this for each skin map, place them in the aircraft's folder, and rename to match. Pretty easy!
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  17. correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the RVN air force used the "all six positions" for the national insigina, but followed USAF style; upper left, lower right, and both side of fuselage
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  20. it's not anything to to do with rolling radius ... I don't remember exactly what it was, but there IS a fix for it ... search the forums for "spitfire 22 tail wheel fix" or "DLC 29 Spitfire tail wheel", words to that effect. I remember, vaguely about the fix.. cause the wheel is there on mine
  21. just in case you haven't figured it out, those closed forums are not secret -- they're by invitation only, and exist for the sole purpose of letting the Modders, or groups of Modders, have a nice quite place to work, without the constant interruptions of the general public getting under foot asking about this that or the other. Migbuster's post above really hits the nail on the head. Especially about past incidents of defending the indefensible. I'm not even going to rehash you defense of the theft and reposting of one of my terrains; as that's a "been done thing", and completly unresolveable. So, I'm going to say this publicly, in front of the entire community ... If you feel that we here at CombatAce do not suit your senseabilities, or are not to you general liking, PLEASE leave CA and confine yourself to the DAT forums and downloads. It's patently obvious to most, where you loyalties lie. Or, continue as you are and I'll pass my reccomendations to the Owner, other Admins & Moderators. As I've been personally involved in some of the disputes, I don't want to be lumped into the 'cyber bully' category, even if I am one of the wronged parties. I'll let others take whatever action they deem required
  22. before installing them (the DLCs), RENAME/REMOVE ANY AND ALL OF THE AIRCRAFT AND DECALS IN THAT 48-56 SF2I CAMPAIGN YOUR PLAYING -- OTHERWISE, THEY WILL OVER WRITE THE ONES FROM THAT PACK, AND WILL FUCK THINGS UP SERIOUSLY The above message is brought to you by people that know how things go & happen, and have had to bail out other users in the past for the very same mistake A simple rename of the existing folders will suffice to remove them from the game engine's sight. Remember: these are AI planes, that don't have cockpits, were and are not designed for player usage, and have several other "issues" (in particular the S-199) and you'll have to make them all "Player Usable".

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