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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. it happens all the time, at random intervals and after patching or installing a DLC. Been happening since SF2 came out. This may be of some help, in our overlooked Knowledge Base: http://combatace.com/topic/55746-patching-made-easy-part-deux/ the reason your "nationalized" aircraft aren't effected, is simply because they're "nationalized", and have a unique folder and ini name that the game engine's patch/DLC routines don't recognize, being different from the 'stock' names, that reference the 3W userlists
  2. Steps for using Shrike: Locate/ID target close to within 5-6 miles point aircraft at target pull back on stick, raising nose 10-30 degrees above horizon fire missile eat popcorn and enjoy the explosion Shrikes tend to drop, giving them an "up" vector increase their ability to not hit the ground early, and allows them maneuvering room
  3. weapons have never had labels, all the way back to Day 1.
  4. why would it not be? and should have no effect on the Shrikes
  5. <cough> Knowledge Base <cough> http://combatace.com/topic/61382-add-anything-to-a-ship/
  6. Kess' cockpits are Freeware. He gave permission for EVERYONE to use them. The only thing that would change that, is if the DAT made changes in the MAX files, and exported the finalized LOD as their own. Then, of course, they're owned by them, and can't be used by anyone else.
  7. I did a vertical "camera" for the U-2, to replicate the drift sight. I think all one needs is a pit with a radar scope (for the "tv" view), and set the angles. You'd need to specify, iirc, TV in an avionics ini this is the EOCamera from the U-2A (if you want to study it more, it's here -- http://combatace.com/files/file/11575-lockheed-u-2a-for-sf2/) I think the actual view is tied into the camera angle
  8. what about self illuminating material for the lights, like the headlights on Kesselbrut trucks? We had the problem years ago with The Factory Place; it was set as an airfield to get the buildings to light up, but aircraft kept being generated in the middle of them, even without a real 'airfield ini'
  9. didn't Fubar and Co just release something to that effect a few weeks ago? Ed was showing screenies of it not all that long ago
  10. have you run all the exes for the various games? Have you then played the game? If the mods folders have been deleted, they'll all need to be rebuilt. That means running each of the games and of course, then checking in the /SavedGames folder to make sure the stuff comes back
  11. may be tied into how many "cv zones" are painted on the water bmp?
  12. as long as there's a textureset.ini, it add automatcialy.
  13. panel lines are wwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to dark
  14. you need to "rebuild" the separate installs. This is required after every patch, or game addition or DLC installation. Even those not modded, or heavily modded. All AIs made flyable (MiGs and such), will always be rewritten. rename the mods folders that now exist (for example: xPTO) copy/paste the exe you want as that's mod folders exe (SF2NA is recommended for all, as it has the proper CV coding). It will then show up as "Strike Fighters North Atlantic copy . exe" or something close. rename to the exe/mod folder being replaced (ie: PTO). Run said exe, to create new mods folder. Pick an airplane, and start a missions. Don't worry about the controls or what have you. Just start the mission, and sit there for a few. Then exit the game. copy/paste the Options and Version inis from the Newly created mods folder to the 'backedup' renamed one. Delete the new mods folder. Rename the old one (ie: xPTO) back to it's original name. Start the game again, and don't be surprised if it takes a while to start, as it (once gain!) rebuilding itself -meaning it's adding ALL the objects and whatnots BACK. Start a mission, and you'll most likely see ALL aircraft, included the ww2 birds, are present. Don't worry about that for now. Fly for a few seconds, and exit the game. Now you can delete (in the case of a ww2 mod) all the modern aircraft except 2 -- this is important!! I leave the A-4E and Mig-21MF. For some reason, have one each modern prevents the game engine from rebuilding again. Make any changes to the Options ini (ie: for ww2, adjusting the year spread). You should be good to go. ===== What you said above, NONE of the others will start??? Try renaming the Options and Versions inis in those mod folders, and run each exe. With luck, they'll be rebuilt. If not, I don't know what to say, as it's never happened to me. The basic reason is, after adding anything new from 3W, ALL the exes, dlls, etc (aka "the core files") are changed and each separate game exe has to be run again to bring everything to the same level.
  15. or just rename the data ini inside the folder, so that it reverts to the one on the cat file, and retest
  16. JASDF F-86 Sabre Skin Pak



    JSADF F-86F-40 Sabre Skin Pak =For SF2 & SF/SFG/WoV/WoE and maybe WoI @ 08 Levels and above= Something to fill the gap for early usage by the JASDF, from it's formation in 1954, until the mid/late 1960s when the F-104s began replacing them. You MUST have the F-86F-40 installed first, before installing these skins (duh!). Although all Zur's Sabres are mapped identically, these are for the F-40 variant, and NOT the standard or garden variety F-86F (although the JASDF DID use/build a lot of F variants) The 4 JASDF Squadron represented here are: 1 Hikotai 3 Hikotai 6 Hikotai 8 Hikotai While designed with SF2 installs in mind (this was tested in my full-4 merged), it can also be used in 1st Gens, with some minor editing. I've suppled a 'blank' SF/Wo* F-86-40.ini (blank meaning it has no textureset listings), and full instructions for use in 1st Gens, found down below in the "To Insall" section. Be advised, I no longer mod for 1st Gen Series, excepet for WW2 (and I'm trying like crazy to get THEM updated...), so if you can't figure it out... All have accurate serial numbers assigned, as per squadron (rated at 90%, as I couldn't find each and every one of the 18 A/C per squadron, so 1-3 are 'fill-ins'. Rest assured, however, they ARE correct either for NAA or Mistubishi/Fuji built versions). While the number.lst in included, it's been deactivated as for to keep you from running out of numbers while playing; what with only 18 aircraft per squadron, this is a VERY real possibility. It's easily reactivated by a simple rename. A 'generic' patch is included, also renamed to remove it. SF2 seems to have some kind of 'issue' with the paintchip/patch, in that it shfits the squadron selextions in the dropdown to the left a bit, making it hard to read. For SF2 only, there are a new SF2 style plane-jane Hangar Screen, a new avionics ini that activtes the gun ranging-only radar (puts the yellow diamnomd on the target when within range),a =very= incomplete UserList.ini, and an extra main ini for SF/Wo* 1st Gen usage. The avioinics.ini =NOT= usable in SF/Wo* 1st Gens, except with the possiblity of WoI with the new Suez Expansion Pak. This has =NOT= been tested, as I don't have the WoI Expansion. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. For those wishing to install to 1st Gen games, =PLEASE= make double damn sure you read the special section for you. I've tried to keep it as simple a possible, while covering all bases. It is HIGHLY suggested you read this document through before installing the mod, to make sure you understand what's to be accomplished. Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  17. Axanar

    that's outstanding work for indie!! would love to see the whole film, if ever completed!!
  18. what you need is one of these.. http://www.vantecusa.com/en/product/view_detail/266 my personal recommendation to ANYONE and EVERYONE that owns a computer, and has a modicum of mechanical skill. yank the old HD, connect this kit to it, connect to another computer, and see if you can salvage any and all files. that little item has saved my ass more times than I can count.
  19. some folks just can't get enough fresh air, ya' know?? :)
  20. reading the enclosed readmes for said mods would be a good idea too. if the uploader has done their job right, it's a simple "drag and drop"
  21. Is it safe to assume that's Ajundair's Canberra, and NOT the stock one??? Or, if a stock 3W version, a mod for 1stGens (SFP1 or Wo*), and NOT for SF2? more data is required .. like a link to the original download, and so forth.
  22. outstanding!
  23. simply add another location in the ***_movements ini, and renumber those items in the "new" national region

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