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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I guess I should add a bar and grill for both side??? (at Home Base?) with the IME style tiles, you can actually see the run-in markings much better than on the original 2003 era tiles.
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  3. let's try this again... the game engine does NOT have the capability to register missiles on the RWR. Period It can only "tell" you an aircraft or ship or ground radar is looking or locked on to you. In short, yet again, we say "It cannot be done in this game"
  4. actually, like their Russian counterparts, the aircraft should be carrying Chinese or NK marking. Otherwise, it too obvious, and there'd be major reprocussions
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  6. then somebody fucked up the avionics ini, or there's a built in EO camera statement in the aircraft's data ini that isn't properly formatted
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  8. indeed! the TFD tool is really good for fine, detail work (like cutting a river canyon). Everything else really needs to be done in the TE. Its so much easier (ok, well for me!) to add new tiles, create TODs, flatten airfields and so forth
  9. a trick that TK told me once, many eons ago..... in the TE..... 1) create a city list ini -- have it contain ONLY the item(s) needed for flattening. If the terrain has one already, give it a uniquie name, like "kj_citylist.ini" the entry should look something like this: note that I'm using 6 x 6 km. most of the "regular" airfield - 1, 2,5,6 can use 4 or 5. I use 4 for a airfield 3. 6x is usually reserved to runway 4, as it being the largest, require much more space. How large the zone is, is determined by the surrounding terrain (city, forest, fields, etc) 2) make sure it's where you want it ( X / Y coordinates) 3) Open the TE, and load the terrain. Then open the city list for the airfield, the use the drop down and select "flatten airfield". Save, and "Save ALL" before moveing the new TFD and HFD (yes, somehow they ARE linked, even if you didn't change any tiles -- use BOTH of the newly created one) In the terrain folder, backup/rename the existing TFD and HFD, THIS IS A MAJOR SAFETY PRECAUTION AND CANNOT BE STRESSED ENOUGH!!!! Copy/paste the new TFD & HFD into the terrain folder create a test mission from that airfield, or over it, and make sure the region is flat
  10. i'm pretty sure all western doctrine would be flights of 2 (lead and wingman). anything else is suicidial!!
  11. ok, then and all 3 skins are in the skin folder, yes? are you by chance trying to load another tank via the data & loadout inis?? (remember, you can't use the tanks from the older weapons packs) the data ini should look like this (from F-104G, all others are the same as well) (btw, the new stock skins are also in jpg format)
  12. methinks it's the wrong skin map... there are 3 maps... droptank_F-104 droptank_F-104_L droptank F-104_R for the CF-104, CF-104_72, CF-104_76 and F-104G, they're all in ObjectData012.cat as the tanks are part of the aircraft lod, you can't use any of the older 1stGen style painted tanks. you'll have to extract and repaint the 3 skins to match your (aircraft) skin
  13. well, I will as soon as I get all the part necessary to start work
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  15. Version


    Douglas AC-47 "Spooky" Gunship -Version 2.0 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, Plus Expansion Pak 1 = *Designed with SF2:V in mind* *Note: You =MUST= have Expansion Pak 1 to access the C-47 lods. If you don't have it, do =NOT= download this mod, as you'll be unable to use it* MANY modifications to the stock C-47 Skytrain, create the AC-47 "Spooky" gunship for your SouthEast Asian flying enjoyment. A new skin, using my Home-Grown Template ™, and enhancements by paulopanz, give it a passble SEA 3-Tone. All markings are decals, and are 100% historically correct for the 3rd SOS. Markings for 18 aircraft are included, and decal randomization is set to TRUE. The miniguns are supplied as a weapon, but exist 'virtually' in the aircraft body (no physical lod). "Parachute" illuminator flares are also supplied for those pesky night interdiction missions. An SF2 version of my original 'boxart' hangar screen is included. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Also, PLEASE read the "Notes" section -- vital information in there that might assist you in playing this aircraft (pylon turns are a PAIN!!). Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein New for Version 2.0: Miniguns NOW included in pack; no need for a separate download Readmes from both are included in the main zip
  16. http://combatace.com/files/file/10602-mgunnys-ordnance-shop-ii-for-sf2/
  17. well, I tell ya what.. send me everything you've got... the terrain and most importantly, a fully set up terrain editor for this terrain (all inis, texture list, tiles, etc) and I'll take a look at it. No promises, but I'll try to do what I can (in between the aircraft we'er building with Cocas, and I at some point need to get back the XvT Imperial mission sets....) Give me a detailed list of what's needed (tile/terrain wise) and we'll go from there.
  18. you're not using "airfield only" terrain tiles??? That's how it has to be done;, that way you don't have the offending TOD objects sitting in the middle of the runway. One can use (for example), the 3 transitions, 25, 50, 75 by simply copy/rename them to an airfield specific. Look in the 'forest bowl' terrain I did for the firefighter mod, you'll see I used the GErmany GR75 and 50 to create "open spaces" for airfields. Making matching TOD is also quickly done in the TE If you can work with layers, making ANY transition tile is simple matter Flattening airfields is also easy, using the TE. Shoot, even cutting canyons for rivers is fairly easy with TFD tool (used it on the CBI map) What KIND of transitions are you lacking? Savannah to forest would, again, be very simple using existing tiles as a guideline (3-ways being the hardest)
  19. was not part of that, so I don't know nothing! Sorry Enoc!
  20. iirc, aren't TK's vehicles LESS then 5k polys, in total??? (tanks and trucks and such)
  21. Alfie, send me you decals ini, so I can get your marking "mounted" I didn't have much of a problem, converting to IDF 2 tone (mostly around the canopy I had issues with the mapping. All fixed now!!) Pattern is slightly different than yours, but all maps mesh
  22. oh, I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree!!! LOL!!! far more fun, and easier things to do!!!

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