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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. we mostly just ignore the bitch! unless, of course, you're flying over the UK in 1940, then it'd be ok, as the RAF did have female controllers for the GCI
  2. a little more info, maybe? like what terrain?
  3. have shadows turned on in the objects ini, in the terrain folder? Like the planes [LOD001] Filename=ASR.lod Distance=200 [LOD002] Filename=ASR_lod002.lod Distance=800 [LOD003] Filename=ASR_lod003.lod Distance=8000 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=500 MaxVisibleDistance=2000
  4. it's a specular and glossiness issue. common on NM aircraft (see: MiG-15 skins for Korea)
  5. hmmm... then one wonders WHY TK put that spec on ALL ship-based aircraft then. And all land based, too. I'd try extending the hook arm length in .5 meter increments, and give it a greater 'dangle angle', maybe 50 - 60 degrees (45 seems the standard, looking at some of the usual suspects. A-7A uses 60, as do the Phantoms)
  6. this is why the Knowledge Base exists: http://combatace.com/topic/68224-adjusting-beginning-end-year-spread/ also, make SURE you have the weapons in the proper /Objects/Weapons/*name of weapon" folders and sub folders
  7. now, That's what I call a 1930s hangar!! Beauty!!
  8. Thank You!! :) one of the reasons I opted for the 4 rocket, 4 260# frags for CAS/Armed Recon, and only 2 500#s for strike. Tried to lighten it a bit, and so forth. I'd seriously considered an all HVAR loadout for CA/AR, which would be even lighter, but, there it is
  9. base skin, 1942 (this one is PTO -- will do a desert pink later). still need panels and rivets, and minor fun tuning. will get new serial decals, too (as these shown are for the B)
  10. Bastille Day?? Nice touch!!! I thought I'd answered the PM ??
  11. wait, you build a WW2 install, and DIDN'T add any Axis aircraft???? Of course they're not going to show up... our ww2 downloads section has quite a few (unfortunately, even more only available from the DAT site), but should be enough to get you started (again, depending on which theatre you're operating in
  12. Version


    SF2 KW Era (1950s) F4U-5 Corsair Pak by TMF/MM 6/20/2014 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *** *** This package contains a modded version of the TMF/MM F4U-5 (built from the radar equipped nightfighter version, the -5NL), with various components removed. Almost all data ini edits (removals and such) were performed by CrazyhorseB34. Minor adjustments by me. This pak represents F4U-5 Corsair fighter-bombers in the early and mid 1950s. Skins/Decal sets are included for the following units: VF-14 "Tophatters" (CV-18 Med '51-52) VMA-212 "Devil Cats" (possibly in Korea?) The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'. Skins are in jpg format. Most markings are decals and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Weapons are not included; you should have them already. However, the pilot and engine sounds are. Standard Animations Keystrokes ™ are used for the canopy (Shift/0) and wing fold (shift/9). As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them before installing. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Good Hunting, and Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein with thanks to CrazyhorseB34!!
  13. ok, ALL ini work in 99.999999% done, all I need is a volunteer to step up and give us the 3-tone SEA camo. I have the templates (otherwise, how else would I have been able to do the skins already released?) Tip tanks are 'fake piloted' on, as they're not droppable. Decals already done. So, pro level only. No wannabes or amateurs. I'd do it myself, but I suck at 'lining up' the parting lines!
  14. Mi-24 Skin

    I've only asked that very same question EVERY TIME HE UPLOADS a Hind skin. Asked that the "which model this is for" be stated in the announcement text. The heavens forbid that people read and follow the 'standards and practices' set forth here http://combatace.com/topic/60088-a-reminder-before-you-upload-a-mod/ I give up
  15. open the Gnat's main ini (Gnat.ini ???) and remove the callout for the avionics dll and avionics.ini like in the example below, albeit using the F-4D for the example: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=F-4D Phantom II AircraftShortName=F-4 AircraftDataFile=F-4D_data.ini LoadoutFile=F-4D_loadout.ini UserList=F-4D_UserList.ini CockpitDataFile=F-4D_cockpit.ini LoadoutImage=F-4D_loadout.tga HangarScreen=F-4D_hangar.JPG LoadingScreen=F-4D_Loading.JPG AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll AvionicsDataFilename=F-4D_avionics.ini <----remove these 2 lines quickest, easiest and most simple way. no need to overcomplicate things ask the Indian Air Force
  16. Version


    SF2 Korean War Era F9F-5P Photo Panther Pak by Pasko = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: There is a distinct probability that this mod =MAY= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs at their latest patch level. However, due to the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment, some features will not be implemented/work/show up. End Users ™ that attempt it, do so at their own risk. A Full 5 Merged install of SF2 is reccomened at the LATEST patch level. This is how it was (re)built & tested for KAW.* Slight upgrades to Pasko's F9F-5P "Photo Panther" bring it more in line with SF2, in specific regards to the KAW mod. This is the complete aircraft, with 2 skin/decal sets for: VC-61, USN VMJ-3, USMC Skins remain in bmp format due to their small size (512x); decal randomization (for the 4 Level 2 decals used on them) is set to TRUE. This should pose no in-game issues, as Recon flights only generate 2 aircraft. AND...the aircraft only has the one mission tasking statement. Included are sounds (from the KAW F9F-2), the pilot figure, and the cockpit FROM the -2 Panther (although the -5 pit IS different -would you rather be stuck with the A-4B?? Again!!??). The aircraft is fully carrier capable, and was tested in the KAW mod. The FM remains relatively untouched. A userlist is also included, as is a NEW SF-2 "Box Art" style hangar screen. Wingfold operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/9. However, due to animation linking, the canopy ONLY opens when the arrestor hook is deployed (H key). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. There are "Operational Notations" and other data you should know. Get Good Pictures! wrench kevin stein
  17. I didn't build the pylon; you all know I'm not a 3d guy!! (but thanks!) it might be Cocas' work
  18. yup, they were ADC grey, excepting MAYBE the prototypes
  19. BuAer standard aircraft charictaristics charts, f2h-2 (pdf in zip)
  20. revamping some of MPPD old Skyraiders to now use the 3W A-1H. Got 3 done so far
  21. SF1 don't support jpg textures. the entire mod is NOT designed for use in 1stGens. Renaming them to bmp is waste of time, as you'll need to use a hex editor on the cockpit lod, search out and find, and then rename each and every single instance of jpg to bmp. Which is exceedingly dangerous for anyone, even someone highly experienced. The risk of destroying the lod's usefulness is too high. NOT recommended. you'll need to find a substitute pit that works in 1stGens. Sorry, that's how it is
  22. actually, given the weather conditions up there, terRAIN, ain't that far off !!! :) and the answer is no. given DEM sites are difficult at best to find (one that I had used is closed, and another is so impossible to navigate as to never find anything), and said DEM would be badly curved (had serious issues with high latitude curvatures on the Norway map) that scaling become even more of a major issue. Charts I have or can easily get. Tiles are readily available (read: Kamchatka) For me, simply not worth it. Beside, I've got 3 others I haven't touched since March
  23. File Name: SF2 KAW F2H-2 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 08 July 2014 File Category: Other SF2 KAW F2H-2 Banshee Tweeks Pak -for Razbam Banshees 7/6/2014 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = ***PLEASE NOTE!!! You must have the original Razbam Payware Banshee set for all the necessary items!!! If you can't purchase the item from the Razbam Store, do NOT download this mod; it will do you NO good. This package =ONLY= includes those items modded by me.*** This package contains a few (partly) repainted skin maps for the 4 original skins. They now carry decals for Modex and BuNums. These are =ONLY= for the F2H-2, as used in the early 1950s, particually over Korea. Included are new decals, decal inis, number lists, userlist, etc. The repainted skin maps are: Fuselage_t Main_t Wing2_t You'll find all these items in their appropriate skin subfolders. Also, a totaly NEW skin, for VF-172 "Blue Bolts" was created and included. This was the first unit to take the Banshee into combat in Korea. Skins remain in bmp format. Decal randomization is TRUE. All aircraft use a "pool" of BuNum decals. The BuNum decals, when correct for this model, should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent ony the aircraft itself, not specific aircraft in any particular unit. Both USMC units also use a "pool" of Modex numbers. National insignia, and CVG code letters remain painted on, excepting for those on the VF-172 skin. All markings on that one, excepting the national insignia, are decals. A modified data, loadout, and main (F-2H2.ini) are included. A new avionics ini is included, that activates the range-only gun radar (similiar to F-86E/F models). Shadows have been turned OFF, due to 'tractor beam' issues. NEW damage tgas are supplied as well. It may be advisable for you to back up ALL the original inis, just for safety's sake. When in game, you'll see F2H-2 Banshee (Raz) on the aircraft selection drop down menu. The aircraft is carrier-capable, with all the SF2NA coding for deck 'parking'. However, as the wings do NOT fold, you will probably NOT see them parked on the boat. The Standard Animation Keystroke ™ is used for the canopy (Shift/0). No weapons, sounds, pilots, etc are included. These are Razbam copyright items, and are included in his package. Those that have NOT updated their pilot to the SF2 folderized standard, should do so soonest. OTH, the weapons used are readily available in the KAW Weapons Pak. Further work is required by those FM Gurus to bring it all the way home. I've done what I can with it. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them BEFORE installing (but after unzipping, of course). Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Full credits are listed in the usual place, down with the "Notes". Good Hunting, and Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file

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