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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ok, guys. keep it in English...and discussions DO NOT BELONG in the Screenshots thread. We have entire forums for that
  2. it's stored in the modder's depository. if aces' doesn't send you the max files via pm, I'll be GLAD too! (they'd look good on several of my ww2 maps!)
  3. closer, but then again, you're going to run into the TOD building issues...they're not going to match. I built the city tods to match the existing 3w tile patterns. To say nothing of the placements of target objects within the city tiles. They're placed to fit with certain boundries and "open spaces". Using different tiles means the entirety of the target areas will need to be rebuilt. I'd not reccomend that. trust me on this ... I've doing this since 2005!! When I build a terrain, I have a very specific "look" in mind, a really clear vision. Everything is done for a reason. :)
  4. yeah, that does a whole hell of a lot of good, for the majority of people that CAN'T download their stuff.
  5. so, basicly, what you're saying is GIMP sucks for making tgas. WAY to many steps, and too many chances to get it wrong!! :) if I can find them, do you want the psds I used the make the "specials" with?? It'll probably save you some time
  6. Douglas EB-66C Destroyer (Ver 2)



    Douglas EB-66C Destroyer Update Pak (Ver.2) 8/16/2019 = For SF2, Any & All = This is an update/upgrade/Remod of my 2013 pack. This is considered to be "version 2.0" of the EB-66C Destroyer ELINT/Escort Jammer aircraft. It it designed to replace, in total the earlier package from August 2013. If you have the original pack, you are instructed to delete it completly (aircraft, decals, and all), as this one has some major imporvements. This remod pack contains 2 skins: 41st TEWS, 355th TFW, PACAF, Takhli RTAFB, mid-60s thru 1974-ish (RC tail code) 39th TEWS, 36th TFW, USAFE, Spangdahelm AB 1969-73 (JN tail code) Both are new, and are (hopefully!) in the correct SEA 3-tone camoflague colors. All NEW replacement serial number decals were created. Both skins use a pool of 36 100% historical serial numbers. As only 36 of these aircraft were built (in one block of 30 and a second of 6) it was a easy job. While totaly accurate in nature, the 36 numbers are not representative of individual aircraft of any unit or squadrons that used the EB-66C (other than by random happenstance). Decal randomization is TRUE. As with the other B-66 mods, a heavily edited cockpit designed to 'fit' within the existing canopy framing is included. Avionics have been upgraded with new jammers, chaff dispensers, and so forth. This aircraft carries =NO= offensive weapons, or defensive guns. FLY ACCORDINGLY!!! A small modification to the data ini also allows for carrying external jammer pods & chaff dispensers in place of the drop tanks. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! See "Change Log" in the Notes section for a full-ish list of what's been, well, changed! Happy SAM Dodging!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. it's seems that the "water" part of the tga is working (ie: the alpha...but not the land part.. Did you flatten the RGB layers? also the, C-RIVS tile is a tga, not a bmp. The alpha channel, on anything BUT water, should be solidly opaque -- 100% black (see below) with the RGB channels turned OFF with the RGB channels visible, it should cast a "red" look (2nd shot) make sure you have the "channels" showing, which I didn't see on the gimp shots (of course, not being familiar with it....I don't know where to look exactly!) (btw, I HATE those "photo-real" tiles. they look completely wrong 99.99% of the time, expecially for the ww2 timeframe. The terrain would be better served by just changing the city/farm transitions (GC**) to match the GH 3.5 look, and leave the cities alone. And the fact that the TODs won't match, and look really crappy is another thing too. Remember, it's 1943, NOT 2003. It's not a modern, "clean" city. It's a dirty, dusty crappy place)
  8. I can see the pic -- with the red square (is this a commie city?? lol!!) make sure the names stays the same (like VietnamSC50C.tga) -- remember, all sea/land transition tiles are tgas, as are all river tiles. Only "dry land" is in bmp format (or jpg) are you using a test mission, that puts you directly over the target area in question? (bestest way to do it!) I'm completely unfamiliar with GIMP (I only use photoshop); how does it handle 32-bit tgas? Does the alpha channel remain intact after saving?
  9. when they're "loose", Mues tool reads them; prolly because it's only on the '1st step', and not one down. thanks Gunny!! :)
  10. I'm not tracking either.... what exactly does the _types entry look like....??? using the first one on the new list as an example... [TargetTypeXXX] Name=82L FullName=Mk82 Bomb Stack Large ModelName=82L.lod TargetType=MISC ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=200 UseGroundObject=FALSE <<--would pathway go here?? DamagePoint=70.0 ArmorValue=24516080.0 ArmorType=2 RepairRate=0.0 StartDetectChance=0 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=12000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=AmmoDumpExplosion DestroyedModel= SecondaryChance=0 since the normal pathway, even for a modded terrain (like the VNSEA I have with the GH tiles and other targets and types mods) is still C:\Users\Kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Vietnam\Terrains\VietnamSEA If I read this right (and I've never used subfolder in terrains before), just dumping the folder(s) in the terrain's main folder (VietnamSEA for example), and simply listing the lod's name is enough to make it work, just like al the "bits" being loose in the terrain's folder?
  11. so, how are you writing the pathway for the terrain objects* to show? just simply "listing" them in the types and targets inis, and the folders are within the /*name of terrain* folder?? That is MOST interesting!! (residing in the /*name of terrain* folder, as opposed to GroundObjects)
  12. Cocas and myself are back working on NEW Beaufighters for your WW2 (and Firedog) flying pleasures. however, we've run into a slight snag. Neither one of us is experienced enough to properly set up the pivios for the rear MG on the Mk6 and later variants of the Beau. I'm not sure if it's an ini issue or the "facing" of the K gun itself. Daniel's not sure either. So, I'm begging for help form ANY of our experienced 3d modders to assist with the small (I hope!) issue. The aircraft, all 4 or 5 variants are 90% complete, just needed minor skin and decal work (easily done by me) I have the max file for the aircraft, and we're willing to pass that and the entire aircraft folder to someone who can finalize this. (also setting or telling me the muzzle/light position to fix that too, as the LOD viewer isn't helping! -- it shows the gun pointed forward!). As once that's set, this one LOD can be used for various Mk6, Mk.X and TF.Mk.X for ww2 and the post-war world via the 'remove component trick'. Please, folks, we REALLY want to get these birds done an into your hands for your WW2 flying. These models are far superior to anything else that's out there (that many of you can't access anymore - me included) If interested, please post here or PM me. TIA! wrench
  13. partly my fault, too, as I didn't send along the pilots, and decals and such but THAT is looking MUCH more like it!!
  14. for things to become "visable" on a terrain, the ENTIRETY of the terrain object must reside INSIDE the terrain folder, and be listed in both the _types ini (which "explains" the object), and the _targets.ini, (which tells it where -and when- to show up. when I say "the entirety", that all the stuff for the terrain object (lods, bmps, jpgs, tga, inis) is basicly just dumped into the terrain folder. Look any any of mine and you'll see what I mean
  15. I'm Not Sure Where to Ask This...

    become a modder or developer. this forum is mostly for SF2 modders, model builders and such
  16. Version


    XvT/BoP Independant Operation: A Star Is Born 10/10/2015 A short 5 mission TOD for XvT/Bop. (Works with original CD and 'new' GoG versions) (There was no original 'readme text' for the original set, so this will have to suffice.) It is some years before the story chronicaled in "A New Hope". At this time, the Rebel Alliance is still flying Y-Wings and Z-95 Headhunters. Although, Incom Corp is testing the first of it's new starfighter prototypes...the T-65 X-Wing. One of those lucky enough to be involved with the project is Siranno DelSol, know as the 'Starry Knight' to his friends and family on his home of Marek Prime. Marek is a neutral planet, aligned with neither the Empire nor the Rebels. The political climate on Marek is a 'wait and see' policy with the both of them; shakily sitting on the fence between the waring factions. And the future of it's inhabitants is about to be decieded.... These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! Wrench Kevin Stein original set for XWCD by ??? circa ???
  17. the item is called, iirc, "dam1" (sort of an in joke)
  18. maybe in the desert storm paks???
  19. no you don't -- go ahead and use it. be advised, it isn't as nice as one would wish
  20. to re-do the new 'specials' or any of the others, you just need to rework my originals with new layers, and remove the bits covering the parts you want to show (the cities or river, for example). You won't even NEED the TE for that, as your 'new' tiles will retain the same names, and therefore the same "position" within the terrains data ini and the TFD. OTH, if the TODs are different (which I think they are) you may need to edit the data ini to look for the correct "terobject.tga" for the forest/jungles. It's a simple text edit. there are only 2 TEs for SF -- the original (for desert) and the "WoE/V/I" one (which is marginally better). That's all there is, cause that's all you need. You might want to think of making the terrain "multi season", as those farm tiles look a bit on the dry side. Maybe a 'wet' (standard VietnamSEA tiles) season and a "dry" season, using the GH3.5s. Just a thought. just a small reminder, if you plan on releasing any of the reworking, ask me first (you know I'll say yes, but I need to see the request). Just a thing I have with my terrain work (considering the unlawful use of one by "other people")
  21. That terrain was re-designed with that (partly) in mind. However, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with your tiles...you need to use ONLY the ones that came with that terrain. Don't mix and match them with anything else, unless you're good enough to re-make all the other to match. (looks like one of the GH sets to me) as for the use of the stand-in aircraft, they look REALLY good in the roles!! nicely done (and yes, we're all waiting for Geezer's birds. but I think he's going to concentrate on early north Africa first.
  22. yes, indeed! I'd forgotten that...go to the Options --> Controls --> and open it to see the listing of what's assigned to what. You can change them to whatever you like from there

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