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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. terrains: ww2 Formosa/PI/East China Coast ww2 CBI (covers approx. 1/3 of the planet) aircraft: helping out Veltro when/where I can trying to figure out how to bribe/convince the few remaining 3d Guys ™ for other replacement aircraft
  2. Midway. And I wasted 2 entire days trying to fix some things. (had a PM from Bigstone about some CTD issues on it, and wanted to see if it was fixable. Short answer, no. Some things will work, many don't ) --------- required screenie ... Raid on Amoy
  3. if it has to be placed on the terrain, it needs an entry in the _types ini.
  4. the mission builder is part of one of the Expansion Pak (don't remember which one!) and is also available as a seperate purchase direct from 3rd Wire. As to mission themselves, look in the SF2 downloads section. to practice things, get The Range Terrain.
  5. are you talking about distance lods, or multiple lods for ONE building? (sort of like a Lego? Assemble it yourself??)
  6. ONLY 63???? The current terrain I'm working on has over 350 items listed (including those 70-odd that are the usual stock listings) that a hangar is a beaut!! is it open a both ends? and you can mix and match the existing old rail stuff with monty's new stuff ... (below is over 2 days work, and STILL not finished!!)
  7. Those sure look like my KAW Corsairs (TMF), and have been available for QUITE a while.
  8. is this in the right forum, Russ??? Shouldn't this be in the SF2 forum?
  9. the screenie is Zur's Sabre pit. It's also missing the degree wheel in the standby compass. Thought I'd fixed all those... I've got the new IL-2 conversion that Brain did -- it's a BEAUTY! Should be available in the F-84G, I think!! I really don't remember if it got uploaded or not. Or if it's "shareable"?? Brain, can you confirm it ok to upload? I'll have to check the G mod I uploaded, and see if it's in there. I don't recall that it is.
  10. been there, done, that! got the high blood pressure and nervous ticks to prove it!! LOL!!
  11. I've been using MS Security Essentials for about 2 years, and it works fine. Free to d/l , free updates, and it don't interfere with anything. Ditch Avast; give them the one finger salute
  12. independent Scotland?

    even The Simpsons are getting in on the act.. (this is to lighten the mood a bit...) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6vDzf-wSbk
  13. Indeed. no issues at all; just give the credits
  14. Russo, iirc. (the straight wing ones, right?) IIRC, the pits originally used was Zur's Sabre.
  15. yes it does. It was used as one the Yalu River power stations on the KAW (Korea v.3) map.
  16. you can always upload it to the Modder's Depository, too.
  17. the Westerholt (sp?) power station? Yes, you can But you'd need to have the lod and skin maps (bmps) INSIDE the Desert terrain folder (or any other terrain you want it on). It will NOT reference it from the GCE cat, if using any other cat pointer for the terrain Conversely, the Desert terrain will NOT work, if referencing the GCE cat, as there are no desert tiles in the GCE cat.. see where I'm going with this??
  18. Pics of beautiful models

    excellent models there (yes, I'd HOPED it was miniatures !) Especially like the cut-away U-boat and He-115
  19. File Name: SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 December 2012 File Category: F-86 SF2 Korean War Era F-86 Sabre Pak = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at any patch level, due to the extensive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install is reccomened at the LATEST patch level.* This is the F-86 Sabre Pak for the Korean Air War mod. Probably as eagerly awaited as the terrain itself... Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, THIS is the "Star of the Show"!!! In this pak you have 3 Sabre marks, with their various skins/decals sets: F-86A: 334th FIS 335th FIS 336th FIS, 4th FIW This set uses the 'SF2 date switch' to swap from the Black/White Invasion stripes (Early skins) to the Yellow ID band (Late Skins). They switch on March 1, 1951. F-86E: No. 2 Squadron, SAAF 16th FIS 25th FIS 39th FIS, 51st FIW 334th FIS 335th FIS 336th FIS, 4th FIW F-86F: 16th FIS 25th FIS 39th FIS, 51st FIW 334th FIS 335th FIS 336th FIS, 4th FIW ...and a Surprise Bird, with 3 skins of it's own!!!!! All aircraft have brand new skins, built from ravenclaw's beyond superb template. All skins are in jpg format, and Decal Randomization is set to TRUE. Almost all markings are decals, excepting special vert fin/rudder markings (the yellow stripe for the 4th FIW, and checkboard with squadron color for the 51st). New DDS damage textures are included. An all new, SF2-compliant FM was created for these aircraft; it flys like it should! (as seen on some other recently released Sabre mods) A new userlist ini is also included. The F-86A gets an SF2-version of my original 'box art' Hangar screen; the E & Fuses a more 'generic' style. No weapons are included; they are in the KAW weapons pak, and excepting for the drop tanks and HVARs, reference stock items (ie: the bombs). Many new sounds are included; be advised the included 50cal sound =WILL= overwrite any others you posess. Several new 'effects' are included as well. For your extra added Flying Pleasure, a KAW =ONLY!!= modded InstantAction.ini resides in the included /Flight folder. REMINDER: use this =ONLY= in a stand alone KAW mods folder. It's based off the Korea V.3 map, and you'll need the MiG-15bis_NK, La-11 Fang, F-82G, F9F-2, and of course, these Sabres. This is an optional use file; I won't be insulted if you don't use it, or change the aircraft to what you want. Really; I promise! As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" and other impertinant data you should know. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein -for the KAW Team- Click here to download this file
  20. Those are all listed in the terrains _types ini. 80% of the objects are the same (city buildings, evildamncommbuilding, warehouses, etc) throughout all the 4 original terrains Both GermanyCE & IsraelME has some different city buildings and GCE has some "industrial" structures that are different, and IcelandNA has lots of 'new' stuff. I don't have images of all the items, only those for Desert and (most?) Vietnam terrains. It's almost impossible to get a catalogue for the INA buildings, as the 'cat pointer' may not work on a 'empty' terrain. One way to test, would be to use something like The Range terrain, change the cat pointer from Desert to IcelandNA, pick a spot near Home Base, and go through the IcelandNA types ini, and start placing items in a new target area and take screenies. I don't know if that would work, but ??? Be advised with some of the 08/06 level lods used in SF2 (in particular the vVehiclePort and vPTDock) they're 'world centers' and facing seems "off". These are what I've got... (you'll note the SF Desert items have their footprint added. A x B in meters. The WoV one does not) *note: the pit16 picture is wrong; it's the pit8 pic -- the 16 has revitments on BOTH sides, hence it's double width*
  21. which objects, specificly? Ground objects, or Terrain Objects (ie: from the IcelandNA.cat)?
  22. New Star Wars photos

    that looks more like a Z-95 Headhunter, than the T-65 X-Wing. Of course, the tarps could be changing the shape

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