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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. welll, hell .... they're in the right place! I take it the others are working??? Did you check for the cat pointer line, in the terrain's main ini??? I don't see the stock SF2 Desert Terrain listed (unless it's "off camera". I know it's requried for SWUS to work. I don't have the others, but check for that line anyways. That's all I can think of, at the moment.
  2. can you post a screen shot of the /Terrains folder in which ever mod folder you put the terrains into???
  3. I've been rummaging around it the sections, and they look OK to me. I think it's fixed! thanks again, Boss
  4. working on these, I can't get Pink Floyd out of my head...
  5. View File P-3F "Orion" (Iran) Pak by Florian/stahri/Wrench P-3F "Orion" (Iran) Pak by Florian/stahri/Wrench 1/3/23 -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a mod to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" martime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft, creating the P-3F as used by the Imperial Iranian Air Force, and later the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force. Consider this a "new(ish)" airplane. This mod is based on Starhi's work. (thank you!) The skin is all new, from Viper63a's enhanced template, and in jpg format. It is, however still based off Starhi's original. All new decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE (I mean, c'mon -- there's only 6 airplanes!!!!). All markings are decals. All serials are 100% historically correct. All sounds, weapons* and various misc stuff are included. (*weapons are the same as the ones included in the recently uploaded P-3C Remod Pack). The SF2 date switch is "on", so in 1979 the IRIAF skin will become active. The only difference is the fin flash. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 01/10/2023 Category Other  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    P-3F "Orion" (Iran) Pak by Florian/stahri/Wrench 1/3/23 -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a mod to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" martime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft, creating the P-3F as used by the Imperial Iranian Air Force, and later the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force. Consider this a "new(ish)" airplane. This mod is based on Starhi's work. (thank you!) The skin is all new, from Viper63a's enhanced template, and in jpg format. It is, however still based off Starhi's original. All new decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE (I mean, c'mon -- there's only 6 airplanes!!!!). All markings are decals. All serials are 100% historically correct. All sounds, weapons* and various misc stuff are included. (*weapons are the same as the ones included in the recently uploaded P-3C Remod Pack). The SF2 date switch is "on", so in 1979 the IRIAF skin will become active. The only difference is the fin flash. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. Major Lee's America NorthWest REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY needs to be redone. Completly. And right. It does, as is, have some nice deep canyons and valleys. But it's really old ....
  8. I have 3 externals ... the hard part is keeping track of what went where !!!!
  9. Until Erik and I can get the download categories sorted out, PLEASE don't upload any new content. We'll let you know when it's all good to go! thanks in advance! WRench
  10. View File P-3A/B "Orion" Pak by Wrench/Florian P-3A/B "Orion" Pak by Wrench/Florian 1/1/23 -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a mod to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" martime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft, "backdating" it to the original P-3A & B models of the early 1960s through 1980(ish). Consider this a "new(ish)" airplane. Included are 3 US Navy skins, representing early Orions in Fleet service. Early Paint Scheme of Seaplane Grey/White: VP-8 Tigers (2nd oldest still active USN squadron) VP-46 Grey Knights Late Paint Scheme (1968 & later) Light Gull Grey/White: VP-5 Mad Foxes The SF2 date switch is active. Each skin gets a set of 18 Serial (BuNum) and Modex numbers. VP-5 gets it Fox tail art as well. As is usual, those BuNums matched to their Modex are marked with a star (*). The others, while correct for their squadrons, could not be matched to a Modex. All skins are in jpg format. All new decals are included. Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. All markings are decals, EXCEPT the VP-5 blue tail fin top. It had to be painted on, for some odd reason I've yet to sus out. All sounds, weapons* and various misc stuff are included. (*weapons are the same as the ones included in the recently uploaded P-3C Remod Pack) As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 01/08/2023 Category Other  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    P-3A/B "Orion" Pak by Wrench/Florian 1/1/23 -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a mod to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" martime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft, "backdating" it to the original P-3A & B models of the early 1960s through 1980(ish). Consider this a "new(ish)" airplane. Included are 3 US Navy skins, representing early Orions in Fleet service. Early Paint Scheme of Seaplane Grey/White: VP-8 Tigers (2nd oldest still active USN squadron) VP-46 Grey Knights Late Paint Scheme (1968 & later) Light Gull Grey/White: VP-5 Mad Foxes The SF2 date switch is active. Each skin gets a set of 18 Serial (BuNum) and Modex numbers. VP-5 gets it Fox tail art as well. As is usual, those BuNums matched to their Modex are marked with a star (*). The others, while correct for their squadrons, could not be matched to a Modex. All skins are in jpg format. All new decals are included. Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. All markings are decals, EXCEPT the VP-5 blue tail fin top. It had to be painted on, for some odd reason I've yet to sus out. All sounds, weapons* and various misc stuff are included. (*weapons are the same as the ones included in the recently uploaded P-3C Remod Pack) As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. PLEASE read it!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  12. Thanks boss! I think the entire community owes Erik a HUGE thank you. If fact, if you're so moved, perhaps maybe doing something for CombatAce. Like, maybe a subscription?? Something to think about Like Erik said, if anyone finds something amiss, shoot me a PM with the link to the issue, and we'll try to get it sorted
  13. yup, got that skin too! How dare you NOT have templates!!!! Well, I guess I'll give it a go meself. Def nee the USN versions.
  14. I'm also looking a fiddling with Russo's T-34A/B Mentors; giving them more accurate decals and such. They're unarmed trainers, so not really much for them to do but sit around and look pretty. But, that's good enough for me! Pennsocola is not on OTC ... it end in central Floridia
  15. gimmie them numbers for the Banshee!!!! That has bothered me for like, forever!!! Needs to fixes!!! the "collison mesh" for the tailhook is a vitural item. That's how we made aircraft, without hooks land successfully on carriers.
  16. in the jungle, the mighty jungle .... (sorry, couldn't help it!!)
  17. the world center (0,0,0) of model is NOT the CG for the flight model.They can differ by a large number (several meters at times) I'm sure there are times when the DO coincide, but that's probably rare as hen's teeth.
  18. I've let Erik know. Hopefully, all will be back to normal soon.
  19. THAT is a fantastic idea! Reminds me of the Dark DOS Days, when games came with either printable or already printed keyboard controls sheets (thinking Falcon 3 here).
  20. The IIAF changes to IRIAF, according the games nations.ini in 1979. The change is automatic could you show us a screenshot of the issue, most likely from the loadout screen, where nations are shown/selected.
  21. Well, report it Erik ... !! Don't just post about it!!! edit: just checked, I can only move individual files, I don't have rights (or knowledge!!) on moving entire categories.
  22. Humpday Heavies

    The quick brown (mad) fox drops on the lazy Soviet sub...
  23. Should be out by the end of the week. Also, revamped your P-3F, too. New decals, stencling and such What I don't have is the searchlight for the right wing. I faked one by renaming/repainting the AD4N radar pod (you can see it on LC-8). Apparently, the Iranian F also carried it

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