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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Recruiting mob to lynch Michael Bay

    somebody get a rope ....
  2. Geezer's 1930 airfield objects are very useful, Monty. Might want to add some of them to your airfields (as needed and required, of course!). I also "fiddled" with you rail station a bit, dressing it up some, and replacing some of the train cars with different types. Straightened out the end rails, so to make everything more linier. Of course, I use "special" cleared tiles for train stations in cities. The 'metal clad" warehouses are retextured halle4 from The Factory Place Compliments; you've done a wonderful job on these!
  3. Good news

    Great News!! (on the health side) Sorry about the PSU, though
  4. let's try NOT to put skins and such into the main categories. As these are Fantasy "What If" skins and such, PLEASE upload them to the proper category, convientley provided for that purpose. You'll find it names, oddly enough, as "What If". That's where skins, and entire aircraft go. Otherwise, there are people here that will mistake them for "Real World ™" mods. Also, PLEASE label them in the title header as (Name-of-Plane), "What If" skin for *whatever*. This will help eliminate confusion. Most of you already do this, but for those that don't, just a polite reminder Thank you
  5. no problem, just trying to keep thing organized!!
  6. Ed, can you show the full folder path, with expanded subfolders? Like in the screenshot below? (now, mind you, mine is a "bit" modified, with the additional folders for other stuff. It's been a long time since I've had a "stock" mods folder.) At the very least, iirc, you should have the Controls Objects (with it's Aircraft, GroundObject sub folders) PilotData Screenshots and maybe the 2 sounds folders Sounds Speech As mentioned above, are all the exes at the same patch level? Look in the "core install" And, when you stat the game, are ALL the aircraft available? You should see those from NA, and all the others as well. Plus, you should see all the 5 terrains on the drop down
  7. I don't know what you're flying against, but I can get tracked and engaged almost down to ground level (and NOT by manpads) get eburgers's SAMs and AAA packs. they have corrected ranges and altitude limits.
  8. you sure? check the pits surrounding those fuel tanks. If they're the individual ones (pit1), that's it. Because the small fuel tank (benzintank) doesn't do that. The pit1 lod has had an "issue" for about 5-6 years now. TK has been told (by me!), but, well you know the drill. the screenshot is from desert3, but I'm pretty sure Piecemeal didn't change it for desert4 btw, the skins are looking REAL good!!
  9. question

    It only matters as to what YOU want to make ... although you know where I stand! (grin)
  10. hey, DA, see lots of shadow artifacts. I assume there's some pit1s off to the left??? You need to fix the pit1.ini like so: [LOD001] Filename=pit1.lod Distance=6000 [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowCastDist=500 MaxVisibleDistance=2000 copy/paste that into a blank notepad, and "save as" pit1.ini in the terrain your using. That'll fix that issue.
  11. An F-20 in a car advert!

    oh!! that is cool!!!
  12. yes, if you run the exes, you'll create 2 new mods folders. If not run, the new stuff will be added the next time each of the other exes are run
  13. if that's TK's Hawkeye, it's not going to move. There's no animiations for it in the LOD. Believe me, when I did the 'update' skin and ini pack for it a couple of years ago, I tried it too. Hell, we're lucky the wings fold! (of course, it needed that for the carrier parking)
  14. Version


    This zip contains the: Cat Extractor Gun Editor Weapons Editor for 3rd Wire games (SF2 series) at the April 2012 patch level These REPLACE all previous versions
  15. ok, this is one of them 'drive you bat-shit crazy' things. the positions below will put the decals on the flap. but only on the bottom!! when the decal facing is TOP, they don't show. And, examining the A-4E.lod with hex editor, there are no other meshes (Flap_inside_R/L puts the decal on the bottom of the wing section of the flap well) that correspond with the actual flap itself. [Decal0**] MeshName=Flap_Left DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat= Position=-1.25,-2.0 Scale=0.90 DecalMaxLOD=2 [Decal0**] MeshName=Flap_Right DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat= Position=1.25,-2.0 Scale=0.90 DecalMaxLOD=2 this is some seriously WEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDD stuff!!
  16. all the terterraineffect edit does is turn off the DX10 shaders. you never mentioned if you're on XP, 7 or 8. in the Options ini, in the GraphicOptions, have you tried ForceDX9 = TRUE (it's FALSE by default) ??
  17. I stand corrected! Never seen those particular one. the skins DO look good! are you speaking of the INSIDE part of the flap, the "red" inner section to place the Modex on??
  18. How do you choose a title for a military campaign

    Only at Dave's place!!
  19. when looking for something else Was trying a find an aircraft mod for Dave, when I stumbled on this little, exceedingly unfinished gem IIRC, it is/was by Alexs? (sp??), but was never completed for KAW. Can someone confirm this, and Is there a way to get in contact with him about. Oddly enough, going through the aircraft's folders, the Max file was included! It needs MAJOR amounts of work, as things are hanging all over the place, or just not there! It also collapses on the runway, so major data ini (along with the 3d work) is needed. Had to 'start in the air' just to see the bird! So, anyone know the story on this Tornado (RB-45C). If we can contact him? thanks!
  20. That's be great!!! I can fix the skin and decals
  21. canopy doesn't open and wings don't fold, vital (but not a real deal breaker -- as Simon's old doesn't either) for carrier parking. Skins need minor tweeking, in particular on the spinner, but that's comparatively easy. decals need position plotting, other minor adjustments and such
  22. I would check the location of the "squadron name" (ie: VA-***) Never seen them located that far aft. That's usually the only location for the BuNums/aircraft type, while the squadron name, ship name and service name are usually far more forward, usually just aft of center (depending of course, on which Scooter and with or without avionics hump) somewhere around the speedbrakes. Personally, decals are the way to go. It eliminates the odd distortions the painted on insignia can create (and the time to figure them out), and one only has to create a single "base" skin, and change the marking via the decals ini.

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