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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. in the Options ini, do you have ObjectesFade = FALSE?
  2. View File SF2 RAF Washington B.1 (B-29A) Pack SF2 RAF Washington B.1 (B-29A) Pack 4/26/2015 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the extensive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users � that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.* This mod represents B-29 Superfortress bombers used by the RAF in the early 1950s. This is a "country specific" mod, =ONLY= designed for Royal Air Force usage. It is the complete aircraft, including a 'new(ish)' cockpit. All items, excepting weapons are included. This is a complete revamp of the now no longer available 1st Gen mod by Bob "howling1" Hauser. This mod is dedicated to his memory, both as a Person, and a Modder. The skin herein represents Washingtons from No 44 "Rhodesia" Squadron All markings are decals. Serial numbers, while correct for this model, are to be considered generic in nature. Decal randomization is TRUE. The only 'nose art' is the squadron badge (also a decal!). Other squadron can easily be done by creating a new squadron letters decal. (and nose badge, of course). The aircraft carries standard USAAF/USAF WW2 era bombs. The Tallboy stations remain active. When in game you'll see Washington B.1 (B-29A) on the aircraft selection drop down. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" and other important data you should know. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein UPdated 8/31/2017: hit box adjustments, corrections and additions Submitter Wrench Submitted 04/30/2015 Category Other  
  3. Modder Nomination

    send Erik a pm, with the nomination.
  4. very nice. a small suggestion, as these aircraft are powered by inline V-12s (albeit inverted), swapping the "radial engine" sound for the AvHistory WW2_Engine_GR_Jumo211_x2. Cause that's what they were.
  5. View File SF2 KAW B-29 Superfortress Pak SF2 KAW B-29 Superfortress Pak 4/26/2015 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the extensive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users � that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.* This mod represents B-29 Superfortress bombers used by the USAF during the Korea War. This is a "era specific" mod, ONLY designed for Post-1947 usage. It is the complete aircraft, including a 'new(ish)' cockpit. All items, excepting for the standard bombs (in the KAW Weapons Pack) are included. Skins included here are for: 28th BS, 19th BG* 33rd BS, 22nd BG* 343rd BS, 98th BG 372nd BS, 307th BG * "USAF2", (a generic NM skin with no squadron/group markings) (*=indicates Night undersides. others are NM overall) All markings, excepting squadron/group color bands, are decals. Serial numbers, while correct for this model, are to be considered generic in nature. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins use the same "pool" of serial numbers. There are NO nose arts. A number of new (actually revamped for SF2) weapons are included: VB-3 VB-4 RAzon guided bombs VB-13 Tarzon guided bomb T-10 Tallboy A Large Selection of early fission bombs Please note, that the effects for the nukes (included), do NOT work in some mods folders, for no known reason. They work fine in others. Also, be advised, even with the smallest yields, your chances of surviving are very small. Use of these weapons is not really reccomended. They are included for historical pruposes only. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" and other important data you should know. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein updated 4/29/2015: moved Nuc Bay to forward bomb bay updated 8/31/2017: adjusted/corrected hit boxes (new data ini) Submitter Wrench Submitted 04/28/2015 Category Other  
  6. they DO automatically turn off in the combat zone (really! they do!!)
  7. File Name: SF2 WW2 PTO B-29 Superfortress Pak (Ver 2) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 22 April 2013 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 PTO B-29 Superfortress Pak (Ver.2) 4/27/2015 -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = This is a revamp of the version released in April, 2013. There have been several major and minor changes. See the Change List in the Notes section for what got fiddled with. This is the complete aircraft, with all the skins, decals, sounds and whathaveyous needed. The 2 skins included are: 498th BG 73rd BW (all 60 aircraft) 509th Composite Group (the Atomic Bombers) Serials & nose arts for the 509th are 100% historically accurate. The 498th nose arts in some cases are interperative, some are historical. Serials/tail markings =ARE= 100% historical. Decal randomization is TRUE for both skins. The skins, due to their small size, remain in bmp format. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them. For those users that have the 2013 version, you will be deleting the /B-29 folder from you PTO mods folder's /Aircraft main folder. Again, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS -- in fact, unzp the package FIRST, read them through, and then follow the instructions. If allowed to overwrite, bad things may happen. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Be advised, the "Leagel Notice" also includes a small change. Which seems to be ignored by some people. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Version 2, uploaded 4/2015 Click here to download this file
  8. you folks might find this interestering... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a8B7oYVtNY
  9. Version 2 uploaded. 4/29/2015 please, read the instructions. thank you, and have a pleasant flight
  10. a little oopsy .. I have the Nuc bay in the wrong place. Should be the FORWARD bay (this is what I get for not paying attention to the movie "Above and Beyond", that I watched last week on TCM copy paste the data below directly OVER the NucBay statement in the Data ini... [NucBay] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=4 StationGroupID=4 StationType=INTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,3.50,0.0 DiameterLimit=1.75 LengthLimit=4.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=5500 AllowedWeaponClass=NUC AttachmentType=USAF,NATO NumWeapons=1 BombBayAnimationID=2 I'll update the package in a little bit..
  11. those painted on roundels look absolutely horrible!! Might need to go to decals...
  12. because it has to be approved by the one of the Staff members
  13. that would be nice! I can think of at least 5 terrains that could benefit from this!!
  14. It's Crusaders sight mod. I just repainted the tgas, to make them (hopefully!!!) easier to see. The man is an (game) avionics genius. yeah, I'll search for that thread. The inconsistency of the effects is bugging the crap out of me... in 3 it works, and the ONE you want it to, don't. (same for the WW2 version, coming soon; Little Boy is like an invisible fart, blowing everything up) I'd hold off on doing anything for the DAT Peacemaker. There's one in the works that'll put their's into the trash bin
  15. as far as I'm concerned, you certainly MAY upload them!!
  16. yes, indeed. The cockpit alone is worth the price of admission. I most definitely recommend getting them. While you still can
  17. GoG did it again!

    Even though this might be more appropriate in the Star Wars section ... they've just released W7 version of X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, and X-Wing Alliance!!! XvT has the Balance of Power built in both for 10 USD. What a bargin! now, the most important question is .... for XvT, how do we get the DSP to work???
  18. you do know that that terrain is pure junk right?? It doesn't even have working water... but if you insist on fiddleing with it... your nations ini should look like this: that's all that needed; no other entries are necessary and add this line to the DRV.ini, at the bottom of the top section Limited Nations=TRUE
  19. YES!! what does the nations ini say for Thailand? (bet it ain't even got one...that terrain is so old, and 'off'....) something I wouldn't do... you will fubar that terrain in an instant
  20. in 6-8 weeks i'll know if the anit-virals they've given me have helped with the cellular de-lamination (that's the only term I can thing of for the separation of the cells from in inner corneal lining). After that, they'll determine WHICH surgery to do first -- remove the damaged cells (which is probable) and implant 'donor' cells, or corneal replacement (only if the 1st doesn't take) Another 2 years, at least, of this bullshit!!
  21. yes, indeed with Gerwins tool! Worked pretty good. The coastline came out like I wanted. Safety Tip -- always have a backup copy of the HFD before modifiying with the HFD tool. when I retiled that, all I could hear in my head was "the vast open steppes, leading to Moscow". IIRC, I just used a plane grass field (BNGrass??). Wish I'd been able to add the mountains between France and Spain, too. They're just flat snow tiles!!
  22. Ice Duel, I assume (oh! that word!!) is for DBS??? When I rebuilt it, it was most definitely divided between "east and west". what airfields? to check alignments, open the targets ini and look at the top section of EACH target area... location 1 is always friendly location 2 is always enemy usually, the first target area is a 1; maybe swap out one of the friendly cities to the #1 position (#20, Northeast Cape), and move Nycgicen to #20. Target 2 is a friendly airfield; having an airfield 1st (used to) cause issues. of course, that may screw up the campaign, but ????
  23. the KAW 29s will be out first, as they required more work (will have 5 skins). The PTO ones will follow soon after (that does seem ass-backwards, don't it??)

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