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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. because the CV-63 series carriers began their service AFTER the Korean War and yes, you'll need to put ALL the CV-63 bits into it's own sub-folder within the /GroundObjects folder. you'd be better off using the Essex class (correct type), even though it's the SCB-125 upgraded versions, that also have a start date after Korea. That can be fixed by a simple data ini edit. -------- in truth, the best, easiest and most simple way is to not mess around with this in 1stGens -- they do not, by default, support carriers OUTSIDE of campaigns or user-built missions for carriers. SF2, especially with SF2NA as part of the merged install, is the way to go. You want to fly off the boat in single mission, you certainly can. With all the SF2 KAW stuff available, especially a terrain that was BUILT for CV ops (and is FAR more accurate than that 1stGen terrain); well you get the picture.
  2. looks good!! I just wish there was a way to get rid of the fues roundel warpage. Makes me (almost) want to cures Leroy Grumman's shade.... don't forget the various ini mods I've done for the Wildcats/Martlets (like the hand crank sound for the gear and others)
  3. 80km in EVERY direction (up included)
  4. they only carried 2 squadrons in Real Life in campaign wise, there'd be no reason why you couldn't
  5. Version


    SF2 RTAF F-86F Sabre Skin/Decal Pak 1/14/2015 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = Continuing the story of Worldwide Sabres... A new skin for the F-86F Sabre jet, representing those as used by the Royal Thai Air Force in the 1960s, until their replacement (approx 1970) by F-5 Freedom Fighters. This package is designed to be used with the F-86F-40 Re-mod pack, available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/13788-sf2-f-86f-40-sabre-remod-pak/ If you don't have it, you =WILL= need it!! The skin herein represents aircraft from 13th Squadron, 1st Wing as based at RTAFB Don Muang, circa 1961. All markings are decals, excepting the tail squadron markings, and decal randomization is TRUE. Serial numbers are 100% hisorically correct. Also included is an updated Userlist, that adds Thailand. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landings Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. The first question I'd ask, is Which version of the BoB Terrain are you using, the original or my rebuild of it??? IIRC, I changed a LOT of the targets, which, afaik, will effect any existing campaigns
  7. GM Built F-84F

    Buick, be specific given the time frame, I'm surprised they didn't add the traditional "holes in the side"
  8. is that Godzilla I see, just to the right of clouds' pillar, right near the Nagato??? ---------------------------- mandatory screenie (can't recall if there was a TIE (Thai) Sabre or not ... have to check Darksabre's site again!!!) lol!!
  9. you've flown too far to the Edge of the World ™ and hit The Wall. there's an 80km buffer from the edge of every terrain, flying into it, will give the observed results. Watch the in-flight map, and try to stay away from it
  10. ain't that what I said I my post??? and if someone is clever enough, and talented enough, can actually DO it as East Africa; adding in the necessary lakes and so forth. A couple of years ago, I rotated the HFD/TFD and gave it someone that asked, but nothing has ever materialized from it. I've not idea of what value such a terrain would be, but ... there ya have it
  11. add on (third party) planes that do NOT show up in the selection drop down are usually caused by improper/incorrect installation flying outside they're operational year ranges all the other aircraft listed by both the posters (CF-104s, MiG-21SM, etc) are NOT player flyable aircraft. By default, NO "Red Side" aircraft are player flyable. OTH, for some reason, neither are the Starfighers (a very long story, and not relevant here). one way to cross check "player flyability", is to simply open the main ini of one of the non-flyables (example: MiG-21MF.ini) and compare that to the main ini of one of the flyables (example: F-4E_.ini) The differences are QUITE obvious! So, no, the aircraft aren't really missing, just not (by default!) not Player Usable ™.
  12. wouldn't that have been spelling out in the readme enclosed with the package??
  13. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO, "D-Day" Spitfire IX Blank Skin set File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 January 2015 File Category: Spitfire SF2 WW2 ETO, "D-Day" Spitfire IX Blank Skin set 1/12/2015 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (w/whichever Expansion Pak gave us the Spitfire IXc) = Using my Home Grown Templates ™ for the stock 3rd Wire Spirfire 9c, this skin set adds the D-Day Invasion stripes set. This is a "blank" skin, with no marking other than the Invasion Stripes, and can be used with any of the available decal sets for the stock Mk.IXc AND Mk.IXe. A simple rename of the textures will allow it's usage on either one. See "Notes" for more details. The stripes represented here are the 'full' set, top/bottom of wings and fully wrapping around the fuselage, as used from June 6, 1944 to approx September 44 (ish). The Sky ID band has been omitted, although photographic evidence exists of it having been used, even with the Invasion stripes. Yellow wing IFF bands remain. REMINDER-- this is not a 'full' ready-to-use skin pak. The folder is just named "DDAY" for convience. You'll have to create specifically named skin folders (ie: 411-DDay, for example) for proper, historical usage. There is no decals or texture set inis included -- however, a "base" texture set showing the in-game labeling is included, but NOT usable per se. It's just there to show how to set the Displayed Name labeling. As the mapping for both the 9c and 9e is identical, as are their respective decal positions, any of the existing Spifire 9 decal sets can be reused with this skin. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them !!!. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  14. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO, "D-Day" Spitfire IX Blank Skin set 1/12/2015 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (w/whichever Expansion Pak gave us the Spitfire IXc) = Using my Home Grown Templates ™ for the stock 3rd Wire Spirfire 9c, this skin set adds the D-Day Invasion stripes set. This is a "blank" skin, with no marking other than the Invasion Stripes, and can be used with any of the available decal sets for the stock Mk.IXc AND Mk.IXe. A simple rename of the textures will allow it's usage on either one. See "Notes" for more details. The stripes represented here are the 'full' set, top/bottom of wings and fully wrapping around the fuselage, as used from June 6, 1944 to approx September 44 (ish). The Sky ID band has been omitted, although photographic evidence exists of it having been used, even with the Invasion stripes. Yellow wing IFF bands remain. REMINDER-- this is not a 'full' ready-to-use skin pak. The folder is just named "DDAY" for convience. You'll have to create specifically named skin folders (ie: 411-DDay, for example) for proper, historical usage. There is no decals or texture set inis included -- however, a "base" texture set showing the in-game labeling is included, but NOT usable per se. It's just there to show how to set the Displayed Name labeling. As the mapping for both the 9c and 9e is identical, as are their respective decal positions, any of the existing Spifire 9 decal sets can be reused with this skin. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them !!!. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. interesting .... it only seems to open LODs that already in a mods folder; ie: within an already existing aircraft folder. As some may remember, there are NO lods in any of the object cats since one of the 2012 patchs. Many of us have archived extracted "pre lock" object cats. This don't seem to open them from their extracted folders. doesn't seem to have any issues opening a lod from WITHIN an in-game aircraft's folder, where all the inis and textures and so forth reside.
  16. the correct statement is OpenCockpit= but that may cause additional problems
  17. ok, then, well why don't one of you that has the "non defective" file, upload the zip of the viewer to this thread as an attachment???
  18. can't download it ... eset is blocking the site. how about attaching the zip to the post above? --- another question, does it read both ANSI and Unicode?
  19. Version


    SF2 WW2 MTO Spitfire Mk.IX, Polish Fighting Team Skinpak 1/8/2015 -- Something for the Med players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *This mod will NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. One should also have the SF2I expansion pak, that gave us the Spitfires, as this mod REQUIRES the 3W Spitfire Mk.IX, This package contains a new skin for MTO (specificly Tunisian) based RAF Spitfire Mk.IXs. It represents "C" Flight, No. 145 Squadron, aka "Polish Fighting Team" All marking are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE for the 16 plane-in-squadron and serial number decals. Serial numbers marked with a star (*) are 100% historically matched to their plane-in-squadron number. Those marked with a cross (+, ok the plus sign!), while having served with the PFT, could not be matched to a specific aircraft. Those without any markings, are 'generic'. It should be noted, that the PFT used numbers, instead of letter for their individual IDs. Please note, this is just the skin/decal set. I've not included any of the bits needed to make the aircraft Player Flyable ™. There's plenty of other mods that do this. When in game, on the Loadout Screen, you'll see Polish Fighting Team (145 Sqdn) in the upper right skin selection drop down. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein

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