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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. you can't import a finished lod. once its exported, it's done and locked you can only edit the ***.max file
  2. all stuff for cockpits goes into the /cockpit folder for each particular aircraft. so, you might need to create the folder, and just drop the tga in there the game looks in specific folders first, then cats.
  3. oh man! how cool is that!!??
  4. for these games (SF/FE/SF2/FE2) only 3dsMax, with the specific 3rd Wire exporter can be used for other games ?who knows?
  5. well, since it's a payware mod ... one must be VERY carefull. They defend they're copyrights/property strongly. Inis can be uploaded, if that's the point of the exercise, but no other parts. One must be VERY carefull with "property rights" when modding any payware item
  6. all lods are stored in the ObjectData002.cat -- that 's the locked one mue's lod viewer only requires the main ini (ie: KfirC1_77.ini) to function. to open the cockpit lod, you'd need the cockpit ini extracted. It doesn't even need to be IN the aircraft folder; the viewer will find the lod from an "extracted to..." folder. but I see Crusader already answered the question. just a thought .. if those boxes are part of the external model, perhaps the cockpit position is too low?? .. just thinking out loud...
  7. use mue's lod viewer to id the meshes as to that clipping issue, there's a couple of ways: check the actual position in the cockpit ini vs positioning from external view locate the offending node (again with the lod viewer) and add to cockpit ini (3rd section) Example only... [CockpitSeat001] HideExternalNode= ModelName=Skyraider_Pit Offset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Position=0.0,0.26,1.10 ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 or in the data ini for nose or fuselage (whichever mesh it is) ShowFromCockpit=FALSE
  8. another look one of those "you looking at ME, mofo?" kind of shots (btw, if anyone does happen to guess, keep it to yourself. don't spoil the surprise)
  9. I'm not an ordanance guy. Sometimes, I'm lucky the stuff hits the ground... there used to be a bombing tutorial at SimHQ, maybe still in their archives by Andy Bush -- the man knows his stuff.
  10. don't forget, new Fitter are in the works...might want to wait unitl they're finished. IIRC, a lot of the mapping will be different
  11. Dat banned achievment

    From the album Wrench's Stuff

  12. Wrench's Stuff

    a little of this and that for SF/SF2 and whathave you!
  13. Dat banned achievment

    From the album Wrench's Stuff

  14. Getting it off my chest.

    actually, it wouldn't. but that's a long, involved convoluted story with a cast of thousands, produced by CB DeMille. It goes further much further back... yes, that is definitely, the word of the month! Good for trotski!!
  15. Getting it off my chest.

    I'm gonna ask the dumb question.. how do I get the image into my sig?? (hangs head in shame)
  16. post 1 0 01188100 1454270327

    From the album STuff

  17. STuff

    just stuff
  18. Pesky Adware

    run malwarebyes once a week... you should be able to set a time, even on the free version
  19. easy way to get around the neutral issue, is simply remove all the target areas in Sweden (sorry, JRL!!)
  20. Pesky Adware

    those adaptor kits are f**ing LIVESAVERS!! I've had a hd crash or two, and having one of those saved thousands of good files off the old worn out drive to the new one. well worth the investment!!
  21. Getting it off my chest.

    trotski, preaching to the choir, man. NO one is immune to his vagaries; not even some of the most important people to sf2 community.
  22. really?? shoot, and here I thought I'd found something important!!!
  23. while goofing around, just experimenting with correcting hit boxes, I noticed something quite interesting the lod viewer is showing.. knowing the aircraft as well as I do, having helped build it, I knew there was a small shadow rope from somewhere in the nose region. The lod viewer shows where (more or less) it comes from! (indicated by the red arrow) This could be quite helpful to 3d modelers! By hiding and unhiding nodes, the offending mesh may be able to be run down, and repaired.
  24. Pesky Adware

    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware https://www.malwarebytes.org/ there's both freeware and payware versions it's good to have this anyway -- trust me! another one, for just clearing out crap in Cleanup http://www.stevengould.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=28&Itemid=70

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