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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. If RWRs Could Talk

    found on YT
  2. No; they heard you were flying that day, and chose to stay home instead of dying.
  3. I must apologize!!! It's wasn't Rex , but Mike Machat part 2 of the Douglas propliners. the color still of the "Air France" DC-4 coming into Santa Monica. I took a screen shot of the image; it almost looks like the housing development has begun. Just past the 'white street' should be where Armacost Ave will be. The paved street in the foreground "should be" Bundy Drive (turns into Centinella off the right edge of the photo). If I knew exactly what year it was taken, I could be more sure. Mom & Dad bought the house brand new build in 1954. So, there we are!
  4. If RWRs Could Talk

    I was really surjprised there wasn't one going "shit Shit SHIT!!!! We're gonna die!!!!"
  5. Aviation History magazine (iirc) had an artilce of them some years back. Rex's Hangar ALWAYS has something cool!! He's got a new series on the Douglas Aircraft Co. Some of the images are from the Santa Monica location; I grew up in it's shadow. There's one shot of a DC4 coming in to land at Cloverfield, and it's looking at the farm fields where my parent's house will be built in 1954!!! Very cool stuff!!!
  6. the decal inis need rewriting/updating and the decals sub-folders need to be moved to the proper places.
  7. i believe so; ive use the lod viewer to positon 'running lights' and landing lights many times.
  8. IIRC, the SRC offset is how far in front the beam is thrown. Position is where the bulb is on the aircraft. and don't forget "attachednode=" for lights on swing or folding wings, or rudders.
  9. Mike Rowe Visists the John C Stennis

    I would love to meet him, and just shake his hand and say 'thank you'
  10. the Soviet bombers use the 'off map basing" that NA brought. Therefore, they start "in air" and end "in air" off the edge of the map
  11. worst movie Spielberg ever made. totally lame -- sorry for the sidetrack!
  12. ok, the guy is fucking troll, posting stuff "acquired" by means unknown. lets not keep giving him the attention he so badly craves, and just ignore it (and yes, the SR71 is a DAT bird, as is the JAS37, so we know he at least had access to their 'stuff' at one time)
  13. to end the argument ..................... long long time ago* , I can still remember when TK used to post here ... and when asked the question, air density IS modeled for altitudes. nuff said * early 2000s
  14. supply chain issues? blame Covid ...................
  15. Even if we report that to the FB admins, they won't do shit about it. The don't care about piracy, just "wokeness"
  16. been there, done that. I released a the Oz Mirage 3 skin/decal/ini set less than a week before TK dropped the DLC for them!! OTH, you ACTUALLY expect TK to release something new?????
  17. little (ok, NO information) on that FB page as to what's to be accomplished taht I could find
  18. aren't slimers done with self-illuminating tgas?
  19. considering that 98.6% of all modelers are looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong gone from the community. I can see what he's saying, but disagree with the reasoning. Sometimes, a house can't be fixed, and has to be torn down and rebuilt. Same with the models. There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of them ranging back to the early 2000s that no ini edits will fix. NEW BUILDS are required.
  20. I'd reccomend the building be not so densly packed. Don't forget, the terrain have to place target items inside those boundries. up to and including full rail yards. I should know, i've had that issue with MANY terrains I've built but they do look good
  21. (rubs hands together and cackles in evil delight)

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