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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Ok!. I think this should be the final configuration of the various markings and stuff like that!! (meaning: I'm not making any more changes!! if these look good to you, then I'll finalize the package and upload it. Thanks for all the assistance!
  2. that's all well and good, Russ. But...I've already put 36 hours continuous (except for sleeping last night) into fixing this so, here's the choices: 1) prop fix, correct wing pylons, all other issues remain (non folding wings, parking issues on the boat, etc) 2) different LOD, prop fixed, incorrect/extra pylons, no parking issues - wings fold properly, parked on the boat correctly, etc. I know what I'm doing.
  3. dude, I've already spent an ENTIRE day on fixing this, redoing all the skins using the other lod. Now, you want me throw that all out? GFY
  4. don't bother testing it ... it doesn't fucking work!! Look as the shots below, using his data. it's not just the prop statements, it the way the nodes/meshes are set up. you know what, I'm going to go ahead with what I've got, that WORKS, even with the minor glitch with the extra rocket racks. People that don't like it, can go back to the original, or live with what been done within the limitations of NOT having the source MAX file to correct the various issues. I went through this same thing with the -1s and the FAA versions. I had Russo generating 3 or 4 different LODs to fix the rails. This is it, this is how its going to be. End of lecture
  5. this is the prop with wilches "fix" (below) compare it the image in the screenshots thread. you know what, we can live with 10 rockets, instead of 8. OTH, I can set the loadout ini to only have 8, but then there's the 2 extra outer pylons just sitting there (as those are all one mesh...again, back to the issue of needing the MAX files to have them seperated into individuals)
  6. Problem uploading pics

    hey!! them's my attachments!!
  7. Deathrattler Corsair, Korea 1951 (please take note of the "normal" looking prop)
  8. shoot them to me; I can't seem to find them. I don't even remember what they was!!
  9. Problem uploading pics

    to clear your attachemenst, you need to go to your profile. Click your name, located on the upper right of the screen, and got "My Setting", and from there you'll find the "Manage Attachments" on the left side delete from there
  10. thank you, but I have Sundowner's original -7 templates. I'll give you're a look see, as I like to see how other folks do things.(bit a voyeur, doncha know!)
  11. the alpha is not saving correctly. the area outside of the aircraft shape should be 100% opaque, the inner area should be fully transparent OTH, the SF2 WILL still read them as bmps. Might be a bit easier, eh?
  12. not really. there are some differences. The -7, what I'm using just needs new right/left wing bmp/jpgs generated the enginetail and fues maps are the same. (it also has the extra masts, that I'd removed before Unfortunately, EVERYONE of my skins will need those 2 new maps, and repositioning of the modex or insignias on the cowling (nose mesh). The good thing is, they're only off by 0.20 There's also a significant amount of data and loadout ini work, as "things be moved" on the 7 (some axis are different and so forth) so, give me a week or so as I have to rebuild them all, and I'll issue ver.2 for ALL the TMF -4/-4B Corsairs. Like I said before, the main radio mast will NOT be correct for -4, but it'll be good enough
  13. you know, I'd like to declare here and now that I'm a fuking idiot. we're forgetting the -7. It has the cannon, the single mast and working props you just let me worry about the guns. I've done this LOTS of time
  14. removing the cannons and using the existing -4 data ini shouldn't be an issue, as they're all the same size (the aircraft) looking at the AU-1 and -5NL OUT files shows exactly what I was saying before about the prop blades Again, the stepped formatting isn't showing (parent and child components), but you'll get the idea you can see the 4 blades called out, and the PropellerC, missing from the -4/-4B I checked the skins from the AU-1 and the -4s and they're mapped identically; there's no major differences I can find. The only one that's different is the F4U5_enginetail, where there's a real tiny section that is mosly likely the radome The only other major problem are the varying antenna on the AU -- the spine masts are completely different from the -4 series (see below). The lower antenna are for the radar altimeter and such; the upper masts are the standard radio, and for special air-to-ground radios. Again, easily removable (via trial and error to find which mesh). Now, it's just a matter of finding the time to sit down and really experiment with it
  15. check the SF2 downloads, Add on Aircraft WW2, US Origin F4F/F6F/F7F/F8F but I did a dumb thing when I uploaded it ... it's a combined pack of Dauntless and Wildcats!! http://combatace.com/files/file/13298-sf2-ww2-pto-f4f-wildcats-and-sbd-dauntless/
  16. you do know that I have the templates, around here someplace....Ant was kind enough to locate them. Now, I have re-locate them!
  17. you know I've done the Wake Detachment F4F-3 Wildcats, too. And those that remained at Ewa in 1941 the release is delayed about a day, as I'm making all new fuselage number decals (the 4 digit BuNums) I should have them done later today, and ready for your inspection.
  18. now this is a ceiling fan

    oh yeah!!! I've seen a Corsair one in a catalogue too
  19. looks iike I have to move the "wake island" badge a bit more forward. the damn airscoop on the fuselage side keep messing me up on the 'vma-211' tag. These are now separate, new decals. The only original decals left from Paul are the tail ones otherwise, it 99.9% ready I'll send you the package for final checking before I upload it here
  20. SF2 WW2 CBI B-24J Liberator Pak



    SF2 WW2 CBI B-24J Liberator Pak by Veltro2K 6/10/2014 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) This pack contains a Theatre Specfic version of Veltro2k's B-24J Liberator as seen in in the China, Burma, India Theatre. Be advised, that while there wasn't too much 'crossover' between the 10 AF in India and the 14th AF in China (and the RAF for that matter), for gaming purposes it won't matter much. You are advised, however, to have a seperate CBI mods folder (even though the new India/Burma/Indochina map is far from completed). The unit(s) represented herein are: 10th AF (India): 493rd BS, 7th BG (43/45, in OD/Grey) 14th AF (China): 374th BS, 308th BG (44/45, in NM) RAF (India/Burma): No. 99 Squadron "Madras Presidency" (Liberator GR.VI, late 44/45, in OD/Grey) Each of the skins will display their theatre association; B/I or C. The skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals (excepting the wing national markings and some squadron rudder markings). The serials, when carried, are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular unit, but ARE for the model variant depicted. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. 10th & 14th AF squadron numbering conventions (plane-in-group numbers) are used on these aircraft. There are NO nose arts. Other texture artists are encouraged to do the research, and create proper artwork decals. Weapons, pilot figures and guns are NOT included; you should have them already. However, the VB-1 "Azon" bomb is, as the 7th BG had specialy equipped aircraft for their usage. A "Strike_Azon" loadout has been setup, and is availalbe through the 3W Mission Editor. Or they can be hand-loaded. Be advised, the standard carry was 4 Azons, and handloading WILL overload the aircraft with 7. RAF units did NOT use Azons. The aircraft is also equipped with a ground mapping/surface search radar. Damage textures are in DDS format. When in game you'll see B-24J Liberator (v2k) This will differentiate this Lib from any others you may have (ie: Pasko's). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations, in particular for in-game usage. Happy Landings Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. contra props are easy; we've had them for quite a while, in both SF1 and SF2. It's just in how the model is built and animated
  22. ok here ya go. very quick and dirty. it references the single letter and serials from the one of the other 2 skins, so you must have those (which you said you already do) of course, the serials are NOT 336th birds*, but maybe at a later date I'll run them down. nor is there any nose art, including Gentle and Godfrey's checks Just a plane jane skin with the VF code but, this'll give you 4th FG fix *but only a True Expert ™ would know that
  23. did I cover his unit in my skin set?? no idea is bad. keep throwing them out. the major problem is, after Bpao passed, we lost a LOT of the max files. and an equal number were uncompleted (like the Spit mk.1, the spit mk 9, the su-24 Fubar's been showing) if we had those, we'd be Golden. I'm sure I could find a 'volenteer' to fix the things! We've had them since 2004
  24. a question... did they carry the CVW or Squadron Codes (CF) on the wings, along with the modex?? If so, was it 'standard' on top and bottom, opposite the stars? And were the letters straight across or staggered, like on the tail? Still dialing in the badge and 'vma-211' tag, as it's one decal nearly there...

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