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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. 100% historical RAAF Meteor decals already exist http://combatace.com/files/file/12212-raaf-meteor-f8-77-squadron/ it WOULD be great to have this airplane, it would mean that those without Expansion Pak 1 would now have the Meteor
  2. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO Spitfire Mk.V LF Pak by Cocas File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 29 December 2014 File Category: Spitfire SF2 WW2 ETO Spitfire Mk.V LF Pak by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co 12/28/2014 -- Something for the ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *This mod will NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. One should also have the SF2I expansion pak, that gave us the Spitfires, as this mod references that stock 3W destroyed Spitfire model* Note x2: This mod represents Mk.V LFs from Northern Europe =ONLY=! This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. This is the "clipped wing" version of the Spitfire Mk.V. We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examination and so forth. It was supposed to be released in the early part of 2014 (Feb/March), but I totally forgot about it!! Skins included with the package are: RAF: No. 402 Squadron "City of Winnipeg" (RCAF) No. 610 Squadron "County of Chester" All marking are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Other squadrons can easily be done by creating new squadron code letters. SF2 versions of my "box art" style hangar and loading screens are included. All aircraft use a "pool" of plane-in-group letters, and serial numbers. The serial numbers, while 'generic' in nature (representing no particular aircraft in any given squadron), ARE correct for the variant depicted. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. Guns are also grouped, MGs in Group 1, the cannon in Group 2. When in game, you'll see: Spitfire Mk.Vc LF (CAF) on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. This will diferentiate =THIS= Spitfire from any other Mk.Vs you may (or may not) have. The Skin template is also inculded, for anyone wishing to correct any/all errors I've made. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein -for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division- Click here to download this file
  3. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO Spitfire Mk.V LF Pak by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co 12/28/2014 -- Something for the ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *This mod will NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, at any patch level. One should also have the SF2I expansion pak, that gave us the Spitfires, as this mod references that stock 3W destroyed Spitfire model* Note x2: This mod represents Mk.V LFs from Northern Europe =ONLY=! This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. This is the "clipped wing" version of the Spitfire Mk.V. We are calling this "version 0.9", as there exists the possibility of more work being required. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examination and so forth. It was supposed to be released in the early part of 2014 (Feb/March), but I totally forgot about it!! Skins included with the package are: RAF: No. 402 Squadron "City of Winnipeg" (RCAF) No. 610 Squadron "County of Chester" All marking are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Other squadrons can easily be done by creating new squadron code letters. SF2 versions of my "box art" style hangar and loading screens are included. All aircraft use a "pool" of plane-in-group letters, and serial numbers. The serial numbers, while 'generic' in nature (representing no particular aircraft in any given squadron), ARE correct for the variant depicted. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. Guns are also grouped, MGs in Group 1, the cannon in Group 2. When in game, you'll see: Spitfire Mk.Vc LF (CAF) on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. This will diferentiate =THIS= Spitfire from any other Mk.Vs you may (or may not) have. The Skin template is also inculded, for anyone wishing to correct any/all errors I've made. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein -for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division-
  4. nice one Lloyd! --------- here's one I'd been working on at the beginning of this year, and totally forgot about! It'll be out during the week. Spit 5 LF by cocas (the template will be included, so someone can fix my camo foul ups!! )
  5. ok, Do335, the NEW (3w based) AD-4NL is up!! have fun with it!!
  6. File Name: SF2 KAW AD-4NL Skyraider (3W) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 29 December 2014 File Category: A-1 SF2 Korean War Era AD-4NL Skyraider (3W) Ver 4.0 12/28/2014 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Full 5 URGED, due to use of some SF2NA coding! As this mod references the stock 3rd Wire Skyraider, you =MUST= have SF2:V as part of your merged install. If you don't, this mod will not work.** This is a 'new' version of the AD-4NL Skyraider, built from the 3W A-1H. It is designed to replace completly any & all earlier versions built from MontyCZ's Skyraider. It's your choice (the End User) if you wish to keep or delete the early version. This mod represents AD-4NL's from VC-35 "Night Hecklers". The squadron was deployed in various "Dets" of 2-4 aircraft aboard almost all USN Carriers during the Korean Conflict. This is designed for a stand-alone KAW mods folder, but can be used in any Full-5 merged install. However, several SF2NA only statements are included, and may only fully work in that environment. The aircraft is fully carrier-capable; after all, it's built from a Stock 3W carrier bird! All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All the necessary weapons, effects, sounds and etc are included, as is the NEW Skyraider cockpit by Dels. Those with the MCZ version will note they are all the same, but included for ease of installation. Standard Animations keystrokes are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9). However, due to some "malfunction", don't fold the wings with ordenance loaded. They won't follow it! As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, PLEASE read them!!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There is important information on Night Operations (what VC-35 specalized in). Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  7. SF2 KAW AD-4NL Skyraider (3W)



    SF2 Korean War Era AD-4NL Skyraider (3W) Ver 4.0 12/28/2014 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Full 5 URGED, due to use of some SF2NA coding! As this mod references the stock 3rd Wire Skyraider, you =MUST= have SF2:V as part of your merged install. If you don't, this mod will not work.** This is a 'new' version of the AD-4NL Skyraider, built from the 3W A-1H. It is designed to replace completly any & all earlier versions built from MontyCZ's Skyraider. It's your choice (the End User) if you wish to keep or delete the early version. This mod represents AD-4NL's from VC-35 "Night Hecklers". The squadron was deployed in various "Dets" of 2-4 aircraft aboard almost all USN Carriers during the Korean Conflict. This is designed for a stand-alone KAW mods folder, but can be used in any Full-5 merged install. However, several SF2NA only statements are included, and may only fully work in that environment. The aircraft is fully carrier-capable; after all, it's built from a Stock 3W carrier bird! All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All the necessary weapons, effects, sounds and etc are included, as is the NEW Skyraider cockpit by Dels. Those with the MCZ version will note they are all the same, but included for ease of installation. Standard Animations keystrokes are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wingfold (shift/9). However, due to some "malfunction", don't fold the wings with ordenance loaded. They won't follow it! As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, PLEASE read them!!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There is important information on Night Operations (what VC-35 specalized in). Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. Indeed... Russ did a fantastic job on the model. Even the older ones still look pretty good. If the mapping stayed the same, the existing skins can be reused. Or, if a Hi-Rez template has/had been made, the existing ones redone in the new rez we never got the new Meteor 8, which is why I did the skins for the 3W exp pak version (which are 100% historical)
  9. you can have multiple gunsights (different tgas) that switch from AA to AG [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=50 GunsightName=USK-14_sight.tga AGGunsightName=USK-14b_sight.tga LeadComputing=TRUE MinLeadRange=300 MaxLeadRange=1300 DefaultLeadRange=500 MaxDepression=0 DefaultDepression=0 the tgas just need to be in the /cockpit folder, inside the aircraft's folder I remember, a long time ago, give the Scooter a FULL hud, and removing the sight glass and mounts. Wonder what I did with it...???
  10. LOL!! 67th FBS, 18th FBW I assume this is one?? (in an odd twist, I've done several of their WW2 skins too!)
  11. even though I'm in the middle of 2 terrains, 3 airplanes (new bubble top Jugs!!!)-- no 4, as I just found the LF Spit 5 Cocas & I never finished- I think I can find some time. I may cheat and just reuse serial and buzz number decals. point me to the other skins, and I'll see what I can do.. PM me the links. I assume these would be the ones as seen in the Osprey "F-86 Fighter-Bomber Units in Korea" (which I have on pdf; if you don't - I can share a copy, if needed)
  12. forgot to mention, did you (re) install DX9?? Sometimes, for 7 and 8, you need to do so. May or may not help, but ??who knows??
  13. those 1stGen skins suck rocks. Why not make them all matching, by using Volker's Sabre templates, available here in the /Templates sections? http://combatace.com/files/file/15043-ravenclaw-templates-for-zurs-sabres/ iirc, ALL my layers should be intact. Then it's a simple matter to re decal them. If you need more help, give me a shout! I SWEAR I remember uploading the 3W-based AD-4NL!!! I'll look in the D/L section, and if I can't find it, put a package together. It' still for VC-3, and is pretty much identical to Montys, (right down to reusing the same decals!) but uses the 3w A-1H lod.
  14. my 33.3 cents.. There is NOTHING in that mod that uses, or NEEDS, ANYTHING from the DAT or YAP. Keep it that way. (yes, we know they both have the required straight-deck Essex -- but use what I've done, even if it's an SCB-125 Essex). Everything needed for any campaign can be found HERE at CA, without having to outsource mods unavailable to the general public. the Sabre and MiG FMs are nearly 5% (or better!) of the real world -- both done by Fubar. There is NO need to mess with them. Leave the Sabre cockpits alone; like Brain said, the F model 99.9% of the real thing. Zur's original cockpit is just fine for the A and E models (although the F cockpit could be used for late production Es) BTW, the SF2 KAW sabre skins are 100% historical ... right down to the serials of aircraft in the squadrons. There's no real need to add any1stGen junk to them. you'll probably want to recheck in the D/L section .. there's a new AD-4NL (3w) that replaces Monty's. that SF1 campaign is junk ... unless you've used it as "base starting point" nothing on MY map matches that original. "tazkiller"/Col Stafford are the same person, and had nothing to do with this mod, Nor has Charles anything to do with it. There are no pasko aircraft for that mod (as Cocas gave us a new Yak-9) and as to the map itself ... well, you know where I stand on that. That terrain is above the 95 percentile in matching the real world (given the terrain engine's limitations). Leave it alone, Please? Remember: that terrain is designed with a 100 year span -- it covers everything from 1950 to 2050. The reason there never was a campaign built, is by the time things were ready for release, there was nobody left but me, and unfortunately, I'm not a campaign builder. I think I explained that in one or another of the readmes. My suggestion is to use what is here at CA, and CA only.
  15. they're included in the E/F 3.2 pak. Follow the install instructions; they're there on mine
  16. File Name: SF2 WW2 IJN CVL Zuihio Class by Hinchbrooke File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 25 December 2014 File Category: Aircraft Carriers SF2 WW2 IJN CVL Zuihio Class 12/26/2014 = For SF2 (Full5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) *This mod is set up with some SF2NA coding. Use in other envrionments is "at your own risk* This is a version of Hinchbrooks IJN Zuiho class light carrier. As some have found the original 1stGen version is "faulted", I hope this will be better for you all. Mind you, it's NOT fully converted, as the "parking slots" have not been plotted. Some of the muzzle positions for the 25mm AA batteries are not near the muzzles themselves. But this will give you an operational IJN light carrier. All the "needed" files for use in the SF2NA enviroment are included (inis, "collision lod", etc). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  17. No problem, Doc! --------- Just for shits and grins I spent 10 minutes with it last night, and got everything (to a point!) working as is should have been. Of course, I had to go through my various books, and try to figure out WHAT is should be carrying, for what mission task, and when... There are a LOT of faults with the "weapons mounting hardware", not the least of which is all the hardpoints were in a single group. So, I split them into 3 new groups, and added a 4th, just for a single 500lb bomb. Unfortunately, they didn't build in a separate centerline bomb rack, so it looks wrong, hanging off the torp rack. as you can see in the screenies below. I lightened the "Attack" loadout to 6 100 lb bombs, but -surprise!- they don't fit the racks (not without further adjustments of placement -which would effect all other bombs placed there). The original load was 6 250 pounders ... I think a bit too much for an already underpowered aircraft. the single bomb for strike and 6 60lb rockets. that hardpoint needed the CORRECT weapon's type added and, of course, with a torp also fixed the landing lights that never turned off ... by using one of my patent pending "cheats"
  18. the free one for SFGold was the F-104G; and it's a required item, as the cockpit is needed for the(now non-flyable) F-104G, the CF-104s, and the DLC F-104A an C
  19. Version


    SF2 WW2 IJN CVL Zuihio Class 12/26/2014 = For SF2 (Full5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) *This mod is set up with some SF2NA coding. Use in other envrionments is "at your own risk* This is a version of Hinchbrooks IJN Zuiho class light carrier. As some have found the original 1stGen version is "faulted", I hope this will be better for you all. Mind you, it's NOT fully converted, as the "parking slots" have not been plotted. Some of the muzzle positions for the 25mm AA batteries are not near the muzzles themselves. But this will give you an operational IJN light carrier. All the "needed" files for use in the SF2NA enviroment are included (inis, "collision lod", etc). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  20. First Eagles WW2

    Been there, done that. Twice. In fact, the "Tunisia" map has been completely retiled, it just needs --yet again!!!-- the targets rebuilt. All the ports have the new "special" tiles. Started it over 2 years ago, and walked away from it. What with most of the needed aircraft being "unavailable" at the time; a lot has been remedied, but pretty much all the Axis players either need new models (the Old Wolf Stuff), or they're still "unavailable" to most. And the fact a competing "all inclusive" NA mod was released by the DAT ... one can get quite tired of coming in second place.
  21. Thought I'd might have snuck it into one of the "GroundObject" packs I include with terrains, but I guess I didn't!! There's some "stand ins" for other IJN CVs in some of them (Phillilpines 44??? Okinawa?? -- I don't remember!!) I'll get it up loaded later tonight, or tomorrow. Hang tight folks!
  22. I know what it is!!! It's a green cylinder!!!

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