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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. if you're wanting a new western Europe, please be paitent! FRPigion is working on a modern version; look in the Missions/Campaigns Forum for his thread http://combatace.com/topic/83063-europe-total-war-1979/ Leeuwarden is definately on the WW2 Euro (sometimes called "EAW Euro") and my "Norway" map, but again these are very specific for WW2. How familiar are you with the folder structure of SF2? Do you remember that new add-on stuff goes in the C:\Users\- your name -\Saved Games\ThirdWire\** name of game ** folder instead of the C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire To be honest, between SF1 and SF2, the folder structures ARE basicly the same, but just in different locations. You need more help, just ask
  2. Chengdu J-20

    thank you! I know all about Real Life ™ and how it messes you up!!
  3. Night jump from USMC KC-130

  4. @ Capun & DAT

    some folks have substantially thinner skins than others
  5. well, with luck, next year after all the eye issues (please God) are resolved, I can look at some of the local community colleges and see if they have courses in 3ds Max. I own 2009, but don't know diddley squat on how to use it (other than opening a file and viewing it!!)
  6. Chengdu J-20

    when does the rest of the community get them?? (or may I assume they're still "in progress?")
  7. ??? one only does that when creating a "era specific" mods folder.
  8. I know all about trying to get 3d guys interested in doing, or even finished in-works projects.... sadly, that just the way it goes
  9. if your speaking of my Northern Europe/Norway (aka: Northern Europe, WW2 displayed name) that map, this was designed, and built for WW2 ONLY. as to installing, I'd hightly suggest reading the supplied readmes. Things are a bit different in SF2 than SF1
  10. and NO surround sound either
  11. for animation, the figures have to be built into the LOD in MAX, then exported. I'm actually surprised you CAN add anything to a ground object!!
  12. Stratofreighter is the official, correct term. (Stratotanker is the 135, Stratrocruiser is the 337 civie bird)(Stratos is one of the CA community member!!)
  13. yes, they will indeed shoot at you. However, when YOU appear, they (the ground units) stop shooting at other ground units, and fully concentrate on the air assests. this is what we found when building/testing the DS mod in 2008
  14. ok, if I'm wrong, somebody please correct me... been using the LOD viewer to make some corrections, and have some questions... Min/Max defines the hit boxes? Do Collision points define "what gets hit?" or whatever during colliisions (mid-air or ground strike?) I assume (oh! that word!) collision points are a necessary thing, for the aforementioned reasons? I know they're defined in each components statements in the data ini, but do they have to match each other? More specificly, if one has min/max at MinExtentPosition=-0.42,-12.51,2.89 MaxExtentPosition= 0.42,-18.52,9.45 do the collision points (as below) need to be set the same, and why do some components have 3 or 4 positions? CollisionPoint[001]=0.00,-15.49,5.30 CollisionPoint[002]=0.00,-15.62,5.45 (note: the satements above are for the same aircraft component) I'm not even going to ask about "bounding boxes".... need a little understanding here... thanks!
  15. File Name: WW2 Europe Terrain for SF2 (aka: EAW Euro) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 May 2013 File Category: Full Terrains WW2 Europe Terrain for SF2 (aka: EAW Euro) - For SF2, Any & All (*Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended*) This is a rebuild of the WW2 EAW Europe map. It has extensive retargeting and retiling (read: new tiles created, albeit in the original "BN series") In essence, approximatley 98.6% of the terrain and targeting has been revised in some fashion. It has been brought (as much as possible) up to SF2 standards, at the July 2012 patch level. There are, however, some height field issuses that are unresolvable; so End Users ™ are advised to ignore them. All airfield inis, while retaining them original name, have been brought to the most recent patch level, and will generate parked aircraft. If you have the original version, or any of my updated versions, it's suggested you move THAT terrain sub-folder to a storage section, rename it, or delete it from your WW2 ETO mods folder. This version =WILL= completly replace it. In MUCH greater detail... This is a fairly large map, covering Western Europe from the German/Polish border in the east to the Irish Sea in the west, and a far north as York in the UK, and the Bay of Biscay/Alps in the south (including Bordeaux). Several target areas in the farthest S/E region (south of the Italian Alps) have been removed for playability. As can ALWAYS be expected, there =ARE= Easter Eggs scattered across the map. This map makes use of =BOTH= the LimitedNations and AllowedMission statements. There are =NO= CAS or other Ground Attack mission tasking, other than Armed Recon and Anti-Shipping. Strike, of course, for the bombers, remains (exceedingly!) valid. Armed Recon mission are constrained to within approximately 100km of the coastlines (more or less) for BOTH sides. *Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other physical features (mountains, vallies, coastlines, forests, roads, etc) may also fall into this classification; Some populated places may exist only as "named places" on the map. This was done for historical reasons. Many airfields/airports, some of historical significance, may also be not existant or placed in the Real Life ™ locations due to tiling constraints.* When in-game, you'll see "Europe, WWII" on the terrain selection dropdown window. Some GroundObjects are included (ships mostly); these are the same ones that are in the recently released ETO/MTO Ships pak. When installing, just allow the Overwrite. It's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you read the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the New Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect changes in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  16. mostly, I'm trying to fix some new builds, but I'll be happy to see what you've got!
  17. one thing I'd absolutely suggest, is in the main ini (Coastal Range.ini), is change LimitedNations=TRUE to FALSE. Because everyone should be able to fly there (or if it's supposed to represent Europe, add the necessary WarPac nations)
  18. you can tailor individual aircraft by adding certain line to it's data ini. For example, from the F-86 Sabres in the KAW pack.. but these adjusments must be made to ALL aircraft's data inis that you'd want to "adjust" NOTE: edited to remove the F-86 specific flight values
  19. Universal Translator - yep in Skype

    so, we won't need the DRDs to inject translator microbes?
  20. SF2 F-8H Crusader, Philippines Air Force Pak

    you're all VERY welcome! I'm really surprised nobody's done this before!
  21. Version


    SF2 F-8H Crusader, Philippines Air Force Pak 10/2/2015 = For SF2 ONLY, Full-4/5 Merged (Full 5 Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: This mod references all stock items, from the aircraft & cockpit lods themselves, to sounds, pilots and weapons. You =MUST= have the stock 3rd Wire F-8H Crusader as part of your merged install, from whichever game it originates from, to make full use of this mod** Some mods of the stock 3W F-8H Crusader recreates the 25 used by the Philippines Air Force from 1978 thru 1988. This is a stand alone, fully "nationalized" version for PAF usage only. Serial numbers are 100% historicaly accurate. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Markings represent the 7th TFS of the 5th TFW, PAF. The Standard Animation Keystrokes ™ work the canopy (Shift/0) and Wingfold (Shift/9). The aircraft is no longer carrier certified, but the hook remains. When in game, you'll see F-8H Crusader (PhAF) on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! The "Notes" section may also make for interestering reading, and such. Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein

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