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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. in sf2, you can't put a decal tga over the glass tga. it just don't work no more so, like Russ showed, you'd acutally need a new physical model
  2. where do you think I got the FM for the KAW version I did (don't know if it was ever released, or even where it went right now!!)
  3. pity the 3rd Wire boards are gone. Someone, also with a Mac reported similar issues. I don't recall what the fix, if any, was
  4. well, I got the FM revamped, but the pig won't land on the boat. ANY boat -- tested them all. By 'hand flying', probably. But under auto-pilot or AI control, they float over the deck, and drop into the sea. I've done everything = I = can, so someone else will have to fine tune it you all still want it, even with that major flaw??
  5. The First Eagles Knowledge Base

    pretty much the same as the SF2 series this may be of some help (might be confusing at first, but read it through a couple of times) http://combatace.com/topic/70920-sf1-to-sf2-decals-folder-conversion-quickie-tutorial/
  6. ok, did that. now I can see the skin. but how am I supposed to view and export a lined map?? (btw, you all DIDN'T see this airplane, ok?? )
  7. LOL!!! I've started work on upgrading the SH F.1. Expect a new, SF2-compliant version in a few days. Might as well, right???
  8. so, you all want me to find and re-issued my KAW Seahawk F.1, then?? edit: found it. http://combatace.com/files/file/6906-seahawk-f1a-what-if-korean-war-mod/ as its 1stGen, the FM will need updating. Shouldn't be too hard to fix
  9. certainly did!! now, I see no texture at all, just the 'green' of the aircraft meshes btw, its a 3rd party bird, not a stock one
  10. ‘Star Trek’ Star Leonard Nimoy Dead at 83

    having seen all the TOS cast members at various Cons of the years, of the Big Three, he was one of the good ones. another goes to the Great Bird of the Galaxy... RIP Mr. Nimoy
  11. ok, I got it. but I seem to be doing something (or have something!) wrong. I'm not able to view a lined map (or the skin map itself as shown in some of the screenies). This is something I need for a 'secret' project I've been asked to undertake. If someone can view it, and more importantly, EXPORT it, please contact me via PM. I need it for an aircraft that is skinned, but has no panel lines or 'hinge' lines on the control surfaces.
  12. ok, dummy me can't find the download link! And, also dummy me, accidently deleted my original download and folder! (stupid, I know!), so, can someone point me to it? thanks!!
  13. Happy Birthday Enoc!

    happy birthday, you mig-master you!!!
  14. indeed, mue's tool is AWESOME of just this very thing!!
  15. shoot, I was going to go with "Sabrinas" would have been cool if TK has used the actual name!! (cause boobs isn't politicaly correct!)
  16. sounds a bit like the "air mines" deployed from Dale Brown's "MegaFortress". Or the seeking cluster mines from XWA
  17. File Name: XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set "Fall of the Empire" File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 February 2015 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set "Fall of the Empire" (works with original CD version and new GoG version) For XvT w/Bop Addon, or GoG version -no ship patch required These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. We have 3 interrelated mission sets, now combined (sort of!) into one, providing a coherent story line. The 3 sets are broken down as follows (from the original readme, circa 199-something!): ======================================================================= (This tour of duty takes place right after Enemies of the Empire in TF.) ======================================================================= Fall of the Empire: Part I -- Grand Admiral Thrawn, after crushing the traitorous Admiral Zaarin, decides to transfers a division of his best pilots from his fleet to a NL-2. Outpost NL-2 was just constructed in the remote sectors of the Pakuuni System. Currently the only personnel aboard NL-2 are a skeleton crew under the command of Commander Gaver. Grand Admiral Thrawn was also given secondary orders by the Emperor himself. As Thrawn prepares his fleet for the Unknown Regions, a battle is raging in another part of the galaxy far, far away... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall of the Empire: Part II -- It is a dark time for the Empire, with the loss of the second Death Star and of Emperor Palpatine. Thousands upon thousands of worlds are rebelling against the Empire. Word has spread fast of the Emperor's death, as well as the Alliance's victory at Endor. As seen in the Pakuuni Star Systems, strong Imperial Outposts are being lost. Imperial Forces in the Outer Rim are being driven back to the Core Worlds. There, the Imperials are reorganizing the Empire before it crumbles to ruins... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall of the Empire Part III -- It has been several months since the Empire's defeat at Endor, and already the Empire is loosing its grip on the galaxy. Under the command of new Imperial Leader, Grand Moff Selit, the Empire may still have a chance at regain its former glory. However Selit's plans may have to remain on hold. Evidence has been found showing that the Alliance has secrets of their own... ------------------------------------------------------------ Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are often used as in-game hints), and various "eye candy" added. The original conversion (XvT/BoP) set required a ship patch to add some of the larger starships; it has been re-edited to use ALL stock craft. As always, =PLEASE= read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! Good luck and good flying! Wrench Kevin Stein For the Glory of The Empire!! original mission set, for TFCD, created by Zacchaeus Garcia. Click here to download this file
  18. I wasn't sure if that actually worked, so took the longer (albeit safer) way! I'm a firm believer in CYA (had it drilled into my head during my mechanic career!)
  19. rename the old mods folder for SF2 Europe (the 'damaged' one). run the SF2E.exe, allow the game to build a NEW mods folder. copy/paste ALL the folders from the old, renamed version into the new one. Should be fine after that.
  20. whatever. If you knew anything about terrains, and how to read the times stored therein, you'd see that MANY of those buildings items are taken from Gepard's Battle of Britan terrain. But, it's patently obvious that you'd rather shill for DAT, then support the mainstream community. You can believe and say whatever you want. I'm done here. And so is this thread
  21. I don't have a Hawaiian shirt (I did as a kid), so I'll need a new one. let me see if I archived the TE for Madagascar... otherwise I'll have to build a new one. I'll see what I can do..
  22. check with blaze95, he said he'd gotten the water humps out, which means he was able to fiddle the HFD with gerwin's tool. and, if I may request, please don't remove my Easter Eggs!!
  23. this is what I'm using on the new WW2 CBI map (also, remove that last section, "noise texture" mind you, this uses Stary's GH3, so the objects may be too many (alpha) do a "search and replace" of HeightMapScale=2.000000 to HeightMapScale=0.000000 (of course, FR's should already have that!)

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