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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: XvT/BoP Alliance Operation "Battles in the Outer Rim Territories" File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 06 March 2015 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP Alliance Operation "Battles in the Outer Rim Territories" For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version ORT provides over eighty new missions over five new tours of duty. The timeline is from approximately Hoth to the Battle of Endor (sorry, on 2nd Death Star runs, but the aftermath of), and into the post-Imperial era, and the formation of the New Republic. These have been converted for use in XvT/BoP, in BoP format due to the need for BWs and other ships only available there. All stock ships are used, so no ship patch is requried (other than having the BoP addon if using the XWCD. The new GoG versions already have what's needed). In many of the missions, you'll be able to fly more than one flight of starfighter. In later missions, (post-Hoth) CM pods have been pre-loaded. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Also, the original builders and my notes at the bottom! The large(ish) description, from the original 1990s readme, is located at the bottom of this document. Get to your ships Pilots! wrench Kevin Stein original mission set by Michael Baker circa 199??? Click here to download this file
  2. your data ini fixed the carrier issue (except for landings .. on autopilot and AI, they just float over the deck, and bounce off into the sea. but that, I'm sure, is just fine tuning of something somewhere in there!) ok, that's some weird shit ... I don't have those first 3 lods. at all!! that's what my main ini says. and the wings and canopy still don't work. wonder if it's the missing 3 lods?? Can you shoot those too me?
  3. right! took 4 hours to dial the f**ckers in!! LOL!! the Seafury I'd gotten from you eailer, the whole package, iirc, was Simons. But I'll definatelly check this one out. I tested it (the skippybing one) on the CVs yesterday, and it flips over and blows up before falling though the deck and sinking. Most assuredly needs more work!
  4. why not just bring back the Ki-44's name? Shoki (devil queller or demon hunter)
  5. so, the date of your lod is what?? mine is "SeaFuryHighRes.LOD", dated 1/19/2011 I don't have the Sea Fury max files (not that I could do anything with them, other than open them in MAX and view -- still haven't started learning HOW to use Max2009) I finished dialing in the lights this afternoon. the hard way... also, using this lod, and mue's new viewer, I don't see any anims assigned for wing or canopy
  6. afaik, FC and some other were trying to finish their Meteor F.8. I have (alexs?) max files and a "very early" in-game version of his B-45 Tornado the aforementioned sea fury (skinned and decaled for 802 NAS) as mentioned, needs animations figured out for canopy and wingfold; lights all need dialing in (lights not a big deal) below, is how it looks as of yesturday
  7. indeed, FR did a HELL of a job on the terrain!!
  8. all one would need is the lined map and the UVmap. And, of course, what colors are what and where
  9. what ARE the animation IDs?? I couldn't figure them out.... I actually switched it to use the Hunter 9 pit...
  10. Version


    XvT/BoP Alliance Operation "Battles in the Outer Rim Territories" For XvT =WITH= BoP addon (original CD) or the new GoG version ORT provides over eighty new missions over five new tours of duty. The timeline is from approximately Hoth to the Battle of Endor (sorry, on 2nd Death Star runs, but the aftermath of), and into the post-Imperial era, and the formation of the New Republic. These have been converted for use in XvT/BoP, in BoP format due to the need for BWs and other ships only available there. All stock ships are used, so no ship patch is requried (other than having the BoP addon if using the XWCD. The new GoG versions already have what's needed). In many of the missions, you'll be able to fly more than one flight of starfighter. In later missions, (post-Hoth) CM pods have been pre-loaded. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Also, the original builders and my notes at the bottom! The large(ish) description, from the original 1990s readme, is located at the bottom of this document. Get to your ships Pilots! wrench Kevin Stein original mission set by Michael Baker circa 199???
  11. we're not talking about Simon Porters from 2005, but Skippybings from 2011 paulopanz did a bang up job on reskinning simon's quite a while ago
  12. I have it (somewhere!), Unfortunately, it stlll needs work, that can only be done in MAX. Animations for wing fold, canopy, etc. Skinning work (decals is easy)
  13. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt!!! now, we just need the helos to operate from it ...
  14. Lloyd, I moved this from the KB to where people might actually see it... ----------- to the best of my knowledge, based on some tweeks Crusader provided for the Bf-109s, it does NOT change the rate of fire or anything else.
  15. Harrison Ford Reported Fair After Plane Crash

    yeah, that's just over a mile west of me. was hearing the choppers for about an half hour before I checked the local tv news to see what was going on (was actually on the phone with fubar at the time!). Good job in getting it down, and not getting too badly hurt, or smashing into houses. Pity about the plane, though Pen Mar golf course is also prominentely featured in the move "2010" during the destruction of LA sequence (and my house is just east of the airport, and so falls into a vast fissure that opens up, along with the airport itself!)
  16. oooooooooooooooohhhhh... that's gotta hurt!
  17. I'm not quite tracking, Russ. below is a screenie of the P-40 I posted above, using the sqtail decal, with the statements also as above. You can see the 7th TFS is active (yeah, I know, I should edit the squadron list inis 'displayed name' to reflect the 7th WW2 name) again, is there a Level=1 decal entry in all the skins decals inis? Reading the last post, you say the COUNTRY is grayed out as well??? That means you have no Level=0 (which are the national insignias) in you decals ini. that's also easily fixed, pretty much the same way the squadron. Pick a mesh (another aileron or elevator and do this: I call THAT one my "fake insignia", although it calls for a stock insignia decal, pulled from the object cat, just so reduced in size no one can see it. I even wrote a tutorial for the KB on this very subject!! :)
  18. First off, I'd like to thank our superb Admin Staff -- you guys TOTALLY Rock! Now, ladies and gents, lets get to work!! wrench kevin stein
  19. greyed out means that while listed, there's nothing to activate it (the Level 1 decals)
  20. you might have to ask Capun. I'd double check their readme, first though
  21. we FINALLY got one!! thanks to all involved!!

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