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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Still Kicking

    good to hear from you again! glad things are getting better!
  2. yes, it's very possible. look to the "special" tile I used for St. Nazaire on the EAW WW2 map or, one can be built using various objects (fences, blast shields, etc) in a "regular" port tile (in theory, one can even have it drained, with the concrete base showing; you just wouldn't/can't have the depth below ground level without a specificly created 3d object)
  3. WW2 IsraelME Terrain for SF2

    and defeating the very purpose for which it was built
  4. Version


    WW2 IsraelME Terrain for SF2 6/1/2015 = For SF2 (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!!! - MUST have SF2I in your merged install!!!) = **Note: This Is A WW2 Version -ONLY-!!!** This is a rebuild of the stock SF2:I IsraelME terrain into a WW2 version. Like the recently released "Palestine 2 (Full Scale)" it represents the region at the start of WW2, with British, French/Vichy French and other regional Axis Powers. Unlike the Palestine 2 terrain, THIS one has working CV zones (ala SF2NA). I did this mostly for fun, but also to have working carriers; all those FAA birds need something to do! It is designed to be used =ONLY= in the WW2 MTO environment (read: an MTO centric mods folder). It may NOT compatable with the DAT MTO All-Inclusive Mod. This has NOT been tested. Stock in-game items have been used as much as possible, although some additional structrues HAVE been added. Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, aren't included (really, there ARE none included -use the ones from the Palestine 2 terrain, as they're the same). Its up to the End User ™ to make sure that you have the theatre-specific (read: Allies & Axis) proper items. SF2:I is REQUIRED for this terrain, as it references a myriad of IsrealME only terrain items. A massive amount of retiling has been performed, with the addition of over 60 new tiles to fill in blanks left in the original set. BE ADVISED: these new tiles match the STOCK styling ONLY!! Do NOT use these new tiles in/on any IME terrain with any other tile set. They will not match!! Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, may visually defy gravity and other Universal Laws of Physics, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, even if they might have had strategic or tactical values. Some airfields may actually be 'post-war', but have been left for game playability. And So Forth ™. You may also experience long loading times; this is to be expected. When in game, you'll see: "Middle East (WW2-3W)" The "3W" designates this is built from a stock 3rd Wire Terrain. Limited Nations is set to TRUE, and only uses historical WW2 Nations (ie: no Americans). This will allow campaign builders to not only replicate the fighting against Vichy forces in the Levant & Syria, but allows a more 'what if..' situation, giving Italian and German forces a greater presence in Mandate Palestine, TransJordan, and Iraq. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, but =before= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section makes for essential reading. It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with. There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. yup, pinned that link in the WW2 Forums some time ago. GREAT site!!
  6. if flying in the correct year span, you should be seeing a lot of M-1939 ZIS-42 ZIS-Quads the occasional KS-60 (OTH, if like me, your KAW mods folder is 'built' for a Hundred Year Span ™, you could potentially see everything the Reds had to throw at you) things you wouldn't (and shouldn't see) in the 50-53 time frame are any ZPUs, ZSUs, BTR-23s, that cursed M113 ZPU & M113 ZU-23.
  7. File Name: WW2 IsraelME Terrain for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 04 June 2015 File Category: Full Terrains WW2 IsraelME Terrain for SF2 6/1/2015 = For SF2 (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!!! - MUST have SF2I in your merged install!!!) = **Note: This Is A WW2 Version -ONLY-!!!** This is a rebuild of the stock SF2:I IsraelME terrain into a WW2 version. Like the recently released "Palestine 2 (Full Scale)" it represents the region at the start of WW2, with British, French/Vichy French and other regional Axis Powers. Unlike the Palestine 2 terrain, THIS one has working CV zones (ala SF2NA). I did this mostly for fun, but also to have working carriers; all those FAA birds need something to do! It is designed to be used =ONLY= in the WW2 MTO environment (read: an MTO centric mods folder). It may NOT compatable with the DAT MTO All-Inclusive Mod. This has NOT been tested. Stock in-game items have been used as much as possible, although some additional structrues HAVE been added. Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, aren't included (really, there ARE none included -use the ones from the Palestine 2 terrain, as they're the same). Its up to the End User ™ to make sure that you have the theatre-specific (read: Allies & Axis) proper items. SF2:I is REQUIRED for this terrain, as it references a myriad of IsrealME only terrain items. A massive amount of retiling has been performed, with the addition of over 60 new tiles to fill in blanks left in the original set. BE ADVISED: these new tiles match the STOCK styling ONLY!! Do NOT use these new tiles in/on any IME terrain with any other tile set. They will not match!! Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, may visually defy gravity and other Universal Laws of Physics, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, even if they might have had strategic or tactical values. Some airfields may actually be 'post-war', but have been left for game playability. And So Forth ™. You may also experience long loading times; this is to be expected. When in game, you'll see: "Middle East (WW2-3W)" The "3W" designates this is built from a stock 3rd Wire Terrain. Limited Nations is set to TRUE, and only uses historical WW2 Nations (ie: no Americans). This will allow campaign builders to not only replicate the fighting against Vichy forces in the Levant & Syria, but allows a more 'what if..' situation, giving Italian and German forces a greater presence in Mandate Palestine, TransJordan, and Iraq. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, but =before= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section makes for essential reading. It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with. There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  8. I can actually give you 2: one normal cargo ship ground object, that will show in Auntie Ship missions (and shoots back), with smoke from the stack and a static terrain object docked version that just sits there (waiting to be blown up!) both can be used as docked ships, of course. They're mods of Stephan1918s FE versions (as seen on my ww2 terrains)
  9. indeed. space saving at it's best
  10. doesn't work for ground objects, only aircraft and cockpits
  11. BS Motion

    I have no such mixed feelings... I'm just JEALOUS!!! (I can imagine my cats having fun with this, too!!)
  12. hey, krfrge, you want a PRC 'tramp steamer'? Take me about 5 minutes to make one.... That oiler seems a bit big, and quite a tempting target
  13. unforuntately, no ======= I like that cross-island runway!!
  14. you do know that naval stuff doesn't work in FE/FE2, right? Not like in SF2
  15. Aircraft Serial Number Sites

    Also, for more 'specific' jets http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html (I'll be moving this thread to the KB soon. just want to see what other links get posted)
  16. It started off as WW2 conversion experiment, as I wanted a terrain where carriers would work (they do!). I may release it as an alternative to the just-release "Palestine 2" WW2 map. At least on this one, the Royal Navy and Regia Marina will have something to do! For a view of the Cairo region, see the ww2 screen shots thread (the one with the Gladiator). You'll see the Nile is now a REAL river, and both the Rashid and Damiata branches have been corrected, along with a bunch of the small distributories. All stock tiles, plus the usual "customs". Also removed the "exit" stream from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba, as such a thing does not exist. I've found numerous errors on the map. Coastal cities that are inland (due to lack of a ISTown-to-sea) tile) Oddly, if anyone looks at the IME map with the TFD tool or Terrain Editor, you'll see in the upper right corner farm tiles representing the course of the Euphrates towards Turkey. Bit of a wasted effort, as that waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind The Wall The stock IME terrain has 165 tiles. This one has 230. I'd actually laid out the Litani river course, from above Tyre to that lake below Rayak. Unfortunately, it ran uphill in both directions in some places... neither the TFD tool or repainting the height field bmp worked in "adjusting" it so I removed it. Pity, as I had to make another custom transition tile too. I may put it back, and just leave the height field "as is". Only going as far as the lake, as taking in further north towards Homs and beyond would require repositioning some mountains, cities and airbases (Rayak)
  17. just testing some experimental (well, not anymore!) tiles. 1st shot is Port Said/Port Faud, looking east at the "new" shipping bypass channel 2nd shot is Port Said, looking west at the city towards Lake Manzala The entire length of the canal has been retiled to reflect The Real World ™. With the excepting of the north/south bypasses in the middle now, if I can just get the height field fiddled with for the Litani River.....<sigh>
  18. that can be done by the SF2 "nation specific" and "year specific" loadout switches, like I'd shown in the original thread. Unfortunately, it only sets a start date, but not an end date
  19. War Movies on TCM

    ....and their dogs, too!! I always thought it was pronounced as "The Wal-mart"?? (wife has relatives in the south, and that's how they say it)
  20. you mean this one, that comes stock??
  21. War Movies on TCM

    I'm still pissed off that the ones I really wanted to see were either in the wee hours of the morning or way too early Air Force (1943) Action in the North Atlantic 30 Seconds Over Tokyo Sahara (fortuntately, I have all but AITNA on dvd)

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