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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. the gauges are just gone, or not showing? if it's a missing texture, open the LOD with a hex editor and search for the bmp or jpgs or tgas or what/whichever it uses.
  2. just thought I'd add this, for those that THIS comes to mind with 'Interdictor" is mentioned
  3. another suggestion would be the stock 3w Meteor F8 pit. Works nice for the stock Vatour, as well
  4. wrong Forum, maybe??? since you asked a question about SF2??? In the SF/Wo* Forum
  5. Nightshade: that camp layout looks awful familiar!!! LOL --- required screen shot - Hat in the Ring Sabre
  6. Sidewinders

    this might of of interest
  7. DING DING DING! We have a winner! Give that man a che-root!!. There are so many things that never got implemented. We have what we have, and that's all we're gonna get. Having been around this game since 2004, I've pretty much seen it all. Even forgotten some stuff, too
  8. Folks, I've taken down some of the posts, as they got wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off track to the question at hand Lets try and be a little more civil and polite, please? Life is fucked up enough without adding anger over a game. Be cool, as is said. thank you
  9. A drogue chute is not a drag chute ... you can have both; when first deployed, the DROGUE pops out, and pulls the DRAG chute out I'd suggest watching some of the films around that show their deployments; most are from the 1950s (Bombers B-52, Strategic Air Command, tv series like Steve Canyon - it's on amazon) Drogues can also be used as a stabilazer, as skydivers (and some ejection modules) use them to control excessive movments (spinning, etc) before main chute deployment. (watch Apollo command modules, even in still you can see the drogues)
  10. Very old news. Most of us have known this since WoV came out (for the A-6). IIRC, there's even a tutorial in the Knowledge Base. Can't remember if it's in 1stGen (SF/Wo*) or SF2 KBs Also, by Modder Consesus (tm), Canopy animations (manual input type) are Amimation_10, so to use the Shift/0 (zero) keystroke. Also the way it's been done since first discovered in the early 2000s (shift/9 is wingfold, just so's you know)
  11. TK's decal tutorial (available around here someplace!!) says a minimum of 5 pixels between the image and the edge of the background. I try to use substantially more
  12. Wrench request

    it should be an easy copy/paste and ini text editing from the existing WW2 versions, afaik. Let me know if that don't work (I didn't do the IDFAF Forts)
  13. That just reinforces the old adage ... "A good coat of paint can hide a multitude of sins"
  14. My suggestion would be to toss the old Control.ini, and start fresh. Something went wrong somewhere.
  15. yup .. Cntrl/D == tanks Cntrl/J == weapons (excepting gun pods and jammer pods)
  16. iirc, drop tanks are a different keystroke from bombs/rocket pods. Been a while, so ... ???
  17. Found on Amazon

    forgot to mention, many are also on YouTube; I found some that had been colorized!!! enjoy!
  18. Found on Amazon

    Classic 1950's TV!!! The stuff we (ok, me and those of us 'of a certain age') I was going to watch the latest season of "Clarkson's Farm", when this show popped up on my 'reccomended' list Steve Canyon for those that don't know, it was originally a comic strip, then a TV show in 1959. It showcases the USAF in various stories. Here's the IMBD link https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0051317/ If you have Amazon Prime, and it shows up your region, it's well it, just for the aircraft and such.
  19. Nice! Always wondered why the CG never thought to use them
  20. Like Coupi said above, try looking at the F-86E/F/H engine sections. Fubar did a kind of 'fake engine' for the extra power thingy.
  21. like we do for the WW2 installs, leave one of each type "modern" birds. I use the A-4E and Mig-21MF. So far (15+ years) the others haven't repopulated

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