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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Planet Nine: A New Addition to the Solar System?

    haven't they been postulating Jovian-size (or at least Neptunian sized) bodies in the Oort cloud for some time??? be nice if they actually FIND something substantial
  2. all these various cockpit tweeks threads belong in the KB .. I think I'll move them there as soon as I can, otherwise they'll get buried and lost!! it that's ok with you, Otto???
  3. look at any of mine that a naval map capable, or extract the IcelandNA_water.bmp You can match the color from that
  4. Version


    XvT/BoP Alliance Mission Set: Lost Missions, Part 3 12/18/2015 A New Task Force: Alliance Intelligence has gathered information about a new Imperial operation. A Star Destroyer is rallying starships together to form an alternate task force against the Alliance. Despite Darth Vader’s opposition to this, the plan is being implemented by the Imperial Admiralty. While the main part of the Imperial Navy focuses on hunting the Alliance elsewhere in the Galaxy, Red Squadron is assisting a small fraction of the Alliance in surviving Imperial attacks, and is carrying the battle to them. These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. The original readme is included for historical purposes, and contains short descriptions of the mission (some of which have been changed) and the original backstory. Unfortunately, there was no name attached to these, so proper credit can't be given. My apologies to the original author. Wrench Kevin Stein original set for XWCD by ??? circa 2001 or 2014??
  5. remove the one at the top -- it's behind The Wall and where are the PLAN surface action groups supposed to spawn??? Like I said above, you need one for each side
  6. Operation went well

    glad to hear it went well!! for sf2, the /Effects folder goes into the mods folder in your /C:\Users\-*your-name-here-\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2-whichever game name it is just take it slow and easy for a while, eh??
  7. user list for the 199 should only be Czech and Isreal the 99 only Czech: directly from their userlists
  8. for angelp!! Due to overwhelming requests, he has been granted the status of Modder!! Long may he continue to share with us his talents!! (and the first round is on HIM!!))
  9. Fabric Furball!

    gents, you do know that all the stock maps, and a majority of the user built maps, are 63% 'real world" sized, yes?? This has always been a bugg-a-boo in the game world. as to Greece... there's a LOT of usable area in the ww2 NAfrica map. It will obviously need some additions and deletions (removing the sfuff IN Egypt/Libya/Palestine) but give plenty of area to work with. (in fact, I'd added boatloads of stuff in Greece for the "modern Eastern Med" version of it)
  10. make sure you have 2 CV zones -- one for each side then, test fly
  11. at mission start, the throttle percentage is set by where YOU have your throttle at on you controller. make sure it a 0 before clicking the "Fly" button.
  12. well, you deserved it!! now, get back to work!!!
  13. Tomorrow is my oral operation

    good luck, buddy! you'll be fine!! I know it!
  14. Eagles guitarist Glenn Frey dies at 67

    man, what IS going here?? He's what the 4th or 5th celeb to pass in the last 10 days???? RIP Mr. Frey
  15. umm... I see that none of the questions posed have been answered... let's try doing that first, ok? Be as conscise, and detailed as possible in describing WHAT is trying to be accomplished, the steps taken to do so, and any/all end results. Can't help without full knowledge of what's doing, or why.
  16. I'm Not Sure Where to Ask This...

    yup. should also have, somewhere around here, the plastic pouch set of blueprints / deck plans for the TOS Enterprise. one mustn't forget, I saw the TOS on it's original air dates. I'm an old fart !!!
  17. that's NOT a TFD issue... that a _targets and _types ini issue, and usually related to WHICH terrain cat file you're referencing in the terrain's main ini. One must also remember, ONLY the Desert.cat has the "desert airfield *** ini" s (there's 6) and all MUST be placed withIN the terrain folder in question WHAT kind of buildings are you adding?? Are you creating new TODs??? Did you remember to copy the newly created TODs INTO the relevant terrain folder?? or are you adding new terrain object buildings (evildamncommbuildings, hangars, warehouses??? not giving us much to work with here....
  18. I'm Not Sure Where to Ask This...

    shoot, I still have my original copy of the Franz Josef manuel, from the 70s
  19. I can SEE through it, at least the "internal fog" is gone (delaminated inner corneal cells) But they just can't get a good read (called a refractive index) to lock down a perscription for new glasses. The shape of the cornea, when viewed sideways (so to speak) is like a W (high on the edges and center, low in the middle, although we're only talking in microns here) This is caused by my astigmatisim.. in Feb, they're going to try something with a contact lens. To be worn WITH my glasses -- just more time and money wasted. When I know in my heart and soul what the bottom line fix is going to be (full corneal transplant). Into the 5th year now...
  20. spend the countless hours, and become a terraformer. "A new life awaits you in the offworld colonies" -------------------------------------- have you looked in the sf2 downloads for terrains?? You just might find what you're looking for. Just look for my name
  21. moved to the proper Forum, even though it's been answered
  22. a lot of the AI behavior got borked in one of the patches, (can't remember which one exactly 2011? 2012??) because a bunch of whiney little skilless twats complained that they were getting killed out too easily. (the relevant posts should still be somewhere on the 3W site) Said patch induced a lot of "stupidness" in certain AI behaviors Of course, using a bomber like a fighter is a shortcut to the graveyard too. Choose to make history, not movies

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