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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. from the thread title, I thought he was shooting beer AT the enemy! (what a waste of good beer!!) LOL!
  2. yes, apologies! my mistake! should have said "AI Planes Pack 2". actually, both 1 and 2 are worth it! AI Planes pack 1 has the F-104A, of which I did up a historical Jordanian AF version
  3. File Name: SF2:I REAF/EAF Spitfire Mk.V Trop Pak by Cocas Aircraft Factory File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 January 2014 File Category: Spitfire SF2:I REAF/EAF Spitfire Mk.V Trop Pak by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co (ver 0.9) 1/06/2014 -- Something for the Mid-East -- = For SF2:I, and/or Full-5 Merged +Expansion Paks (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: having whichever expansion pak gave us the Spit Mk. IX is required, as this mod references the stock 3W destroyed Spitfire, and early EAF roundels. It is designed to be =ONLY= used in the SF2:I environment. Anything else is 'at your own risk'. (although it WILL work in a FUll-5 merged +2 Expansion Paks) * This is tagged as Ver 0.9, as we're sure some minor fixes may be required. We wanted to get it out into the hands of End Users ™, both for your flying pleasure, and further examinations. As stated, above this aircraft package is for use ONLY in the SF2I environment, and only between the years of 47-49 (although tagged with a 44 start date). This is required, as the national marking reference ALL stock 3W decals. All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is set to TRUE. You have 26 historical serial numbers, in Arabic characters. Skin included with the package is: EAF: No. 2 Squadron (post-45, just EAF; previous user, REAF) Finished in the Standard Desert Day Scheme, as delivered from RAF stocks during WW2. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. Guns are also grouped, MGs in Group 1, the cannon in Group 2. No weapons or guns are included -you SHOULD already have these-, but the pilot figure and drop tank are. When in game, you'll see: Spitfire Mk.Vb Trop EAF (CAF) on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. This will diferentiate THIS Spitfire from any other EAF Mk.Vs you may (or may not) have. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein -for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division- Changes for verson 0.95: Revamped all hit boxes Click here to download this file
  4. Version 0.95 uploaded I've revamped and corrected ALL the hit boxes. If you have the original version, just redownload and install directly on top of your existing version.
  5. your welcome. that's 2 less planes you need to worry about. I do have an updated data ini for the Spit, as I've revised ALL the hit boxes -- they were WAY off!! as to the EAF Lanc, there's no template available to repaint it into EAF color (Med Sea Grey uppers, black unders), and I just don't have the time, inclination or desire to build a new template (what with all the hell I've been going through with recent major issues with my wife's health) If you want to attempt reskinning Veltro's Fort, I'll send you the template. Be advised, however, of some issues with the LOD in right to left alignments
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  7. found the Spitfire 5 Trop EAF I KNEW I"d uploaded it.. http://combatace.com/files/file/14524-sf2i-reafeaf-spitfire-mkv-trop-pak-by-cocas-aircraft-factory/
  8. yup, terrain editor only. anything else with screw things up
  9. ok, I can't find the damn Spits .. I may not have finished or uploaded them or ??? As my limited time permits, I'll see what i can do but here's the new IDF Beau: http://combatace.com/files/file/15985-sf2-idfaf-bristol-beaufighter-tf-mkx-by-cocas/ also have a new version of the EAF Stirling, that would need to be completed...issues with serial numbers, iirc, as I can't figure out which or what they were
  10. of course he is. How do you think I got banned? By making a severe criticism on an open forum. the only way to (possibly) prevent that, would be to put an IP ban for the entirety of the Folsom/Sacremento California region. Unfortunately, not a viable option. He'd still get in via proxies anyway. He's not dumb, and an IT besides. And not just him, we (Admins & Staff) know for certain there are "shills" and (for lack of a better word) "spies". The real major issue is, it's perfectly fine for them to take and use ANY and ALL of our stuff for their select few users, but there's no reciprocity (sp?). "This is mine and you can't have/use it". Best case is, he wakes up and see the wrongness of his ways, and throws it open to all, as it once was before certain parties started a shit storm. But, it would probably be easier to get a camel trough the eye of a needle...
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  13. yup, should be an EAF Spit 5 in the downloads section. Reltively accureate (serials) too. spend a few bucks at TKs (3rd Wire ) site and purchase DLC 29; not only will you get the Spit 22, but the 14, 18 and 24. Less than 5 minute work, adding a cockpit, makes them player flyable. And at least 4-5 other interesting aircraft, including the EAF Mig-19. ---- and "friction" dosen't even come close...
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  18. Spanish Skies

    is that a Northrup Gamma I spy?? Looks very nice!!
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  22. maybe that's all they could afford to buy?? <grin> just thought I'd lighten the mood I've never heard of that happening, ever!! Something, somewhere, has to have changed to foul up the number of enemy (red) ground units. I guess, start looking for the most recent "date modified" files throughout the that mods folder

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