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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. give me a bit (just got home from Christmas dinners and such), and I'll zip up the "base" VIF, and the max file and pm it to you thanks, brother!!
  2. only a matter of time....(before this screenie showed up!! )
  3. Version


    Junkers Ju-87B Picchiatelli, Regia Aeronautica, for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE MTO Style Installs -06 Patch Level Installs ONLY This is a mod of Pasko's Ju-87B Stuka into the version as used by the Italian Regia Aeronautica in the Med and North Africa. This is a complete aircraft mod, with all the parts needed to just unzip, install and fly away. The skin, while not perfectly historical (see Notes below), is based off the standard Luftwaffe splinter pattern of 70/71/65. It represents aircraft from 236 Squadriglia, 96 Gruppo in the timeframe of approximately 1940-42, when these aircraft were retired (ie: replaced with D models). Since no RA bombs exist, the aircraft uses 'standard issue' Luftwaffe weapons. All the lights have been dialed in to their (more or less) proper positions, and the landing light now works. (see Notes below for how) A new WoE-style Hangar Screens is included, along with a new Loading Screen, as are the damage tgas I made several years ago. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. = =This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, guns, etc. They are NOT included in this package.= As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read it all the way through, so as to be familarized with the procedures, and whatever issues I've encountered. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  4. Version


    Mod of MontyCZ's B-29 into a 'What If..' use for Europe 1946. Includes marking for the entire 91st BG, 100 aircraft. Please read the readme for insturctions, excuses, apologies, thanks and general knowledge
  5. O/T A Great Day

    I'm so jealous!!
  6. indeed it is Russ. Do you want to have a look at it?
  7. the shape the bird isn't the issue here...getting the fucking gun to work IS!! :) Once that's done, all I need do is make some serial decals, reposition my old decals, whip out a few skins, and they can start to be released I DID get the muzzle light/position corrected. Oddly, it had to be set to the position the gun is at rest (meaning-pointing forward!!) but it still not tracking in pitch, and keeps disappearing (at odd times) into the fuselage. If I set the default pitch angle to - (minus) *something* it points up. This is why I asked for help ... I dont understand how this stuff works; is it ini dancing, or max??
  8. ok, so this is what I have for the gunner statements in the /crew section: [RearGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION PilotModelName= SeatID=3 GunnerID=1 SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position= PitchModelNodeName=MG_pitch YawModelNodeName=MG_yaw GunRange=2000 PitchAngleRate=65 MaxPitch=60 MinPitch=5 DefaultPitchAngle=45 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=65 MaxYaw=210 MinYaw=150 DefaultYawAngle=180 the attached pics show how the gun is sitting, in game 'at rest'. The nodes are the correct ones, as cross-checked via the OUT file and the LOD viewer. it still isn't pointing 'up', and I still don't know where the muzzle is... the lod viewer won't give me that, as the gun is pointing forward!! like I say, never done this before, and it's all new to me
  9. high in protein, and crunchy too!!! (shudder). say something like that on a history channel show last night; "Eats" I think it was called.
  10. did you read the post above, about d/ling expansion pak 1? JRL said it should have been fixed in there!
  11. it's not a turret, but more of a swivel mount. I'e never set one of these up.
  12. File Name: XvT/BoP Alliance Operation: Revolt on Draketh V & Return to Draketh File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 December 2015 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP Alliance Operation: Revolt on Draketh V & Return to Draketh 12/01/2015 For XvT -with- BOP add on (both original CD & new GoG version) This package contain 2 sets of 12 mission each, in chronological order. Revolt on Draketh V: One of the major systems (Draketh V) that the Alliance had hoped would join the Rebellion against the Empre, has just fallen into Civil War. The dissidents that started this dispute are a group of Drakethians who refuse to live by Draketh V's governmental laws. This is a new group with few resources at their disposal; much like the early Rebel Alliance. Known as the Chasekk Directive, this group has begun to attack many vulnerable Alliance convoys in order to obtain supplies and weapons for their own use... Return to Draketh: The Alliance, successful in resolving the dispute between Deaketh V and the Chasekk Directive, has now gained the support of the Drakethians. However, the Chasekk Directive (who was secretly working on advanced shield generators during the Draketh V Tour) remains Neutral. They have not yet decided if they will join with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, or the Galactic Empire... These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. Each set has it's own folder (part 1- drak, part 2- chas) and the lst reflect a chronological order. Most of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. To get the maximum points, stay 'in mission' until all goals are achieved. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! The original readmes for both sets are in their respective folders. Good luck and good flying! Wrench Kevin Stein Original mission set for XWCD by Jeremy Lee, circa 199? Click here to download this file
  13. Version


    XvT/BoP Alliance Operation: Revolt on Draketh V & Return to Draketh 12/01/2015 For XvT -with- BOP add on (both original CD & new GoG version) This package contain 2 sets of 12 mission each, in chronological order. Revolt on Draketh V: One of the major systems (Draketh V) that the Alliance had hoped would join the Rebellion against the Empre, has just fallen into Civil War. The dissidents that started this dispute are a group of Drakethians who refuse to live by Draketh V's governmental laws. This is a new group with few resources at their disposal; much like the early Rebel Alliance. Known as the Chasekk Directive, this group has begun to attack many vulnerable Alliance convoys in order to obtain supplies and weapons for their own use... Return to Draketh: The Alliance, successful in resolving the dispute between Deaketh V and the Chasekk Directive, has now gained the support of the Drakethians. However, the Chasekk Directive (who was secretly working on advanced shield generators during the Draketh V Tour) remains Neutral. They have not yet decided if they will join with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, or the Galactic Empire... These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. Each set has it's own folder (part 1- drak, part 2- chas) and the lst reflect a chronological order. Most of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. To get the maximum points, stay 'in mission' until all goals are achieved. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! The original readmes for both sets are in their respective folders. Good luck and good flying! Wrench Kevin Stein Original mission set for XWCD by Jeremy Lee, circa 199?
  14. thanks, Alfie, for giving it the proper USN designation! I was going to suggest the name change in the release thread...!!
  15. still early... but with some luck, this one single Lod can be used to create 4 - 5 different variants!
  16. the picture linked is pretty useless, as just WHAT item(s) in question are not being pointed out. the "square bars" on the side of the HUD is a pitch ladder, for up and movements. Usually, across the top there is sometimes a heading scale (compass degrees). Sometimes that may only be a digital readout being a modder has nothing to do with being able to read the instruments. KNOWING what the displays are (or should be) is the question. your linked image clearly shows both the pitch ladder AND the heading scale on the HUD. The only thing I see missing (and if the image had been zoomed in closer to JUST show the HUD, we could see more -- and tell us WHICH aircraft--) is a gunsight So, what exactly IS the question?
  17. what exactly are you trying to say??? Your statements make no sense ADI don't show degrees; they're for pitch. Are you asking about a compass (ie: heading)
  18. . may it rest in piece
  19. File Name: SF2 1950s USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider Skin Pack File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 14 December 2015 File Category: A-1 SF2 1950s USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider Skin Pack 12/13/2015 = For SF2 (or Any & All =at= Full- Merged) = *Note: must have SF2:V as part of your merged install to access the A-1H aircraft itself.* The package represents USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider squadrons of the mid-1950s. Included in this set are skins for: VMA-212 VMA-333 VMA-225* VMA-251* *Note: In Real Life ™ service, these 2 squadron used AD-4B (and AD-5) aircraft, but as there is little difference between the marks, for gaming purposes, are used with the AD-6/A-1H. (they =CAN= be added to the "SF2 AD-4B Skyraider, KAW Era" mod here at CA, but you'll have the blue drop tanks on your grey/white skins, but that DID happen in Real Life. Or one can hand-load the 'white' drop tanks.) All aircraft use a pool of modex and BuNums, with individual air group letters. In this respect, they should be considered "generic" in nature. All markings, excepting special squadron paint schemes (VMA-225 only) are decals. All skin maps are in jpg format. Decal randomizaion is TRUE. For those squadrons that are listed in the stock 3w "squadronlist.ini", a decal is used to activate the squadron name display on the loadout screen. Reminder: nothing is included herein that makes them Player Flyable. There is a superb cockpit by Dels you should have already! If you don't, what ARE you waiting for?? :) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  20. Version


    SF2 1950s USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider Skin Pack 12/13/2015 = For SF2 (or Any & All =at= Full- Merged) = *Note: must have SF2:V as part of your merged install to access the A-1H aircraft itself.* The package represents USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider squadrons of the mid-1950s. Included in this set are skins for: VMA-212 VMA-333 VMA-225* VMA-251* *Note: In Real Life ™ service, these 2 squadron used AD-4B (and AD-5) aircraft, but as there is little difference between the marks, for gaming purposes, are used with the AD-6/A-1H. (they =CAN= be added to the "SF2 AD-4B Skyraider, KAW Era" mod here at CA, but you'll have the blue drop tanks on your grey/white skins, but that DID happen in Real Life. Or one can hand-load the 'white' drop tanks.) All aircraft use a pool of modex and BuNums, with individual air group letters. In this respect, they should be considered "generic" in nature. All markings, excepting special squadron paint schemes (VMA-225 only) are decals. All skin maps are in jpg format. Decal randomizaion is TRUE. For those squadrons that are listed in the stock 3w "squadronlist.ini", a decal is used to activate the squadron name display on the loadout screen. Reminder: nothing is included herein that makes them Player Flyable. There is a superb cockpit by Dels you should have already! If you don't, what ARE you waiting for?? :) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. and...the decals are still drying. forget to use setting solution!!
  22. 1957.. departing NAS Key West for the Rosey Roads Target Range

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