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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. sure that's not the AoA indexer? (I don't know this myself, just throwing that out there!)
  2. somewhat yes, somewhat no. Even though not fully correct in all aspects, the Thud's pit was the best closest fit
  3. KJakker, you know me better than that ... I never post stuff that doesn't work!!! Look at the wording of the statement ... the LODViewer won't be of much help when looking at the cockpit lod, as that's not what being hidden... HideExternalNode=CanopyFrame the screenie below shows 'what you see is what you get'
  4. it's a world center thing, I think... lots of aircraft exhibit that when they show up on the "random generated parking" on airfield. I wouldn't worry about it.
  5. hell of an idea, Kev!!! CA Radio!! missiondata001.cat has the game's Nations.ini. Extract, and place into your games /Flight folder, them modify to hearts content
  6. Gents, as stated in the very 1st post of this thread ... we need to find REPLACEMENT FREEWARE aircraft. Let me redefine that ... aircraft that are freely available to the entire community, with no strings attached, to replace those produced by the DAT; said DAT aircraft being not truly "freely available to all and with unrestricted use", and not just available to a select few. Aircraft that had significant use by the major powers of WW2, both Allied and Axis. This does NOT include "what if" or non-production prototypes. We have an entire forum dedicated to fantasy and sci-fi modding. Take those requests there, if you please. Many CA members don't have, can't have or have been denied access to said "products", including recently myself (got the boot from them for speaking the truth). I have 24 3ds MAX files from Cocas for some of the needed aircraft. Unfortunately I'm not a MAX guy. And those that can, are fully booked with their own projects. We REALLY do need more modelers. For those of us that are the main source of mods for our WW2 flying/gaming hobby, this IS the major point of contention. So, let's try and keep this thread on track ... shall we? And volunteers to pickup Daniel's work are welcome to contact me.
  7. my suggestion would be the same as DA's -- create your own /Decals subfolder and rewrite the pathways. Easier, simplier and cleaner. IF the insignia are standard US, they'll be in one of the main ObjectData cats. Remember, insignia are (usually) number matched to their nation. I'd start looking in objectdata005.cat. That's were most of the national insignia are located example: InsigniaLV002 tga is the US star-and-bar, used by all our services. But it's VERY dark, almost black. Might need repainted to a lighter grey (simple enough in the RGB channels)
  8. I thought I'd given you permission, Jordi??? If not, I do now!!
  9. Gordon's book on the MiG-21 (Famous Russian Aircraft: Mikoyan MiG-21, published by Ian Allen) says to 30mm Type 30-1 cannon. Probably 60 rpg. S/B the same as the NR-30, just made in China Russ, to answer your question in the Screenshot Forum for the Chinese number decals, they're also in DLC29 cat, and are solid red in number. You'd need to extract them, rename them from "PLAAFSNUM***" to something else (like YSNUM???), and then just flood the R/G/B channel with yellow to repaint them. Pretty easy to do. They'll need a separate folder, of course! There's 100 of them
  10. ???? http://combatace.com/topic/82326-running-mods-from-a-different-disk-partition/
  11. forgot this one ... just a base skin; needs MUCH more work! (and the FM's been replaced, and now no longer crashes on take off!!)
  12. here's the Beagle. still have to finish the registration numbers...
  13. yes, it does, but still need the statement and, no I didn't!!!
  14. It isn't that hard .. just mind numbing boring creating them!! I should know, I've been doing nothing but decals the last 2 days!! (plus the 10s of thousands in the past!!)
  15. you purchase the SF2 series game directly form 3rd Wire. There is no upgrade, other than full replacement
  16. It goes in the aircraft's data ini, in the top section this below is form the C-54, and when parked the cargo door is open and loading ramp deployed must match the animiation ID of the item to be open
  17. don't forget people, I'll be off line for several days, as tomorrow (Wednesday) is my eye surgery. I'm trying to get as much done as possible, even though it won't be uploaded for quite a while still. (effects still need more work, the "wildfire" effect will need to be MUCH larger), etc and so forth ------- I forgot to add a border stripe to the wing markings on the Canberra ... I'll get to that later.
  18. these three are done. DC-4 P2V P-3 the last one is a "what if" just for fun. doing a water bomber version of the beagle, too! (just for grins and giggles)
  19. completely new decals will be required, as well a new entry into the games Nations.ini
  20. toss the QMD. it does nothing you WILL need the loadout.ini. that's kinda required also, when editing the loadout ini make sure you use the type name, NOT the actually weapon name also, that the weapon station in the data in is "speced" for that weapon type.
  21. I have both the max files for Alexs B-45 (actually an RB-45), and a "flyable" version -- but it needs MAJOR work, both in MAX and in-game. No one has seen him for quite a while. Our only hope is someone can contact him and have him restart work on it , or allow one of (very) few remaining 3d Gurus to finish it. as you can see, there's "bits" hanging out. will need a template, and new skins as well

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