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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. there is no radar ground locking of targets in the SF series. It's usually IIR or laser designated (again, around 5nm). Not going to get into the 'GPS homing' and others, which are (also kind of, sort of) "fake worked around". and radar in search mode is very different from radar in "track while scan" and "single target track", which are only air-to-air modes in game.
  2. because at 50nm, you 45nm out of range
  3. hit the Tab key while in flight, and it'll bring up the wingman command menu.
  4. File Name: XvT-BoP Mission Pak - Rebel Operation: Wolf Pack File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 14 February 2015 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT-BoP Mission Pak - Rebel Operation: Wolf Pack *Note: these missions have been converted to BoP format. This is required, due to some of the ships needed for them are NOT in "standard" XvT. No ship patch or other mods are needed* This is an 11 mission campaign for Xwing vs Tie fighter. Introduction: Green Squadron flees the destruction of the Rebel Base at Hoth to the Sigma sector to raid Imperial shipping. Here it is hoped they can regroup, refit, contact other fleeing Rebel forces, and continue the Fight for Freedom in the Galaxy. This sector of the Empire is far removed from the front lines. This should be an easy (read: safe) hunting ground. Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Notes" section a read too, for well, notes! Original Mission set by "rrobin", circa 199??? Updated/edited/etc by Kevin 'Wrench' Stein circa 2002, update for GoG version 2/2015 Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  5. yes, both the rebel and mission lst files, as per the tutorial http://combatace.com/topic/85274-tutorial-adding-missions-to-xvtbop/
  6. Version


    XvT-BoP Mission Pak - Rebel Operation: Wolf Pack *Note: these missions have been converted to BoP format. This is required, due to some of the ships needed for them are NOT in "standard" XvT. No ship patch or other mods are needed* This is an 11 mission campaign for Xwing vs Tie fighter. Introduction: Green Squadron flees the destruction of the Rebel Base at Hoth to the Sigma sector to raid Imperial shipping. Here it is hoped they can regroup, refit, contact other fleeing Rebel forces, and continue the Fight for Freedom in the Galaxy. This sector of the Empire is far removed from the front lines. This should be an easy (read: safe) hunting ground. Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are sometimes used as in-game hints), and "eye candy" added. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Notes" section a read too, for well, notes! Original Mission set by "rrobin", circa 199??? Updated/edited/etc by Kevin 'Wrench' Stein circa 2002, update for GoG version 2/2015 Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. does no one use the Knowledge Base anymore??? There's like 3 or instances of the "how to extend the years" in there http://combatace.com/topic/68224-adjusting-beginning-end-year-spread/ and yes, as spinners posted you'll need to adjust the terrain's year spread too.
  8. great find! thanks for sharing!
  9. if you're NOT referencing the VietnamSEA.cat, you MUST put the Vietnam airfield inis IN the new terrain folder. Extract them from the VeitnamSEA cat, and toss them in.
  10. actually, missiondata001.cat if extracted, it GOES into the /Flight folder
  11. they already exist in the stock nations ini Croatia - Nation 145 Serbia - Nation 169
  12. indeed. when I uploaded the 'remod' pack, everything worked.
  13. work goes slow due to the need for meticulous research, often needing new "special" tiles and so forth. But I'm still working on it this is planning map 3, as of this moring. I'm working on French Indochina, in particular Hanoi right now.
  14. yes, it'll pick from 000 to 024 but you STILL need to define the start and stop points For an example, take a look at any of my WW2 RAF birds (Spits, Hurricanes, etc). 26 letters, numbered 000 to 025, randomized [TextureSet] Name=411 "City of York" Sqdn RCAF Nation=RAF Squadron=411RAF StartDefaultDate=1 Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=26 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=25
  15. File Name: XvT-Bop "Patrol of the Liberator" mission set File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 09 February 2015 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT-BoP Mission Set "Patrol of the Liberator" -Rebel Alliance Missions - for either original XvT/Bop CD or GoG versions - You are a recent graduate of the Alliance flight officer's school. Upon graduation, you are assigned to the Nebulon B-class Frigate LIBERATOR. The Liberator is an independent operations frigate. It's new tour is a nearly year convoy raiding mission into the Outer Rim Territories. These missions are in BoP format, so that's required. No other ship patch or mods are needed (At least for the new GoG versions). Original mission set for XWCD by M.J. Grover, 1993 Converted for XvT/Bop Use by me (circa 2000, but updated 2/2015). As always, PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full install instructions, as well as the expected "Notes" section. Good Luck, and Good Hunting! Wrench edit: fixed updated date to correct year Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  16. thanks. a small error fix: the date of my 'updated' should be 2/2015 (like as in 'last week'!)
  17. decal number block size is the "limiting' factor -- you're telling the game engine ™ that here are ONLY 16 numbers. decal number start decal number end tell the game engine WHERE to start adding those decals for instance... you need from BuNums 12345 to 12360 say, these decals are numbered BuNum015 thru Bunum030, so your entries would look like this: DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=16 DecalNumberStart=15 DecalNumberEnd=30 you entry in the decals in would be something like this: [Decal019] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=***/***/D/BuNum Position=-3.65,0.10 Scale=0.5 DecalMaxLOD=4 they always be Level=2 decals you must define the start and end point (number) of the sequence also, for the record, TK has supplied 100 'modex' numbers. They are not always the proper sequence per squadon, either (100 series, 200 series, etc). But, iirc, there's 25 of each (ie: xx0 - x24) now, if you want all the C (112 production numbers) to use ALL 112 Bunums, your decal entry, assuming you created BuNum decals numbered 000 to 111 (0 always is the #1 spot), it would read like this: DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=112 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=111 you may wind up making new modex number decals, of whichever series is needed, so to get the correct one on with their matching modex. I'm reasonably certain (without running down individuals), that you'll probably find them in differing squadrons. Meaning: some will have from 101-??? others 201-??? and so forth, depending on which of the ship's squadrons they were assigned to. (00 birds are usually reserved for the CAG)
  18. Version


    XvT-BoP Mission Set "Patrol of the Liberator" -Rebel Alliance Missions - for either original XvT/Bop CD or GoG versions - You are a recent graduate of the Alliance flight officer's school. Upon graduation, you are assigned to the Nebulon B-class Frigate LIBERATOR. The Liberator is an independent operations frigate. It's new tour is a nearly year convoy raiding mission into the Outer Rim Territories. These missions are in BoP format, so that's required. No other ship patch or mods are needed (At least for the new GoG versions). Original mission set for XWCD by M.J. Grover, 1993 Converted for XvT/Bop Use by me (circa 2000, but updated 2/2015). As always, PLEASE read the enclosed readme for full install instructions, as well as the expected "Notes" section. Good Luck, and Good Hunting! Wrench edit: fixed updated date to correct year Kevin Stein
  19. that's one of 2 things: landing gear rolling radius or "height" of the carrier's deck mesh. neither one is truly worth messing around with. Adjusting either or both will cause other visual "oddities" elsewhere.
  20. so, Ant, what you saying (or showing?) could be considered just the tip of the Iceland??? (pun intended ...ducking and running now!!)
  21. aren't those not used anymore (per se) in SF2? What with the individual, folderized weapons, with their own _data.ini inside?
  22. I don't think that's possible perhaps only with a "year specific" loadout something like this: [strike_LGB_85] Nation=FrenchNavy StartDefaultDate=1985 DefaultFor=Strike Loadout[01].WeaponType=AtlisII Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[02].WeaponType=Tank_SUE_Gray Loadout[02].Quantity=1 Loadout[03].WeaponType=Tank_SUE_Gray Loadout[03].Quantity=1 Loadout[04].WeaponType=BGL400 Loadout[04].Quantity=1 Loadout[05].WeaponType=BGL400 Loadout[05].Quantity=1
  23. Just checking that you all do know (or at least remember!) how to. Because, with luck, the first set of converted missions will be uploaded this week. These will be Training missions, and only for the Rebel side. Unfortunately, NONE of the original T/F CD missions are convertible, as XvTEd can't read their file format. If not, I'll write up a tutorial for it, and sticky it at the top of this forum
  24. Does everyone know how to add missions to XvT?

    image links aren't working wouldn't it have been easier to just rename the folder to fit the pathways??? Hell of a lot less work (and yes, that was my fault for forgetting to put the actual "htod" folder with the missions inside, in that main folder) and it should be "xwhist" but, whatever. Again, even after 15 years from the original work, I didn't have an issue with getting them to run (excepting one time where I had two number 134s -- that broke the list!) just a reminder to everyone ... all mission sets I'll be uploading are folderized. This is done to NOT create conflicts with existing missions, and to keep the installs 'clean' of loose files. However, I WILL be (re)checking all the pathways and folder names are correct. Hopefully, 2 more Rebel sets will go up in the next few days. Imperial sets are problematic ... many require ship sets that don't exist in the 'stock' game, and as we have no Draconis Ship Patch for the GoG versions.... Some of the Imp sets are just plain crap, too. I'm trying to find those that are 'the better ones'. Including the original TF CD mission sets (all converted around 2000, but, now need more fine tuning)
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