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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Sic 'em, boys!!! WK, keep safe!!
  2. do you remember, a year or so ago, you made the "yard" lod for me?? Just wondering if there was a more completely skinned version. This one I have (lod dated 8/17/2013) seems to be missing most of it's textures. I looked into the lod with a hex editor, and nothing shows, either in ANSI or Unicode in either bmp or tga. Just wondering, as it would come in handy on the terrain I'm working on. If not, it's no big deal
  3. thanks Russ! I'll check it out!
  4. nope. stuff in sf2 broke it dead
  5. actually, you CAN criticize the DS terrain -- it was fairly early in my terraforming career, and I KNOW it weren't right!! I'm on Win7 64, and have NO issues with the TE (other with using the flood/bucket tool - that will crash it). You DID install it to the root of C, right??? Texturelist inis are relatively easy to build. You start with the existing one (in the case of DS, the Desert texture list) and add the new tiles
  6. all I gotta say is ... WOW!!! the comparison shots are amazing! love those open, 3-bay hangars. I can see many other uses for all the items!! (yah, I'm like that
  7. no, sorry, I consufed myself...and you too! what I should have said, was you can use the tileset from IR2003 on the DS map, but it will a MAJOR undertaking. Since the targets inis needs a proper rework as well. Also having the proper charts and maps would be necessary
  8. yah, ok Ed, you're right! ! My aged, pain addled brain confused cockpit ini with viewlist ini!!! I do wonder, if the 008 cat is for just plane jane SF2 (desert). Seems there's a LOT of duplication in the various object cats.
  9. Just came to me... The Iran/Iraq 2003 map is essentially the DS map (well, not really...it's the iran/Iraq map), retiled. Shitloads of new tiles, rivers AND roads. Also, make sure you add the upgraded tile set terrain (original) http://combatace.com/files/file/12453-iraniraq-2003-terrain-for-sf2/ replacement tile set: http://combatace.com/files/file/14172-iran-iraq-replacement-desert-tileset/ these tiles could be readily adapted for the DS map; a hell of a lot of work though, but doable. You'd need a TE specially built for it. I'd have to check the archive, and see if I DID remember to zip it up and store someplace safe. the main problem with roads is, you have to FOLLOW them when building the movements ini, so the vehicles drive down them (more or less -- the formations can get a little "odd" sometimes)
  10. I just sent some stuff to someone that expressed and interest. So, lets see what develops (evil grin)
  11. 15 minutes work. skin works on both my Sabre 4 and Sabre 6 (but will be released for the 4, as these are refurbished Mk.4 for the AMI later in the week, I'll upload it
  12. the only problem I see (and it may be a personal one! ) is that painted on national markings will not activate the 'nation name display' on the loadout drop down. There should (ok, my opinion - MUST) be a least 1 level=0 decal to activate the nation affilation. however, I have a cheat for that; a decal that's very small, stuck on mesh that no one will notice (or see) Something like this, usually used as the LAST one listed: [Decal***] MeshName=LeftAileron DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=Insignia Position=-0.0,0.00 Scale=0.0000001 DecalMaxLOD=1 and that works like a charm
  13. Roads... somewhere in the neighborhood of 48-60 tiles, and their associated TODs. That should include all the various transitions Since I built the base DS map....and, admittedly an early effort. It needs expansion by 500+ km in ALL directions, as there's no sea room. And considering few, if any CVBGS actually operated in those shallow, confined & enclosed waters..... I would also think that somewhere in the region of 12-20 "specials" for the specific cities (read: ports) would be necessary. Horseshit! The TFD has nothing (really) to do with flattening are airfield. Althought, my preference is 'airfield specific' tiles, that (may) only have have things on the edges (TOD buildings and trees) For something in the middile of the wilderness, I would still use a specific tile (like I did on Gepard's PG terrain for SF2-- which has the roads still, btw. Needs better, more 'regional' looking tiles though.) You can flatten airfields individually, with a specific citylist ini. This is almost a daily chore for me. You don't have to list them all, but you DO have to visually inspect them all. One at a time. A simple "test mission", one for each side is needed. Quite easily done in the 3W TE. I think a wrote a small tutorial on something of this nature in the Old 1stGen KB. Marsh/wetlands are a nightmare ... there's no real way to simulate them. However, it can be done, after a fashion. Look on the OTC+ map, and you'll find the Everglades are somewhat 'swampy' (meaning they kind of have 'water'). Of course, they'd all be tgas, to get the water effect from the alpha channel
  14. Bitching Betty used to work in 1stGen ... both the Falcons and Eagles. I still have the wavs laying around somewhere. But she gets SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO annoying, I deleted those lines from the data inis easiest, and simplest fix for the GAU-8, is open the gun's data ini (located in the /Objects/Guns folder, and change the following line: GunFireSound=Vulcan it ain't the Avenger cannon, sound, but it works fine
  15. Ok, well that explains that! Most of us use the default location, due to the fact nothing in the 'core files' (ie: the main install) ever need modding/changing. Hence, it's ok to leave it in the Win7 "protected" regions. Only when patching or adding a DLC will anything (ok, most everything!) change. Part of the problem is, somebody * gave you the wrong cat. Viewlist ini in in FlightData.cat, located in the /Flight folder of the core install.. after extraction, create a NEW /Flight folder in your mods folder, and drop (copy/paste) it in there. Edit as needed. If it doesn't work, deleting the editied ini will allow the game to revert back to 'stock'. And, the extracted one stays in the extraction storage folder, if needed again. (* I'm gonna clown on brother fubar for that one!!! )
  16. I'm pretty sure the 'euro' camo was the same; after all, weren't the Mk.4 & 6 built by Canadair?? <grin> The Mk.4 is an E equlivant, and the 6 more like the F I think (pretty sure) I did a 'blank' generic NM skin; just don't remember WHICH Sabre mod might have it! (after doing soooooooo many, even I forget sometimes!). I can find it, with a little effort, if you really need it. You could also reuse the AMI white decals on the silver skin * ; you simply repaint the R/G/B channels black. The Alpha, as it acts as a 'hold out matte', will allow the lettering to come through the correct (now black color, or any background color you wish!). 5 minutes worth of work! * forgot to mention, that you should move them to a new /D subfolder before painting them ... after all, they'd be for a whole new skin!!
  17. loadouts are an easy fix. I've been fiddling with it a bit *, trying to realign the llights, and reposition the copilot/RIO jeanba, it that radar mentioned a standard air intercept type? Did it have ground mapping ability, etc? I can easily do up an avionics ini. However, if the front pit lacked the scope, another cockpit will have to "found" (*=matra RP, british 500 lber. easy to switch to French bombs -- which will have to come from a weapons pak. Even TK's stock Vulture uses the UK500lb) there should also be the brown/blue camo, too!
  18. and NO pictures? Davey, you're slipping!!! LOL!!
  19. World War II Combat Flight Sim Options?

    WoP has REAL rain effects!!! Water streaming across the windscreen and canopy; pretty amazing! and Dover LOOKS like Dover ...
  20. True, indeed. That's what a full-5 merged install looks like. Not counting the DLCs, which as you can see have their own folder. However, I'm quite surprised to see WHERE your's is installed to. By default, the 3W installers use the C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 pathway, with the mods folder in the C:\Users\*yournamehere*\Saved Games\ThirdWire\*name of game here* Just fer grins and giggles, check the C:\Program Files (x86) folder, just to be sure! (also, for info, 2,3,4,5,6 are 99.9% decals) IIRC, 7 is from SF2E.
  21. aren't the silver and euro camo (overall dark green) skins both STOCK items?? Cause I sure have them!! for the font, I see what could be interpreted as a couple of different ones... AmrilloUSAF for the tail serial, and possibly RAF_PW_ATH or RCAF_60SQO_ATH on the nose. All are available at simmerspaintshop.com the "Canadian Armed Forces" look like AmrilloUSAF to me
  22. I think some time spent in the Knowledge Base(s) -- both SF1 and SF2 would be time well spent. as to the object cats.... Please note the pathway
  23. oh my, that's nice!! don't forget Geezer's FE airfield objects; they work great in SF2. Might be some goodies in there to add more eye candy!
  24. Slick, I guess you must have missed this one: http://combatace.com/files/file/13497-sf2-canadair-sabre-mk6-rcaf-and-ami/ albeit the AMI camo
  25. These things are really for the terraformers. You'll have to do a LOT of hand placement into the terrain, after adding the list of these objects to the *** terrain's _types ini. Terraforming (terrain & target building) is NOT for the faint of hear!!! (trust me on this!!)

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