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Everything posted by Wrench

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  2. Sorry, Jonathan! Should have said A-37 Dragonfly at the beginning! so, what's the deal then? Who's carrying on with the project, even "as is"? edit: fixed the topic title, to remove confusion!
  3. that's NOT a stock aircraft. That's a user built version. I can garuntee with 99.9999999% certainty, that the data ini in that folder is outdated the stock Spits are the 9c and 9e LF, as you can see in your own image
  4. last time I saw one of those, it was being flown by Jack Hawkins in a 1950s movie...
  5. dosen't matter the country, but the statements in the data ini
  6. as to the Mustang, in the late 40s, the (newly formed) USAF started going to the 'bone domes', so his stock pilot is almost correct. Yes, indeed. there are shitloads of WW2 pilots all over the place
  7. forgot that one too I've been under a lot of stress lately, and can't think in Russian !! (LOL!!)
  8. I sure did forget them!! NA gave us the Tu-16RM, Tu-95RT and the Tu-22RD. To say nothing of the Tu-16P escort jammer Veltro's Tu-126 also has a 2ndary Naval Search (from the revamp pack I did)
  9. a stand in USCG HEC is in the Cuba_OTC terrain of mine, and a stand in WPB on the Mid-West USA terrain but, as you say, real one are needed!
  10. and the Guppy Skyraider too (USN & FAA) --------------- unfortunately, none of them actually have anything to do , as TK never activated ASW. However, for those equipped with search radars, they may turn up as "picket aircraft", if "NAVAL_SEARCH" is activated in their data ini. As to game mechanics, mostly eye candy
  11. The instruction for changing "pilot figures" are the same for all the 3rd Wire game. One just needs the pilot figure, and the aircraft data ini extract S-199_data ini from DLC 028 cat. place data ini into S-199's MAIN folder in you SF2:I Objects/Aircraft mods folder open data ini, scroll to this section... change pilot name to whichever one you want. Save and close (important to be making sure one actually has the WW2 pilot required installed into the /Objects/Pilots sub-folder) this should also already be available in the update kit I posted when DLC 28 came out. A search of the downloads will turn it up for those diligent enough to follow There's also a pinned topic on the S-99/S-199 in the SF2 WW2 Forum
  12. no, it isn't. but I don't remember what is !!!
  13. do NOT unzip into the games mods folders. Unzip to your desktop or other place that easy to find READ the readme that come with it. 99.9% of the time, the package is already set up for you simply drop the /Objects folder DIRECTLY over your existing /Objects folder seriously?? time to study up on your WW2 history, friend! ETO: (western) Europe MTO: Med & Southern Europe PTO: Pacific CBI: China Burma India SWP: (aka SoWesPac) South west pacific area (New Guinea, Philippines, etc) SEAC (RAF) South East Asia Command (congruent with US CBI)
  14. the engine sound might be from the AvHistory sound pack by GregoryP
  15. you'll also notice I added the "use for blue force only" on this one, and "use for red force only" on the Red Range. enjoy it!
  16. File Name: Red Range Revamp/Update for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 05 May 2016 File Category: Full Terrains Red Range Revamp/Update for SF2 4/28/2016 = For SF2, any and all (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) This is a revamp/retile of Deuces original "Red Range" terrain. Like the original, it's a terrain set up so one may practice Ground Attack and Strike mission against various types of ground targets. Also, finally, there has been the addition of a large "water feature", so now you can practice Anti-shipping missions as well! This will allow you to become familiar with the various "Red" weapons, and their usages. REMINDER: there is NO Air-to-Air possible on this terrain. It is designed for attacking ground targets ONLY!! ** REMINDER: there is NO Air-to-Air possible on this terrain. It is designed for attacking ground targets ONLY!! Also, like its companion "The Range", this terrain is ONLY for Red Force usage. Trying to fly any Blue Force (US, NATO, etc) aircraft WILL result in lockups, CTDs and other unplesentness. ** I'm calling this "ver. 4" even though I'm unsure exactly what it should be called! The terrain has been completly retiled in "IME" style tiles. Where necessary (and wanted), a few new TODs has been made with better looking trees. For the most part, however, it's an empty terrain. Home Base has been dressed up a little, and changed to a Runway 4 (the very large airfield) so bomber aircraft can now be used. In keeping with the original concept, the amount of "eye candy" at Home Base is minimal. Also included is a modified "Single Mission ini" that has had the minimum target values lowered, so the game engine can assign Strike missions against a wide variety of "lesser value" items. This file can be used in ANY mods folder, and will work for all types of single missions the game generates. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Give the "notes" a browse, too! For those unfamiliar with the "cat pointer" lines, there are instructions on it's proper useage. Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    Red Range Revamp/Update for SF2 4/28/2016 = For SF2, any and all (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) This is a revamp/retile of Deuces original "Red Range" terrain. Like the original, it's a terrain set up so one may practice Ground Attack and Strike mission against various types of ground targets. Also, finally, there has been the addition of a large "water feature", so now you can practice Anti-shipping missions as well! This will allow you to become familiar with the various "Red" weapons, and their usages. REMINDER: there is NO Air-to-Air possible on this terrain. It is designed for attacking ground targets ONLY!! ** REMINDER: there is NO Air-to-Air possible on this terrain. It is designed for attacking ground targets ONLY!! Also, like its companion "The Range", this terrain is ONLY for Red Force usage. Trying to fly any Blue Force (US, NATO, etc) aircraft WILL result in lockups, CTDs and other unplesentness. ** I'm calling this "ver. 4" even though I'm unsure exactly what it should be called! The terrain has been completly retiled in "IME" style tiles. Where necessary (and wanted), a few new TODs has been made with better looking trees. For the most part, however, it's an empty terrain. Home Base has been dressed up a little, and changed to a Runway 4 (the very large airfield) so bomber aircraft can now be used. In keeping with the original concept, the amount of "eye candy" at Home Base is minimal. Also included is a modified "Single Mission ini" that has had the minimum target values lowered, so the game engine can assign Strike missions against a wide variety of "lesser value" items. This file can be used in ANY mods folder, and will work for all types of single missions the game generates. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Give the "notes" a browse, too! For those unfamiliar with the "cat pointer" lines, there are instructions on it's proper useage. Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. you can only fly "Red Force" aircraft on this terrain. which is why it's called the "Red Range". You know, MIgs, Sus, TUs, etc. conversty, when I get finished with the (regular) Range, you can only fly Blue force aircraft. trying to fly "enemy" aircraft on opposite ranges will result in CTD/lockups/.crashes and assorted other bad things
  19. I'd suggest reading this, I'm sure it'll help http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ always check the Knowledge Base, when moving from 1stGens to NextGens I'd also look in the SF2 download sections for fully SF2 upgraded versions. There are substantial differences between the old and newer games
  20. can you elaborate a bit more? is it installed correctly (right folder) is the cat pointer in the main in (Range.ini) set to the germanyce.cat? not giving us enough to go on, brudda. More info please!
  21. Any issues with the Dev A-Team are beyond the scope and control of CombatAce. You must take up any issues directly with Capun. Posting about it here will do you no good. For many reasons
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  23. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  24. actually, there's no terrain that covers that region, so....

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