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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. and the fact the Navy didn't really trust liquid-cooled inline engines. Would've been a supreme maintence headache, to say nothing of those long overwater flight, leaking coolant. (odd though, the FAA didn't seem to think so, what with their SeaHurris, Seafires and Fireflys. But then again ... they were used to them Also the Seafires and Hurris didn't have anything near the Mustang's range. OTH, hundreds and hundreds of Lend-Lease Wildcats, Hellcats and Avengers...) Also, that time period would have used 3 digit modex
  2. File Name: SF2 WW2 CBI B-24D Liberator Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 09 June 2014 File Category: B-24 SF2 WW2 B-24D Liberator, CBI Pak by Veltro2K 6/1/2014 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) This pack contains a NEW aircrft, by Veltro2k; the B-24D Liberator as seen in in the China, Burma, India Theatre. Be advised, that while there wasn't too much 'crossover' between the 10 AF in India and the 14th AF in China, for gaming purposes it won't matter much. You are advised, however, to have a seperate CBI mods folder (even though the new India/Burma/Indochina map is far from completed). The unit(s) represented herein are: 10th AF (India): 493rd BS, 7th BG (star-and-ball, 42/43) 9th BS, 7th BG (star-and-bar, late 43 thru 45) 14th AF (China): 374th BS, 308th BG (43) All Aircraft are painted in the standard finish of OD/Neutral Grey. Each of the skins will display their theatre association (B/I) or © on the Loadout Screen's drop down. The skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals (excepting the wing national markings). The serials, when carried, are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular unit, but ARE for the model variant depicted. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. 10th & 14th AF squadron numbering conventions (plane-in-group numbers) are used on these aircraft. There are NO nose arts. Other texture artists are encouraged to do the research, and create proper artwork decals. Weapons, pilot figures and guns are NOT included; you should have them already. A new "generic" Hangar screen was created for this mod. Damage textures are in DDS format. When in game you'll see B-24D Liberator (v2k) This will differentiate this Lib from any others you may have (ie: Pasko's). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations, in particular for in-game usage. Happy Landings Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  3. odd, because "ARTILLERY" is a valid Target Type (used it extensively on the ASW map texas/mexico)
  4. that's the "noise" layer added by 3W. Every NM skin has that (and many of the camo's too). I prefer using a clouds layer (50% grey/75% grey), and just fiddle with the opacity of it. It'll be the VERY top layer I have 2 partial templates for the stock 15; both only have lines/rivets necessary for the NK tail and nose markings for the KAW mod. Somebody (Paulo? maybe?) had shown some camo 15s for KAW, but I don't remember it they were released. Here's a hint for redrawing: Duplicate the main, background layer, and invert it. Also, blow you templates up to AT MINIMUM!!! 2048x. You can even go to 4096, depending on the level of detail you want. You can always resize down when done for the finished skin. Which is then saved as a jpg.
  5. Well, if you still want it, it's yours. Just drop me a PM maybe you can straighten out the hash I made of the camo pattern!! Not real happy with the nose transitions!!
  6. under doctor's orders. I've just had surgery yesterday on the right eye to remove a corneal edema (like a scratch/leision/bad thing) I've been suffering with on and off since October. It got really bad after my last hernia surgery on December. Basicly, the repair is lasik, which my nearsighted ass needed anyway. WIth luck it'll improve the vision, however much, in that eye. So, I'm not supposed to be even using the computer at ALL, as they want to eye to not move back and forth very much (there goes my internet p0rn browsing!! ) Shouldn't even be posting this, right now! With luck, I'll be back in operation in 3-5 days. Which leaves me stuck NOT working on the new B-24J for the ETO -- which are nearly done!, and the south Asia terrain. They'll be done when they're done. So, there ya have it! Be back soon as I can! Don't burn the place down without me!!
  7. too late Russ!! I already look that way!!! Except with glasses!!
  8. excuse me? If you wanted the template, all you had to do was ask.
  9. ok, checked my books. the photo above ARE Grand Slams. It's on page 61 of the Detail & Scale, Part 1 of the B-29. The text says it could carry 2 of them, PLUS the normal bomb load. Man, I can't imagine the length of the runway needed, let alone the weather conditions (cool, still air?). Engine overheats were always an issue. Part 2 book shows VB-13 "Tarzon" bombs, which are Bell adapted Tallboys in a semi-conformal carry across both bomb bays, and a relocated APQ-13 radome (lower nose turret location). These were used in Korea by the 19th BG. Tarzons were 'steerable' via radio-control link, similar to the VB-1 Azon, and Fritz-X
  10. all the more room for p0rn!!! I tested a old 1stGen from my external, since the exe is inside the game install, and it worked just fine! All my SF2 backups are zipped, so didn't want to unzip them
  11. Can't have a B-24J without the Navy's version too!
  12. check the 1stGen downloads??? I distinctly remember doing the 17s. You'll have to cross check the mapping on each individual skin map, as there MAY have been some changes from SF1 to SF2 as to the 15, I don't recall doing them
  13. this may be of some assistance http://combatace.com/topic/19469-how-to-create-a-country-specific-aircraft/
  14. that's an AN/APQ-7 nav/attack radar. similar to H2S
  15. Actually, shouldn't the name be a "celestial" type??? Lockheed corporate scheme has always been aerial objects or stuff (Constellation, Starfighter, Lightning, etc)
  16. To eliminate the pilot issue, I'd suggest removing the included figure, and use one from this pak: http://combatace.com/files/file/8218-sovietrussian-pilots-pack-part-1-60s-80s/ remember, they'll need to be folderized for SF2 usage.
  17. my guess is the "local" heights of the mountains. It (the terrainengine.dll) may read the highest peaks in the HFD, and raise the cloud deck to the fixed distance (whatever that may be) above them. Again, this is just a guess. The only one that could answer that is TK. Breath holding on that, I'm not. Terrains that are very mountainous, having VERY high mountains should be test flown. Ones like the Himalayas, Iran/Iraq, ANW. I've noticed this on the (in progress) CBI map, that contains the mid-to-eastern Himalayas (the Hump); the clouds are always several thousand feet above them.
  18. cloud heights are locked. Can't remember if it was a 2011 or 2012 patch that did it. Because a bunch on non-modding whiney twats pitched a bitch over on the 3W forums, caused TK to take 'drastic measures". A lot of it was because of the tga bleeds; meaning trees showing through clouds and other (can't remember the name) buffer issues. So, having a terrain specific enviromentalsys ini does really nothing now. You'll note that none of my terrain mods use them
  19. well maybe not. Hard to work on decals and skins while looking at the screen wearing sunglasses (it cuts down the glare and brightness. Cuts the pain associated with it too. The eye, as to be expected, is swollen about half shut -- makes it hard to watch TV too. The Bright California Sun ™ REEEEEAAALLLY hurts!. Feel like a flipping vampire, afraid of the day!! There's a 'bandage' contact lens in the eye -- and it's a big one, not like the regular ones I used 25 years ago. This is more like the one Bud used in "The Abyss" (full scalera?). Vision is blurry, as to be expected. Actually, abe half again as bad is it's always been (need new glasses for about a year) I'm hoping for at least a 50-75% improvement by middle of next week, when the contact is removed. You cannot imagine how boring the day is -- even with 600 cable channels, I'm having a problem finding something to watch!!
  20. Topics Merged a note to WINGSOVERISREAL (who doesn't respond at ALL to PMs, or even member posts in his threads...) You WILL post the rest of your helo WIP pics in THIS thread. IF you open another one ... well, I leave it to your imagination
  21. File Name: SF2 WW2 PB4Y-1 (B-24D) USN Liberator, ETO Pak by Veltro2K File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 May 2014 File Category: B-24 SF2 WW2 PB4Y-1 (B-24D) USN Liberator, ETO Pak by Veltro2K 4/28/2014 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) **Having a merged install is reccomended, as the destroyed model references the stock 3W An-12's destroyed lod.** This pack contains a NEW aircrft, by Veltro2k; the US Navy's PB4Y-1 (B-24D) Liberator as seen in the Atlantic theatre (both North & South). This aircraft uses some SF2NA 'mission statements'. It is designed for use =ONLY= in the North Atlantic/ETO. Research has not turned up any data about USN "D" models being used in SoWesPac or CenPac. Or in the Med. The unit represented herein are: VPB-105, as based in the UK. The aircraft is finished in "Atlantic Sea Search" camo, and while 'assigned' to VPB-105, is representative of pretty much all USN VPB Liberator units as seen from Iceland to Brazil, and all points in between. The skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals (excepting the wing national markings). The BuNums are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular aircraft within a specific unit, but ARE for the model variant depicted. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. There are NO nose arts. Weapons, pilot figures and guns are NOT included; you should have them already. Damage textures are in DDS format. When in game you'll see PB4Y-1 (D) Liberator (v2k) The (D) expresses that this version is based of the B-24D model, NOT the J, L, or M. All USN/USMC/USCG versions were called PB4Y-1, regardless of what sub-variant. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations, in particular for in-game usage. Happy Landings Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  22. File Name: SF2 WW2 MTO USAAF P-40K-5 Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 June 2014 File Category: P-40 SF2 WW2 MTO USAAF P-40K-5 Pak 5/24/2014 -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this pak MAY be usable in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. However, some features (decal randomization and FM adjustments and several other things) will =NOT= be functional. Use in 1stGens has not, and cannot be, tested by me.* **Notex2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a MTO-Centric mods folder** At first, I was just going to do a simple skin/decals pack. But with all the "modifications" made to fit into SF2 chose to take the "lazy man's way out" and am just uploading the entire aircraft. So, if you already have Raven's P-40K in your MTO-centric mods folder, best to back it up someplace. This is the full aircraft, with my 'tweeked' sf2-ish data ini. The skin included is for... 64th FS, 57 FG as seen in early 1943 in North Africa. Skins remain in their bmp format. New DDS damage textures (usable on all Raven's Warhawk/Kittyhawk in SF2 only) are included! All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There are no nose arts. Also, via the use of my (patent pending) fake "SqTail" decal, the squadron name display is now active on the Loadout Screen. No weapons are included, except an SF2 Version of the drop tank (for those that haven't converted it yet), and 30# fragmentation bombs. When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop-down, you'll see P-40K-5 CU (Raven) This will diferentiate this for any other Warhawks you may (or may not) have. It should be noted, that of all the AAF P-40 equipped units in the Med, my source material stated that ONLY the 64th recieved the K model Warhawks. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein (note: this is one I'd forgotten to finish a few months ago! Enjoy!) Click here to download this file
  23. Damnit! I'd thought I'd fixed all that!! thank bro!

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