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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. yah, used =2.0000 for those, as it was the "standard" at the time. =0.000 seem to be better I'm quite sure the data ini needs updating to the 'newer' statements :)
  2. was the fix part of the HeightMapScale= statement in the terrain's data ini??? and what of the _hm.bmps for the sea and sea/land transitions?
  3. G20: seriously? don't see the problem? I take it you haven't read MY read me for the 2012 update (or any of my terrains): now, I must admit I did make a typographical error in the legal statement. It says when it should say CANNOT be distributed even if (etc) But, on the next lines, clearly states my position. With a link back to the "conditional usage" post in the Freeware thread as to the terrain itself, trust me; I know my own work when I see it. That goes for skins and decals, too. btw, fng2k hasn't been part of the community for at LEAST 6 year, or more!
  4. unfortunately, that was posted on HIS boards, and now longer accessable
  5. I'm sure I'll get banned for saying this.....which is a pity, as ww2 modding is my MAJOR area of interest. how abut using, modifying and reposting terrain, without the permission of the guy that rebuilt it, maybe? there's more I could say, but I don't want to suffer the consequenses of being myself
  6. Version


    XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set "Fall of the Empire" (works with original CD version and new GoG version) For XvT w/Bop Addon, or GoG version -no ship patch required These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. We have 3 interrelated mission sets, now combined (sort of!) into one, providing a coherent story line. The 3 sets are broken down as follows (from the original readme, circa 199-something!): ======================================================================= (This tour of duty takes place right after Enemies of the Empire in TF.) ======================================================================= Fall of the Empire: Part I -- Grand Admiral Thrawn, after crushing the traitorous Admiral Zaarin, decides to transfers a division of his best pilots from his fleet to a NL-2. Outpost NL-2 was just constructed in the remote sectors of the Pakuuni System. Currently the only personnel aboard NL-2 are a skeleton crew under the command of Commander Gaver. Grand Admiral Thrawn was also given secondary orders by the Emperor himself. As Thrawn prepares his fleet for the Unknown Regions, a battle is raging in another part of the galaxy far, far away... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall of the Empire: Part II -- It is a dark time for the Empire, with the loss of the second Death Star and of Emperor Palpatine. Thousands upon thousands of worlds are rebelling against the Empire. Word has spread fast of the Emperor's death, as well as the Alliance's victory at Endor. As seen in the Pakuuni Star Systems, strong Imperial Outposts are being lost. Imperial Forces in the Outer Rim are being driven back to the Core Worlds. There, the Imperials are reorganizing the Empire before it crumbles to ruins... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall of the Empire Part III -- It has been several months since the Empire's defeat at Endor, and already the Empire is loosing its grip on the galaxy. Under the command of new Imperial Leader, Grand Moff Selit, the Empire may still have a chance at regain its former glory. However Selit's plans may have to remain on hold. Evidence has been found showing that the Alliance has secrets of their own... ------------------------------------------------------------ Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are often used as in-game hints), and various "eye candy" added. The original conversion (XvT/BoP) set required a ship patch to add some of the larger starships; it has been re-edited to use ALL stock craft. As always, =PLEASE= read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! Good luck and good flying! Wrench Kevin Stein For the Glory of The Empire!! original mission set, for TFCD, created by Zacchaeus Garcia.
  7. yes, but as it mentioned in the link provided above, anytime you patch the games, or add a DLC (in itself a type of patch), ALL modified AI planes will revert to non-flyable again.
  8. nope. they's all the stock ones the ****.ini in the core files install is only different by it's name (example: StrikeFighters2 WW2Pacific.ini). nothing's changed inside it, it's identical to it's "parent" ini, the sf2na one
  9. not a clue. the only person we might be able to ask, is no longer around oddly, in my ww2 mods folders - all built from the NA exe- the sounds are all working 'as advertised'
  10. same with prop sounds, but ONLY in the SF2NA mods folder. All the other 4 work fine
  11. I would extract and check the latest version of the nations ini, as several of the ex-Soviet and ex-WarPac countries already have the alignment change included, stock
  12. It's a girl!

    all right!! congrats!!
  13. Converted Mission sets

    addition for the Imperial sets: Fall of the Empire (3 interconnected sets, re-edited to "merge" with each other. What happens to a Imperial task group, stranded in the Pakuuni systems in the days, weeks, and months following the Battle of Endor. Can you survive, rejoin with other Loyalist Forces, and save what's left of the Empire?) addition to the Rebel sets: Exeter TODs (2 sets during the Galactic Civil War -- haven't (re)started these to answer Silberpfiel, unfortunately, no. which is a pity.
  14. File Name: XvT-BoP: Imperial Training Missions File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 February 2015 File Category: Star Wars Games Imperial Historical Training Missions = For XvT, with BoP add on (REQUIRED!!) = (Works with original XvT/BoP CD and GoG versions) This is a set of 20 Imperial "Historical" training missions. You may recognize them from TIE Fighter CD or the recently released GoG Win7 TF versions. It should also be noted, several of these DO already exist (in some form or another) in the Stock XvT/BoP Training missions. They have been converted to run in XvT with the BoP add on, as several things have been modified from their original 1990s release, and several ships required ARE only in the BoP add on (the B-Wing being the most important!). Also, there are =NO= missions that use the TIE Defender or Missile Boat. These HAVE been converted, but are not included until we can be sure a ship patch will work on the new GoG version. When (and if) that happens, those 8 missions will be released as an add-on to these. These are to be used/placed into your ...Balence of Power/Train folder. As these ARE training missions, and not (really!) full combat. Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. I've tried, as much as possible, to keep the "feel" of the originals. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! Good luck and good flying! Wrench Kevin Stein For the Glory of The Empire!! Click here to download this file
  15. cat pointer line? even for a cloned terrain, it needs to know what cat use
  16. Nice to have you back, my friend!! great job on these!!
  17. Version


    Imperial Historical Training Missions = For XvT, with BoP add on (REQUIRED!!) = (Works with original XvT/BoP CD and GoG versions) This is a set of 20 Imperial "Historical" training missions. You may recognize them from TIE Fighter CD or the recently released GoG Win7 TF versions. It should also be noted, several of these DO already exist (in some form or another) in the Stock XvT/BoP Training missions. They have been converted to run in XvT with the BoP add on, as several things have been modified from their original 1990s release, and several ships required ARE only in the BoP add on (the B-Wing being the most important!). Also, there are =NO= missions that use the TIE Defender or Missile Boat. These HAVE been converted, but are not included until we can be sure a ship patch will work on the new GoG version. When (and if) that happens, those 8 missions will be released as an add-on to these. These are to be used/placed into your ...Balence of Power/Train folder. As these ARE training missions, and not (really!) full combat. Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. I've tried, as much as possible, to keep the "feel" of the originals. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! Good luck and good flying! Wrench Kevin Stein For the Glory of The Empire!!
  18. Weapon attachment angles?

    so, it's something like this?? this is for an external pod, (under belly for the Suhkois) but perhaps, making the MG itself the pod, and having it point at 45 degs down?? just throwing out ideas!
  19. one of the major issues you'll all forgetting is, the game engine sets recon missions BELOW 1000 feet. so, for high flyers like the U2 or SR71, you'll need to either hand fly the entire mission*, or --and nobody has ever tested this-- build them individually, and hope the waypoint altitudes "stick" in the mission *for those that haven't, might want to read the "notes" section in the SF2 U-2 Upgrade pack I did a few years ago. http://combatace.com/files/file/11575-lockheed-u-2a-for-sf2/
  20. Weapon attachment angles?

    is it a gun pod (per se), or the gun is part of the aircraft? I know in SF/SF2 we have gun pods that the angle is pointed down (3 pods for the Su-9/11). iirc, they're called SPPU-22(something) if the gun is aircraft part, what about the "AimAngles=" statement in the data ini? (below is from the B-57)
  21. I didn't know anyone was making one! on the Tunisia terrain, the southern half is there (from Rome down)
  22. Version


    SF2 WW2 Heinkel He-219 Uhu by Pasko -- Something for the WW2 ETO Players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = * There is a possibility that this mod may work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to the extensive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, some features may not work or other issues may present themselves. Those that attempt SF/Wo* usage do so at their own risk. This mod was built and tested in an ETO-centric mods folder built from SF2NA, at the latest patch level. * Modification/tweeks/adjusments/etcs for Pasko's WW2 Luftwaffe Nightfighter, bring it to a more usable state in the SF2 envrioment. According to the original readme, this repsents He-219A-7s in the Late War timeframe. Skins and decals in this Pak are... 1/NGJ-1 (gray mottle uppers, night black unders) 2/NJG-1 (overall gray mottle) The skins, due to their size and lo-rezness, have been left in their original bmp format. All new 'code letter/call letters' for both have been created. There are no Stab markings for either aircraft. Guns are not included; you should have them already. A new SF2 version of my 'box art' hangar, and new loading screen are provided. See change log for more details. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too, as it contains the changelog. All original readmes from the 1stGen releases are included somewhere in the various folders. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein

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