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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I just remembered, there's 2 "slit trench" in Polack's Object Library 1 they are af23foxholes af24folxholes they ARE difficult to place, but usable. (I forgot I used them on a ww2 map!) I also, yesterday, finished completely retiling the Israel 2 map. It now more matches the "EasternMed" (aka NAfrica) modern terrain, but I kept the original "desert" cities and farm tiles. IME tiles blow goats, with odd angles the unfortunate side effect is, it'll need a major upgrade to the targets ini, as some things need moving and enhancements screenshot is Port Said, Port Fahd, and the northern mouth of the canal
  2. TMF F4U-1C Corsair parked "wingfold" fix open the data ini, and at the very top, in the MissionData section, make sure these 2 line are present CarrierParkSpan=6.35 CarrierParkAnimationID=8 scroll down to the Fuselage section. add this following SystemName[009]=Wingfold scrolling down,, near the Crew section where the canopy animation statement is, make sure THIS statement is there: [WingFold] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_9 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=6.0 AnimationID=8 scroll further down, to both the right and left wing sections (BOTH the wing, and outerwing), and look for these lines: scroll further down, to the 'wing lever statements', below the fuel tank statement, and make sure it's commented out. that fixed the -1c for me. as to the FAA Corsairs, was unable to get them to show on any RN carriers parked (even to the point of REMOVING all other FAA aircraft) with or without folded wings. Can't determine if it's a CV fault or aircraft fault, but the wings will fold with the Standard Animation Keystroke (Shift/9) As time and other factors determine, I'll try and see what can be done with them. But, it may be a lod issue, and unfixable
  3. no, it isn't. the meteor has annunciators for TWO engines, we only need one set gauges
  4. I'm very aware of what they do. taking time out for other, more important projects that REALLY need doing, to revist something from several years ago, I was able to fix the -1Cs parking wing fold. Wasted half a day between this and the Corsair II & IV. --- open the data ini, and at the very top, in the MissionData section, make sure these 2 line are present CarrierParkSpan=6.35 CarrierParkAnimationID=8 scroll down to the Fuselage section. add this following SystemName[009]=Wingfold scrolling down,, near the Crew section where the canopy animation statement is, make sure THIS statement is there: [WingFold] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_9 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=6.0 AnimationID=8 scroll further down, to both the right and left wing sections (BOTH the wing, and outerwing), and look for these lines: scroll further down, to the 'wing lever statements', below the fuel tank statement, and make sure it's commented out. that fixed the -1c for me. as to the FAA Corsairs, was unable to get them to show on any RN carriers parked (even to the point of REMOVING all other FAA aircraft) with or without folded wings. Can't determine if it's a CV fault or aircraft fault, but the wings will fold with the Standard Animation Keystroke (Shift/9)
  5. black objects (lods, etc) usually mean the textures are missing also, in SF2 pilots need to be in a separate, named folder within a /Pilots folder. you folder paths would be //Object /Pilots /*nameofpilot* folder in my experience, black terrains are caused by mission tiles or a wrong cat pointer line. That shouldn't be an issue, as Rends Germany replaces the stock GermanyCE, and points to that cat Just be be safe, you might want to spend time in the SF2 Knowledge Base, as things (as they set up in the mods folder) ARE slightly different. the other thing is, perhaps your comp is running out of texture memory?
  6. actually, it's using the Hunter pit. It fits better, viewpoint-wise. Even if it's missing the prop and mixture levers (which also aren't on they Wyvern, as it's a turbine). Even though it lacks the standard UK "spade grip" stick... in the screenie below, I've zoomed back a bit to give a wider angle
  7. ok, took some doing, but I finally found what I'd started. Now, it's an unfinished layout. The original, completed with M109 positions may have been in 1stGen SF: Israel, which in no longer around (even zipped archive!) the layout below was designed for Gepard's Isarel2 map, so disregard the Position = line, as it won't match anything. iirc, the 'bunker03' and "hwzsite" are from the Desert Storm map, from the USMC firebase thingy. I know the M-109s would sit in those positions. the pits all point "west" towards Egypt. I know there's maps available that show where the forts were. Translating THAT to the IsraelME map is where the talent for reading terrains vs real world maps really comes in (but I think Gerwins TFD tool now has a function for something like that. well, good luck! Let me know if you can't find the objects, and I'll shoot you the whole Israel2 terrain (already converted for SF2 usage) EDIT: ok, found a DIFFERENT version of the terrain, this one has 8 bar lev forts. Below is a screenshot of the layout. No arty, oddly! ya know, I could really fix that map up with "new" (read: renamed) tiles...hmmmmm is it worth it though?
  8. like most things around here, they wouldn't (or more accurately, COULDN'T) get done without a lot of really good folks pitching out.
  9. Version


    SF2 KAW F2H-2 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees 7/6/2014 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = ***PLEASE NOTE!!! You must have the original Razbam Payware Banshee set for all the necessary items!!! If you can't purchase the item from the Razbam Store, do NOT download this mod; it will do you NO good. This package =ONLY= includes those items modded by me.*** This package contains a few (partly) repainted skin maps for the 4 original skins. They now carry decals for Modex and BuNums. These are =ONLY= for the F2H-2, as used in the early 1950s, particually over Korea. Included are new decals, decal inis, number lists, userlist, etc. The repainted skin maps are: Fuselage_t Main_t Wing2_t You'll find all these items in their appropriate skin subfolders. Also, a totaly NEW skin, for VF-172 "Blue Bolts" was created and included. This was the first unit to take the Banshee into combat in Korea. Skins remain in bmp format. Decal randomization is TRUE. All aircraft use a "pool" of BuNum decals. The BuNum decals, when correct for this model, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent ony the aircraft itself, not specific aircraft in any particular unit. Both USMC units also use a "pool" of Modex numbers. National insignia, and CVG code letters remain painted on, excepting for those on the VF-172 skin. All markings on that one, excepting the national insignia, are decals. A modified data, loadout, and main (F-2H2.ini) are included. A new avionics ini is included, that activates the range-only gun radar (similiar to F-86E/F models). Shadows have been turned OFF, due to 'tractor beam' issues. NEW damage tgas are supplied as well. It may be advisable for you to back up ALL the original inis, just for safety's sake. When in game, you'll see F2H-2 Banshee (Raz) on the aircraft selection drop down menu. The aircraft is carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'. However, as the wings do NOT fold, you will probably NOT see them parked on the boat. The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ is used for the canopy (Shift/0). No weapons, sounds, pilots, etc are included. These are Razbam copyright items, and are included in his package. Those that have NOT updated their pilot to the SF2 folderized standard, should do so soonest. OTH, the weapons used are readily available in the KAW Weapons Pak. Further work is required by those FM Gurus to bring it all the way home. I've done what I can with it. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them BEFORE installing (but after unzipping, of course). Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Full credits are listed in the usual place, down with the "Notes". Good Hunting, and Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. ya know, it looks better with the stripes!! LOL!!
  11. don't know how they work in campaigns, but placing them is pretty easy. I've used them a lot on various maps. For other units, I'd suggest looking in some of my WW2 terrains, the ASW (American SouthWest) terrain has several arty sites, and so forth. for Isreal, don't forget we have an M-109 SPG around here somewhere!! I'd used them in some of the (never finished!) Bar Lev forts. Wonder where those went... iirc, it was for 1stGen. Have to check my archives!
  12. excellent info guys! Gunrunner, I edited my original post, as I'd read the number of Battles wrong. It's now back to 2.<g>. I've also updated my Tribal stand-in as well, adding RCN and RAN boats. It'll be included in the Sea Fury package (or I can release it separately as well to update the ones -I think released seperately!!!- for WW2. I like Tribals, too. Had the Revell model 'way back when I was kid. ok, it seems NOT right way for stripes, eventually. I can fix that with another skin, using the StartDate= tag, and have the RAN Furys stripes 'turn on' at a given date. as to markings, yes; standard tri-color roundel, no roo. Others will need to finish my partial template for the bird, as to be able to repaint it for later RAN and whoever eles used it (Kon Marine, later FAA, etc) I REALLY wish we has something to use for the River class frigates .. but, well we all know how it is!!
  13. Indeed. Could you be a little less vague, as to not only HOW to install this, but where, and for WHICH terrain??? Is it a replacement for the INA terrain? For Baltikas? How is one supposed to use? Why is it repacked into a cat file, with the same name as the 3W original?? Having unzipped and examined it, and moved the cat to a mods folders /Terrains/IcelandNA terrain folder, I see no visual differences. In fact, all I got was the stock terrain. More explainations and instructions are definitely required for this. Otherwise, it's going away.
  14. ok, have 3 full sets of skins an decals (courtesy of Paulo's SeaFury pack of Simon's old bird) FAA 801 802 807 RAN 805 updated the box art hangar screen, has a 'new' (and different!) cockpit, new AvHistory engine sound, minor tweeks and such. The only oddity I'm experiencing is on the Fleet Carriers (Victorious type), it don't catch the wire. Neither AI or player on autopilot (this is the BIG thing -- the AIs has to land themselves). OTH, on the Colossus class (Theseus, Glory, Sydney) there's no issue. This leads me to believe theres a problem with the CVs themselves. But it's livable with! Also, in eburgers SF2NA CV mega pak, the start date for HMAS Sydney is incorrect in both the data and userinis. S/B 1948. So, looks like we're just about good to go. Hoping to assemble the package and a release by the weekend. If any of the major modders want to inspect before, let me know. (looking a Baff and Carlo!) screenie below: hms theseus and her seafurys
  15. Corsair Mk.V, HMS Theseus, 1841 NAS, Korea 1951
  16. well, as I already KNOW that's what the airfield issue is....and the conversion is less than 2 minutes (hence the tutorial I wrote way back when). Somewhere, I also made note that End Users ™ will have to add the aforementioned airfield inis ... just don't remember where I wrote it. Since even pointing to the /desert.cat won't exactly work; is one of the reasons for the last few years of always including the desert airfield inis in every terrain I do.
  17. did you extract all the desert airfield inis, and place them INTO the terrain folder??? and wasn't it already converted, and uploaded?
  18. Version


    F-16A Falcon, Generic USAF/NATO Gray Skin/Decal/Ini Pak = For SF2, Full-4 Merged Required =* *Note: at minimum, you =MUST= have SF2:I, as this mod references the cockpit, aircraft and other required items =ONLY= found within a Full-4 or SF2:I. If you don't meet these minimium criteria, don't D/L this, as you wont be able to use it* This package expands on the work of MigBuster and others, and will allow for the creation of a stock 3W F-16A (probably Blks 1-10, although I'm not as 'up' on Falcon block numbers as I should be...). A complete set of inis are included, fully updated as of Nov, 2011. Newly added is a Userlist.ini, although this may need expansion/clarification of StartYear dates. Changes are welcomed and encourged! -Remember, this is the Early Production A model only!! All new Hangar and Loading screens are included. The canopy operates via a manual animation key (Shift/0, as always). Other Ini edits remove the internal jammer, and add one to the external centerline position, and other small Loadout modifications. See "Notes" below for more info. It should be noted at this time, that seperate from the main section of this download, are 'fixed' Decal and Textureset inis for MigBuster's F-16A skins. These skins are NOT included. You can find them in the SF2 Aircraft Skins download section (links are supplied in the "To Install" section below). BE ADVISED: install his -first!!-, then add the inis I've supplied. See below for more info on the "MigBuster Skin Fixes" in the "To Install" section. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! Also, don't forget the "Notes" section for expansive esplainations and other illuminations. Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  19. someone with MAX has to do it, via the 3W exporter (which is only for max)
  20. ok!! got all the lod stuff from baff, and it's like a completely different bird! thanks baff!! doing something I shouldn't (because of the eye issue), but here's partly reskinned with the invasion stripes (note the open canopy!!)
  21. actually, that's the stock skin, just rebadged === you'd think the Dauntless would have flush rivets, but having seen real ones -- and that pic REALLY shows it -- they didn't!
  22. 1771 NAS, HMS Implacable, BPF, July 1945

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