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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: SF2 WW2 MTO Spitfire Mk.IX, Polish Fighting Team Skinpak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 January 2015 File Category: Spitfire SF2 WW2 MTO Spitfire Mk.IX, Polish Fighting Team Skinpak 1/8/2015 -- Something for the Med players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *This mod will NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. One should also have the SF2I expansion pak, that gave us the Spitfires, as this mod REQUIRES the 3W Spitfire Mk.IX, This package contains a new skin for MTO (specificly Tunisian) based RAF Spitfire Mk.IXs. It represents "C" Flight, No. 145 Squadron, aka "Polish Fighting Team" All marking are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE for the 16 plane-in-squadron and serial number decals. Serial numbers marked with a star (*) are 100% historically matched to their plane-in-squadron number. Those marked with a cross (+, ok the plus sign!), while having served with the PFT, could not be matched to a specific aircraft. Those without any markings, are 'generic'. It should be noted, that the PFT used numbers, instead of letter for their individual IDs. Please note, this is just the skin/decal set. I've not included any of the bits needed to make the aircraft Player Flyable ™. There's plenty of other mods that do this. When in game, on the Loadout Screen, you'll see Polish Fighting Team (145 Sqdn) in the upper right skin selection drop down. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  2. I've never really had problems with infantry. Mainly because I've usually rewritten the movements ini to account for the slow pace of the troops. In fact, most movement inis for all the stock terrains have their waypoints set too far apart. Which is (kinda) ok for tanks, but even their guns don't have the ranges their Real World ™ counterparts have. There's only a couple of ways around it ... don't use infantry give them (exceedingly) unrealistic movement speeds (ie: truck --this was done purposefully in the Falklands mod) recompute/rewrite the GroundAttack sections of the terrain's movement.ini, to move the "engagement" points LESS than 1 tile width apart (apporx 2km) or have them "already there" emplaced via addition to the _targets and _types inis, allowing them to "support" the AFVs. The same can also be said for artillery units -- defending units should already be there (again, placed via _targets and _types ini edits) the last one is the most difficult, as it ensures one side or the other will always have a 'friendly' unit (somewhere) in Enemy Territory. That may also cause issues with (enemy) side strike missions being tasked against them.
  3. Removal of rocket stub on stock 3rd Wire Spitfire 9E (clipped wing) For some reason, this bird has 6 rocket mounting stubs. Which the Mk.9 never seemed to have. So, with the following edits, they can be removed from the aircraft. If you don't have the data ini extracted, you'll need to do that first. If you have one already in the Spitfire9e's folder (like from one of my mods), good for you!! Ok, so we open the data in and scroll down to the AircraftData section, where the major components are spelled out. Copy/paste the text below inbetween that section and the next one (the fuselage section) Save the data ini, then close it! You've just returned the aircraft to it's proper form Now...all we need is the right shaped 55 gallon slipper tank!! Happy Flying!
  4. or just switch the canopy to manual animation. There's a tutorial in the 1stGen Knowledge Base on "How To" (check the 'things you need to up date thread, too -- that one was specifically designed for the 08 patch) gun sounds are changed in the GunData.ini (and will need the necessary wav added to the /Sounds folder). You may also have to edit the Soundlist. ini, unless the wav has the exact same name the shadow is controlled by a statement in the main ini (F-84G.ini)
  5. proof it can be done without decals .. if one knows what one is doing stock Mk.9 Spitfire for D-Day!
  6. cool! Allison 1710s sound different from Merlins, which sound different from DB601s -- which I had the distinct honor/pleasure of hearing a REAL 601 in a Emil ( a REAL Emil -- not a fake one!!) some year back, when it flew into Santa Monica Airport. A very different sounding inline!!
  7. with "new purchase" versions of SF2, they can be installed in any order, as they are all "current" with each other ------ Dave, I think THIS is what you're talking about: http://combatace.com/topic/82326-running-mods-from-a-different-disk-partition/ migbuster's excellent tutorial
  8. along with a discussion in the FE forums, I choose to go the other way ... import an FE2 bird into SF2 (in this case, my ETO mods folder). SPAD over London (one could also say, this is for an airshow?)
  9. if the aircraft is not experiencing any abnormalities (like flipping over and/or blowing up), I wouldn't worry about it!!
  10. I've got the old 'merlin' one that we've been using since 2004 ... unzip, and drop in the /Menu folder
  11. yes, rotate the terrain 90 to the right (east). it's east Africa, approximately Mozambique it's in "standard" 3W World size -- 64% of reality, like all the stock maps
  12. any terrain with my name on it Rends' GermanyCE rebuild -- utterly fantastic!! http://combatace.com/files/file/14686-germany-terrain-rework-part-1-of-3/ http://combatace.com/files/file/14687-germany-terrain-rework-part-2-of-3/ http://combatace.com/files/file/14688-germany-terrain-rework-part-3-of-3/
  13. I kind of know the feeling -- I've got a brand new CH F-16 throttle, that I bought ages ago and can't use 'cause its the 'gameport' hookup. (which is kind of ok, as there's no room for it on the desk anyway!)
  14. have you mapped the keys? go to -->main screen -->Options --> controls and do the key assignment set up
  15. First Eagles WW2

    ok, that makes a LOT more sense!! Thank's Stephan!
  16. First Eagles WW2

    well, they're the standard desert tiles, albeit quite modified, 256 x 256. km wise --- ??? 5 per side??? You know, I really don't remember!!! below is Grand Harbor, in game. Stephan1918's cargo ships can be seen in the foreground and middle background (one in each of the 2 harbors) Might be possible to judge size from them. The stock warehouse has a 48 x 48 m footprint also, not to be forgetting that map is "3rd wire world size", 63% of reality
  17. then, I respectfully submit that YOUR install of the aircraft is porked they appear for me! everything you see here was right in this package. http://combatace.com/files/file/9401-super-hornet-package-for-sf2-v32/ perhaps you should delete ALL the Hornets, and start fresh??? WITH the correct SF2 Versions??
  18. First Eagles WW2

    they're not really any 3d items in my porst; other than the warehouses, support buildings, ships, and stuff like that. The ports are the actual "special" tiles themselves. These are off the unfinished (well, the retiling is done; the targets ini needs rebuilding to fit the new tiles) for WW2 Tunisia. You should see Tunis harbor!
  19. the A, B and C's have about half that poly count Num Nodes: 286 Total: (23228 polys, 69648 verts) Mesh Max: (865 polys, 2595 verts) I test the Es, and I got no stuttering; full everything, off the boat on the most stressful terrain in the game -- IcelandNA. I actualy had a frame rate drop with the carrier in view (a Nimitz class, iirc). With just the aircraft, sky and water, it was fine as to 'why do the skins fit?' is because the lod's mapping is identical
  20. from the Blk II out file Num Nodes: 241 Total: (55306 polys, 165918 verts) Mesh Max: (4114 polys, 12342 verts)
  21. your Mohawk is using the outdated lod use the one from this pack ... is has the correct nose guns (without the blister --as that NEVER existed!!) http://combatace.com/files/file/14588-sf2-ww2-cbi-raf-mohawk-mkiv/ it's a 1stGen lod, so it'll not cause any problems. It's called "Hawk-75.lod", so you'll need to edit the main ini in yours. Nothing else was changed
  22. First Eagles WW2

    hmm.... that picture tells me I put the rail station in the wrong place!! (that s, if that "road-looking thing headed towards the bay in the foreground, are tracks) . OTH, my "port tile" isn't too far off!! One this IS for certain, the ground attack (CAS, STRIKE, ARMED_Recon) WILL work as normal. Docked ships are still possible (moored at piers, or in the roadsteads).
  23. First Eagles WW2

    ok, after having built a Ww2 FE2 mods folder, I can state categoricly that yes, there is no possible to way to have any anti-shipping missions, even on those terrains that have them built in (I tested an ETO version). FE/FE2 lacks the necessary coding. Unless one builds terrains with out oceans, that sort of kills it. A/S missions are quite important in ALL ww2 theatres. But for land based, ie land -to- land, it works fine Also, due to SF2 NOT having any lod files with the terrain cats -- they all got "moved" during one the 2012 patches, you MUST use an 08 level 1st Gen terrain cat, either placed into the FE/FE2 /Terrains folder in the 'core files section, or into the mod's folders /Terrains folder. Recommended terrain cats to use would be BOTH the Desert and GermanyCE (depending if one is flying in Europe or The Med). Be advised with FE2, and it's newer shaders, you may need to extract the (terrain-name)_Data.ini and update the shader statements to the necessary level. They'll still work just fine, but you'll miss some of the effects

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