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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. and DO NOT install to the default /C:ProgramFiles location. Install to the ROOT of the C/ (meaning: C:/Wing over Europe)
  2. ANZ safety video ... how cool!

  3. sure you're not confusing the FB17 with the YB-40 escort ship?
  4. for the Canberra, why not just use Kesselbrut's correct pit??
  5. pretty much as Gatling says, in the pit ini I removed them on something, but can't remember which (c-123?? early 130s??)
  6. File Name: SF2 NAA FJ-3M Fury (Ver.2) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 May 2013 File Category: F-86 SF2 NAA FJ-3M Fury (Ver.2) = For SF2, (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!!) = *Note: this aircraft will NOT work in SF/Wo* 1stGen Games are ANY patch level. This aircraft was (re)designed and (re)built and (re)tested in SF2NA and Full5 Merged installs* A brand new, replacement aircraft for the previous 1stGen conversions. Through the hard work of several, people, being named here FIRST, instead of further down in the Credits (well, they're listed there, too, of course!) Zur (the Great and Powerful) for giving me the uncompleted MAX files, and RussoUK for finishing and polishing the LOD for SF2 useage. You guys ROCK!! This is the full, compiled package of Zur/Column5's FJ-3M Fury. Like the original SF2 pak, it contains all the skin/decal sets I could find, combined into one big lump. This package is designed to REPLACE, in total, any and ALL other previouse FJ-3M Furys. Skins included in the pak are: VF-53 from ?? VF-62 from USS Essex, ATG-201 during the Beirut Crisis VF-73 from USS Randolph, circa 1956/57 VF-84 from USS Forrestall, crica 1956/57 VF-142 from USS Hornet, 1956 VF-211 from USS BonHomme Richard, circa 1956 VMF-312 (actually an FJ-3 in Natural Metal, circa 1955ish) VMF-333 from ??? Skins are a mixture of both bmp and JPG, and Decal randomization is also set to TRUE. Damage textures are in DDS format (same as the Sabre). The aircraft is now bump mapped, for that nice metalic look. A new FM, is based off Fubar's work on the KAW Sabres. It may need futher fine tuning to completly Navalize it. The canopy, now functional, opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. AT this time, wingfold in NOT functional. The data ini statements refelct this for carrier on-deck parking. Other changes are the addition of the Userlist, a new avionics ini that adds the radar- ranging gunsight. And a revamped SF2 version of my 'artwork' hangar screen. The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, as per the July 2012 patch level. No weapons are included; all stock items are called out. The new drop tanks are built into the aircraft's LOD, ala SF2 3W birds. The weapons data IS included, of course. Sounds are all reused from the KAW Sabres, as is the NEW cockpit (also from the KAW F-86F) As always, READ the enclosed readme for full,detailed, easy-to-follow install instructions. Of course, the usual 'Notes' section for the ravings of a madman!! <g> Happy Landings!! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  7. and editing a data ini is... ????? switch the ReverseModelOrientation= statements
  8. Miami Vice Fans?

    "Phil the Shil" and the song "Life is a Rat Race"
  9. Indeed, the TA-4 has some serious LOD issues (few of which I was able to 'fiddle out in the SF2 upgrades). Unfortunately ... the creator has left the community, and we don't have the MAX files. Which would mean someone has to build a completely new aircraft.
  10. File Name: SF2 WW2 FAA, 807 NAS, BEIF, Seafire Mk.IIIC Skinpak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 20 October 2014 File Category: Spitfire SF2 WW2 FAA Seafire Mk.IIIC, 807 NAS, BEIF 10/5/2014 -- Something for the WW2 Fleet Air Arm players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this is designed for use in a PTO mods folder built from the SF2NA exe, as it has the proper carrier coding. Also, be advised a correct and proper CBI map with the carrier coding is still in the works.* The package contains a =NEW= skin for Cocas' Seafire Mk.IIIC as issued to Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm squadrons in British East Indies Fleet. If you don't have the aircraft, you can get it at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/15028-sf2-ww2-faa-seafire-mkiiic-pak-by-cocas-aircraft-factory-co/ Skin included in this package is: Royal Navy: No. 807 NAS, BEIF, embarked on HMS HUNTER in 1945 The aircraft carries 'standard' SEAC markings for the period. Code and "plane in group" letters (18) are correct for East Indies Fleet use, but I have not found any references if they carried the "D5" code with HUNTER in the Med. Most likely, they did. In that case, a different skin for MTO usage would be needed, and the national markings decals would need replacing. I have included the PSD I used to make the fuselage codes for any other skinners to use for that purpose, or for other FAA aircraft. All markings are decals and Decal Randomization is TRUE. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein -for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division- Click here to download this file
  11. Version


    SF2 WW2 FAA Seafire Mk.IIIC, 807 NAS, BEIF 10/5/2014 -- Something for the WW2 Fleet Air Arm players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this is designed for use in a PTO mods folder built from the SF2NA exe, as it has the proper carrier coding. Also, be advised a correct and proper CBI map with the carrier coding is still in the works.* The package contains a =NEW= skin for Cocas' Seafire Mk.IIIC as issued to Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm squadrons in British East Indies Fleet. If you don't have the aircraft, you can get it at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/15028-sf2-ww2-faa-seafire-mkiiic-pak-by-cocas-aircraft-factory-co/ Skin included in this package is: Royal Navy: No. 807 NAS, BEIF, embarked on HMS HUNTER in 1945 The aircraft carries 'standard' SEAC markings for the period. Code and "plane in group" letters (18) are correct for East Indies Fleet use, but I have not found any references if they carried the "D5" code with HUNTER in the Med. Most likely, they did. In that case, a different skin for MTO usage would be needed, and the national markings decals would need replacing. I have included the PSD I used to make the fuselage codes for any other skinners to use for that purpose, or for other FAA aircraft. All markings are decals and Decal Randomization is TRUE. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein -for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division-
  12. seems like mine went up maybe 10-15 fps (considering I've never messed with any of my Nvidia setting before!!)
  13. them's not compatible with a stock install. they are their own thing, and need a separate install. don't mix them
  14. not released yet it's a Luft46 "What If"
  15. An issue that was reported to The Maker several years ago, with no response
  16. I could use some static, parked seaplane/flying boats to dress up a couple of bases on the current terrain, and for another also 'working'. These are for the Pacific war (PTO). They don't need to be fancy, just some low poly lods, with a basic skin, as they're designed as eye candy and for the player to rocket, bomb, strafe and inflict general mayhem upon. Destroyed models I can come up with. Any of our 3d Gurus ™ that are interested, please PM me. I can supply 3 views for the aircraft. thanks!
  17. no, they wouldn't need distance lods. The low-poly statics we've had (ww2 wise) since 2005 are pretty simple shapes (as I understand it)
  18. wonder if veltro has his max files for the PBY archived somewhere? For Kaneohe, you'd need both the 5 (flying boat) moored in the bay, and 5A (amphib with gear) on the ramps. I kept wishing I'd had them when I did the Hawaii (PH) map!! They'd be nice for the SWP and Solomons, too!
  19. the mapping is different, as are (almost) all the decal positions. I think TK, when going to sf2, re-generated all the lods with a different world center, throwing everything off by 1.5 meters or so aft of where they used to be. For some of the other Scooter skins I've done, I've used "partial" templates. Only redoing the sections I needed to change. I'll have to look around for them, if anyone wants them
  20. the "noise" (the grain effect as you called it) TK generated on his original skins (and by inference, his original templates, and that I left alone) is VERY annoying. It's on all the stock skins, no matter what they are. I personally prefer using a 'clouds' layer. Give a more patchy look to the weathering. Rest assured, I'm not insulted in any way! But, I thought I'd grouped the layers better. Looking at the template, I could have done a better job! Should have put things into Layer Sets. You just keep on doing what you're doing; they look great! Out of curiosity, which of my templates did you use for the base? (meaning, for which Skyhawk model?)
  21. don't forget differences in film stock as well. These can give all sorts of changes to the print. Kodachrome or Technicolor or (whatever that is for color prints), especially when aged, change. I just used a base "gull grey" and 'insignia white"
  22. works perfectly in SF2, size wise and shadow to!! (tested it last night). a perfect one-for-one replacement. and it goes into the terrain folder itself (like, say Desert4 or NewGuniea2 or whichever). As you can see in the screenie, the original was retextured to look like sand bags, and it works the same on your new one! afaik, 06 & 08 don't have the problem, and SF2 at early levels didn't either. Don't remember exactly when it went nuts. many thanks Raven

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