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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. that makes no sense ... ALL TK's zippers are mapped the same -- A/C/G/CF -- the only difference on the C is the _1 map, where the refueling probe resides. But, whatever!!
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  3. well, they were kind of disapointing in Pakistani service (104A) against Indian MiG-21s. But, as always, it's the pilot using his aircraft's strenghs against the opponents weaknesses
  4. pink holes means it can't read the tiles. Safe to assume these were sea and/or sea-land transitions? tgas -- the sea, river, and sea-land transition tiles MUST remain as 32-bit tga (RGB + Alpha) make sure you save as.. ***.tga being unfamiliar with either gimp paint.net, I'm guessing that "scale" would be the same as Photoshops "resize".
  5. one need to be especially careful with the tgas, as some programs tend to "eat" the alpha channel. I'd try something like Gimp or Paint.not (gimp first) to resize them. Both are free programs
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  10. and... for the amount of TOD objects
  11. isn't that pretty much what I wrote back in 2010? http://combatace.com/topic/54856-converting-sfwo-terrains-to-sf2-usage/ basiclly, you're adding the shader statements (ter****.fx) why they (may have) been missing before on this terrain is beyond me.
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  14. It's a problem I've never seen before, or even heard of!!! are the proper airfield inis residing within these terrains?? Which terrains are these, by chance?
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  16. yup If one looks at the destroyed statements for any stock aircraft that share a shape (Mig-21, Mig-17, Mig-19, Phantoms, F-100) you'll see they all have the same destroyed model. and the pathways can be either name-of-aircraft folder/name-of-destroyed model (when said destroyed model resides within the aircraft's folder) or name-of-destroyed model (when model resides in the root of the /Objects/Aircraft subfolder ----- as to it's shape... it's a dead, burning pile of metal. All you should be seeing, if you're flying correctly in the cockpit, would be the funeral pyre and the "blackened carcass".
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  18. FE2 Bad Framerates

    emptied the p0rn folders, eh??? LOL!! now that stock effect are working, comes the hard part. remember, add one at a time. the green smoke thingy had me thinking ... perhaps there's a callout for the wrong tga is some ini somewhere, or a mis-colored tga. Running these things down is like trying to find an intermittent (un)grounding problem in wiring harness...time consuming. I'm positive you'll find it eventually!!
  19. I wouldn't say so much of "the carrier being neglected", but more of the case of the CODING ignoring carriers. Remember, before NA you could only use carriers in campaigns or scripted missions. Now, with the "NavalMap=TRUE" terrain coding, and proper water bmp, they turn up everywhere.
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  21. Version


    SF2 Vought TF-8 Crusader Pack 4/8/2016 = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) = *Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod makes use of many items, from several versions of the games. A Full 5 with NA is reccomended. There are many "bits" required, most notably the cockpit referenced is from the A-7E Corsair II.* This package contains a (somwhat) fictional outgrowth of the Vought F-8 Crusader. In the Real World ™, only ONE TF-8 Crusader was built (it's on display in the Naval Aviation Museum at Pensocla, FL). This assumes that Vought and the Navy chose to expand the production/refurbishment of early model Crusaders into the 2 seat variant seen here. The aircraft has expanded capabilites in both Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground mission tasking (see Notes for more details on the factory modifications, and squadron decals used.) This package contains the following skin sets: USN, early (Gull Grey/White USMC, early (Gull Grey/White USN, Late (TPS low visibility grey) French Navy, early (Gull Grey/White) French Navy, late (Overall Blue) - both tagged for Flotille 12 The SF2 "date switch" is used for the USN and French Skins. The USMC skin stays in Grey/white for it's service life. All skins are in jpg format. Damage textures are in DDS format. All markings are decals, and with few exceptions, reference stock 3W Modex and Squadron tail markings. Decal randomization for all skins is TRUE. All weapons used are also stock items (note: the WalleyeIIIER -may- be an SF2NA only weapon; this has not been confirmed) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Indeed, one would be well served by reading all the Notes section as well. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
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  24. FE2 Bad Framerates

    if you delete the custom "effects", and you get NO stock effects, there is something very wrong with your install itself. Basic diagnostics -- common to one, or common to.all what I'd do, as a test, rename the mods folder (x-name-of-folder), let the exe rebuild at new, clean mods folder and retest with only all stock items. If the stock effects come back, you'll have to start chasing down what items were added that caused the fauilue

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