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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. "you should be" I didn't move to many cities, but quite a few airfields were 'relocated'. Of course, the targets within the cities were all replaced (industrial stuff and so forth) and expanded and the like I'd cross check to be sure. as I know little to nothing about campaign building....???
  2. 99.9% of which no longer work in SF2, or have been replaced by SF2 versions. Browse the SF2 downloads, and you'll find them
  3. I used the search function and found the right off, bro! it's by scrapper ver 2.1: http://combatace.com/files/file/5128-fallen-angel-v21/ ver 3.0: http://combatace.com/files/file/5323-fallen-angel-mega-pack-v30/ the campaigns will need CONSIDERABLE reworking, what with the "new" builds and those items "unavailable to many" To say nothing of the complete and total rebuild of the EAW Euro terrain I've done since these came out in 2008-ish
  4. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO, P-51B Mustang, 336th FS Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 30 June 2014 File Category: P-51 SF2 WW2 ETO, P-51B Mustang, 336th FS Skin Pak 6/28/14 = For SF2, (Full 5 Merged Reccomended/Prefered) = A new skin for ETO based P-51B (square canopy) Mustangs. This is for Wolf's Mustang, not any others. If you don't have the SF2 Uprated version of Wolf's P-51B, you get it at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13737-sf2-ww2-eto-p-51b-mustang-pak/ This skin represents aircraft from the 336th Fighter Squadron, 4th Figher Group, in 1944 (before D-Day, or after, assuming the Invasion Stripes are removed). The aircraft is finished standard OD/Grey, with white QIMs The skin is in jpg format, and is slightly revamped from earlier version, with new panel and rivet lines. All markings (excepting the QIMs and national markings) are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Serial numbers are 100% correct, and matched to the 'plane-in-group' letters, excpeting those marked with a star (*). Those aricraft DID serve in the 336, but I was unable to match the serials to any individual letter. There are NO nose arts, excepting Gentile & Godfrey's red checks, and Gentile's "Shangra-La". Others texture/decal artists are encouraged to do the leg/brain work if they wish to create others. Be advised, there may not be enough mesh positions for correct placements. Also, included is a modified loadout ini, as I'd originally inadvertently assigned the drop tanks to the wrong hardpoints! As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein (this is an expansion of the pack seen previously in the "Decals, How To?" discussion thread in the SF2 Mods/Skinning Forum. If you DID download that pack from the attachement in that thread, you are advised to DELETE the 336 skin and decals folders, as this WILL replace it) Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO, P-51B Mustang, 336th FS Skin Pak 6/28/14 = For SF2, (Full 5 Merged Reccomended/Prefered) = A new skin for ETO based P-51B (square canopy) Mustangs. This is for Wolf's Mustang, not any others. If you don't have the SF2 Uprated version of Wolf's P-51B, you get it at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13737-sf2-ww2-eto-p-51b-mustang-pak/ This skin represents aircraft from the 336th Fighter Squadron, 4th Figher Group, in 1944 (before D-Day, or after, assuming the Invasion Stripes are removed). The aircraft is finished standard OD/Grey, with white QIMs The skin is in jpg format, and is slightly revamped from earlier version, with new panel and rivet lines. All markings (excepting the QIMs and national markings) are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Serial numbers are 100% correct, and matched to the 'plane-in-group' letters, excpeting those marked with a star (*). Those aricraft DID serve in the 336, but I was unable to match the serials to any individual letter. There are NO nose arts, excepting Gentile & Godfrey's red checks, and Gentile's "Shangra-La". Others texture/decal artists are encouraged to do the leg/brain work if they wish to create others. Be advised, there may not be enough mesh positions for correct placements. Also, included is a modified loadout ini, as I'd originally inadvertently assigned the drop tanks to the wrong hardpoints! As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein (this is an expansion of the pack seen previously in the "Decals, How To?" discussion thread in the SF2 Mods/Skinning Forum. If you DID download that pack from the attachement in that thread, you are advised to DELETE the 336 skin and decals folders, as this WILL replace it)
  6. it's cool!! but the under wing pylons (meshes) seem to be missing, as the drop tanks are hanging in space!! edit: never mind! dopey me was using the other tank, without the built in pylon! all fixed now! :)
  7. VERY quick and dirty reskin for Raven's Hercules powered Hurricane. (still havn't got the mapping figured on the now cowling yet)
  8. Always here to help, Zur. I just wish I could work in MAX...
  9. Pride

  10. Zur, you know, as a Modder, you can upload the Max files and any other source material (skins, templates, uvmaps, etc) to the Modders Depository It's a secure area of the site, ONLY accessable to modders
  11. could use a K Counter Invader for Nam (turrets were removed) We already have the B & C versions for WW2 and Korea by bobrock (wish we could get his source file, but I ain't got no money, as he's selling it. that's how the DAT got their newest version. they bought his)
  12. let's see here... lets do the math... last post was December 2011, and it's almost July 2014...... ... carry the 6, divide by 3.14159,...... I'd say none
  13. It's also a GREAT way to getting all that junk that falls to floor out of the cockpit!! Never know what ya might find (loose change, TV remotes, etc)
  14. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO, P-51C Mustang, 382nd FS Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 29 June 2014 File Category: P-51 SF2 WW2 ETO, P-51C Mustang, 382nd FS Skin Pak 6/26/14 = For SF2, (Full 5 Merged Reccomended/Prefered) = A new skin for ETO based P-51C (Malcom Hood) Mustangs. If you don't have the SF2 Uprated version, you can get it at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13216-p-51c-mustang-eto/ This skin represents aircraft from the 382nd Fighter Squadron, 363rd Figher Group, 9th Air Force, as based in England, and later forward bases on The Continent after D-Day. The aircraft is finished in 'natural metal', and carriers Invasion Stripes in the approximate time frame of July thru November 1944 (lower surfaces only). The skin is in jpg format. All markings (excepting the QIM on the fin and tailplanes and Invasion Stripes) are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Serial numbers are correct for the model depicted, but NOT for any specific aircraft with this squadron. Consider them 'generic' in nature. Also, included is a modified Data ini, as I made a few small changes (like attaching the tail light to the rudder, so it moves!) Remember, historically, the only difference between a B and C model (as both could, and did, recieve the Malcom Hood mod), is the B was built in Ingelwood, California and the C in Dallas, Texas. As both Wolf's B & C Mustang are mapped identically, End Users ™ can use it for either one. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them . Also, give the "Notes" a glance, too. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  15. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO, P-51C Mustang, 382nd FS Skin Pak 6/26/14 = For SF2, (Full 5 Merged Reccomended/Prefered) = A new skin for ETO based P-51C (Malcom Hood) Mustangs. If you don't have the SF2 Uprated version, you can get it at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/13216-p-51c-mustang-eto/ This skin represents aircraft from the 382nd Fighter Squadron, 363rd Figher Group, 9th Air Force, as based in England, and later forward bases on The Continent after D-Day. The aircraft is finished in 'natural metal', and carriers Invasion Stripes in the approximate time frame of July thru November 1944 (lower surfaces only). The skin is in jpg format. All markings (excepting the QIM on the fin and tailplanes and Invasion Stripes) are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. Serial numbers are correct for the model depicted, but NOT for any specific aircraft with this squadron. Consider them 'generic' in nature. Also, included is a modified Data ini, as I made a few small changes (like attaching the tail light to the rudder, so it moves!) Remember, historically, the only difference between a B and C model (as both could, and did, recieve the Malcom Hood mod), is the B was built in Ingelwood, California and the C in Dallas, Texas. As both Wolf's B & C Mustang are mapped identically, End Users ™ can use it for either one. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them . Also, give the "Notes" a glance, too. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  16. File Name: P-51D, 194th FS, CA ANG Skin/Decal Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 June 2014 File Category: P-51 P-51D, 194th FS, CA ANG Skin/Decal Pak 6/25/2014 = For SF2 (Full 5 merged, reccomended/prefered, WITH SF2I Exp 1) **You =MUST= have SF2:I Expansion Pak 1 for the Mustangs!! If you do not have that expansion pak, this mod will do you no good** A New skin/decal pak for the 3W Mustang, represents the 194th Fighter squadron, California Air National Guard from 1948 through the mid-1950s. It was inspired by suhjake's mod for Wolf's old D mustang. In fact, I reused several of the original decals. They are marked with a star (*). All the others are new builds. You have 26 total serial and "wing ID numbers". The skin is in jpg format, and Decal randomization is TRUE. The "StartDefaultDsate" switch is also used, and is set for 1948. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landing! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  17. B/C Mustangs carried 270 per gun ( 4 50s), D/K carried 400 per (6 50s & TK data ini)...so... call it 300-350 per gun. sounds about right, given the 50 is 1/3 again larger then the 30/303s
  18. 6 50s or maybe even 4 20s? plenty of room in the wing for the ammo belts, either way
  19. I also have the Detail & Scale and Warbird tech on the Mitchells. I'll shoot them over to you in the next few days. Belly turrets remained factory instally, but many C/D models removed them 'in theatre', and faired over the hole. G/H/J never had them btw, great views, Russ!
  20. which variants, is the question!
  21. the 08 patch for all are readily available in the downloads section. http://combatace.com/files/category/31-sfwo-patches/
  22. Version


    P-51D, 194th FS, CA ANG Skin/Decal Pak 6/25/2014 = For SF2 (Full 5 merged, reccomended/prefered, WITH SF2I Exp 1) **You =MUST= have SF2:I Expansion Pak 1 for the Mustangs!! If you do not have that expansion pak, this mod will do you no good** A New skin/decal pak for the 3W Mustang, represents the 194th Fighter squadron, California Air National Guard from 1948 through the mid-1950s. It was inspired by suhjake's mod for Wolf's old D mustang. In fact, I reused several of the original decals. They are marked with a star (*). All the others are new builds. You have 26 total serial and "wing ID numbers". The skin is in jpg format, and Decal randomization is TRUE. The "StartDefaultDsate" switch is also used, and is set for 1948. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landing! Wrench Kevin Stein
  23. if Ed builds it, I'll skin it.

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