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Everything posted by Wrench

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  3. dude, serioulsly? Where do you think it came from??? Nobody's (re)built one for SF2. All the SF2 mods are based on fox monter's original SF1 version
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  5. I actually only did some mods, iirc, the aircraft was by Sundowner (the skins for sure are Ant's). great idea!
  6. Holy Crap That's Nice: Oregon ANG

    sweet paint job!!
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  9. FE2 "Square" Trees

    Don't we all!! glad you got it fixed!!
  10. File Name: SF2 Dassault Epervier Upgrade Pack File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 April 2016 File Category: What If Hangar SF2 Dassault Epervier Upgrade Pack 4/5/2016 = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) = *You =MUST= have the Mystere IVA avaiable in your merged installs, as the aircraft now references THIS cockpit. SF2:E is also required, at minimum, as the BLW aircraft now reference the stock 3W decals (F-104G), as does the French AdA skins.* Some modifications and capability upgrades for Cocas's fun little "What If.." Dassault Epervier (Sparrowhawk). If you do not have the aircraft, it's available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/15963-sf2-%C3%A9pevier/ Obviously, you'll the need the aircraft to add the mod pack too! 2 new skins have been added: Natural Metal 2-tone Brown Desert Both the new skins carry French Air Force makings, and ALL skins make use of stock 3W decals. All markings are decals, making it easy for other nations/users to be created. It should be noted, the userlist ini included ONLY has France and WGermany. Others will have to be added by the End Users ™. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. The "Notes" section contains the full change log. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  11. Version


    SF2 Dassault Epervier Upgrade Pack 4/5/2016 = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) = *You =MUST= have the Mystere IVA avaiable in your merged installs, as the aircraft now references THIS cockpit. SF2:E is also required, at minimum, as the BLW aircraft now reference the stock 3W decals (F-104G), as does the French AdA skins.* Some modifications and capability upgrades for Cocas's fun little "What If.." Dassault Epervier (Sparrowhawk). If you do not have the aircraft, it's available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/15963-sf2-%C3%A9pevier/ Obviously, you'll the need the aircraft to add the mod pack too! 2 new skins have been added: Natural Metal 2-tone Brown Desert Both the new skins carry French Air Force makings, and ALL skins make use of stock 3W decals. All markings are decals, making it easy for other nations/users to be created. It should be noted, the userlist ini included ONLY has France and WGermany. Others will have to be added by the End Users ™. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. The "Notes" section contains the full change log. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  12. FE2 "Square" Trees

    nope, you can have multiple tgas for trees. there's one individual trees (ter_objecttrees1, and/or ter_objecttrees2, ter_newtrees1 ter_newtrees2, etc) another for "forests" (ter_foresst1, for example) it all depends on how the TOD was put together. which means either finding the exact data ini from the mod that added for forests, or changing the individual call outs on those tiles that call for them. Using SF/SF2 as an example the "J" series tiles, any with a "J" in them are forests. Same goes for individual trees. these below are the STOCK callout, taken from the Cambri data ini: SolidObjectTexture=terobject_buildings1.BMP AlphaObjectTexture=terobject_trees1.TGA (these are also used on ALL stock 3W terrains) what the terrain (re)engineer did, will be listed as such in the terrain data ini. It's just finding the right "shape" tga that's the time consumer
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  16. all hail and praise the great Sundowner!! (I didn't even know they existed, either!)
  17. Going Rogue

    I almost picked up the DVD for SW7 today....but choose to wait at bit. Not like Costco is going to run out of them .. I do like the idea of "something in between" the cannon films. Personally, I'm hoping it like Tour 3 in X-Wing!! (I know it won't be, but...well...<grin>)
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  19. in response to fallenphoenix's question ... kinda sorta!! with the modifications, both to the airframe and avionics, it's pretty damn close! Close enough, that that's what I'm calling it! (and made Cocas create something else for the FAA. sorry for the extra work!)
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