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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. did you change the names in the textureste ini? Is the folder itself named to match? the textureset ini should look something like this (whre the * is the next number) [TextureSet00*] Directory=Paran Name=Paran Came Nation=Paran Specular=0.400000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE
  2. The Edge Of Tommorrow

    Groundhog Day --o with GUNS!!
  3. SF2 WW2 MTO USAAF P-40K-5 Pak



    SF2 WW2 MTO USAAF P-40K-5 Pak 5/24/2014 -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this pak MAY be usable in 1stGen SF/Wo* game installs. However, some features (decal randomization and FM adjustments and several other things) will =NOT= be functional. Use in 1stGens has not, and cannot be, tested by me.* **Notex2: this mod is designed for use =ONLY= in a MTO-Centric mods folder** At first, I was just going to do a simple skin/decals pack. But with all the "modifications" made to fit into SF2 chose to take the "lazy man's way out" and am just uploading the entire aircraft. So, if you already have Raven's P-40K in your MTO-centric mods folder, best to back it up someplace. This is the full aircraft, with my 'tweeked' sf2-ish data ini. The skin included is for... 64th FS, 57 FG as seen in early 1943 in North Africa. Skins remain in their bmp format. New DDS damage textures (usable on all Raven's Warhawk/Kittyhawk in SF2 only) are included! All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There are no nose arts. Also, via the use of my (patent pending) fake "SqTail" decal, the squadron name display is now active on the Loadout Screen. No weapons are included, except an SF2 Version of the drop tank (for those that haven't converted it yet), and 30# fragmentation bombs. When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop-down, you'll see P-40K-5 CU (Raven) This will diferentiate this for any other Warhawks you may (or may not) have. It should be noted, that of all the AAF P-40 equipped units in the Med, my source material stated that ONLY the 64th recieved the K model Warhawks. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein (note: this is one I'd forgotten to finish a few months ago! Enjoy!)
  4. I have an Arabic font around here someplace -- used it a long time ago on EAF Spitfires, and some others Have to search my archive externals (don't think I reinstalled that font after the HD crash over a year ago) for French, maybe just Amarillo? RAF, the RAF_pw_ath (like I use for ww2 lettering and serials
  5. Version


    SF2 WW2 PTO P-400 Airacobra (Export) Pak by Veltro2k 5/25/2014 -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due various and sundry reasons* This is a mod of Veltro2k's Bell P-39D Airacobra, in to the export version, called P-400 in USAAF service. This aircraft is designed to either replace or compliment the SF2 versions I did for Wolf257's Airacobra. It's the End Users choice if you with to delete the old versions, or keep them. Both skins are in the "RAF style" camo pattern. Skins included are: 39th FS, 35th FS, early 1942 (New Guinea) 67th FS, 58th FG Mid/Late 1942 (Guadalcanal) The above are units that were used in the SouthWestPacific region, specifically Australia & New Guinea (39th), and The Solomons (Guadalcanal, 67th). The skins also use the "StartDate" switch, so as to turn on at the (almost) appropriate time. Serial numbers (RAF issued) are 100% historicaly correct for this aircraft, but should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular aircraft within these specific units. All skins are in jpg format. Decal Randomization is TRUE. An SF2 version of the original 'box art' hangar screen are included. Damage textures are in DDS format. Sounds and a pilot figure are included. All the other items (bombs, drop tank, guns, etc) you should have already. All lighting is 100% historically correct. When in game, you'll see: P-400 Airacobra (v2k) Displayed on the Aicraft Selection Dropdown menu. This will diferentiate it from the Wolf257 version. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein ------------------------------ 6/12/2014: Version 2 uploaded. Fixes reported decal pathways issue. This is now corrected
  6. you may have to extract the paran insignia from the cat, and create a decal folder for it. Then, rewrite the pathways in the decals ini the textureset ini they speak of, should be placed IN that aircraft's skin folder. Creates a "paran only" aircraft
  7. New J models coming soon to an English airbase near you
  8. Locarno's 75th Anniversary airshow

    awesome pics! That Skytrain is just a BEAUT!!
  9. shouldn't have to on the SF2-specific extractor. You should have the one dated 4/12/2012
  10. "We aims to please" (so, please aim!!!)
  11. Version


    SF2 DLC #19: A-4L Skyhawk Skins/Ini Pak 5/29/2014 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #19 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *DLC #19 is REQUIRED for this mod!!* **Please note, this pack is set up for the 3W A-4L Skyhawk DLC pack #19 ONLY!!! It is NOT be confused or USED with the Crab_02/Column5 mod. If you have the C2/C5 version, You are advised to REMOVE that mod COMPLETLY BEFORE installing this one!! It will cause conflicts, faults and General Mayhem. You have been warned!!!** This pack contains skins/decals for the following units: VC-13 "Fighting Saints" as based at NAS/MCAS Miramar VC-2 "Falcons" as based at NAS Oceana Several reworked inis included are: Data.ini (operable canopy, Standard Keystroke ™, Shift/0, landing light) Loadout ini (better offensive loadouts) main ini (A-4L.ini, with resequenced skin listings - these are now 1 & 2) All markings, excepting the squadon tail codes and VC-13's hump, are decals. The tail markings for both are painted on the skin. Decal randomization is TRUE, but be advised there's only 7 Modex for VC-2, and 12 for VC-13. This IS historically correct. When installing, just allow the overwrite of the inis. I've fiddled with the skin listing order, to make them more user friendly. However, if you wish to keep the original order, BACKUP THE MAIN, A-4L.INI -=BEFORE=- INSTALLING THIS MOD!!! *REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #19 to access the aircraft and it's other associated files.* As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!! In fact, unzip the archive FIRST, read the instructions, and then install it. Best to be safe, eh? Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  12. Other than the slight remod of Veltro's 1stGen, available in our handy dandy download section. http://combatace.com/files/file/13862-sf2-ww2-eto-b-26bg-marauder-pak/ Cause they really weren't used for strafing. In fact, in the ETO, many had the package guns removed to save weight. And you're not counting the gun mounts correctly. Count all the mounts -- turrets, tunnel, waist, tail, bombardier, etc. If you actually do the real research, like the Osprey Combat Units, Detail & Scale and a host of others books. Other than the link actually going for the Martin Marauder, which you may be confusing with the Douglas Invader, which definatley was used in the ground attack role. After all, it wasn't a Medium Bomber ™ but an Attack aircraft
  13. New Aircraft simulator

    so, Roman Centurions, Zombies, and my favorite weapon -- 1929 Thompson, w/59 round drums. Could you ask for anything more?
  14. have to do up some new serials and bomb wing markings for the Js .... not a problem! btw, is there still a decal bleed on the right wing near the flaps?
  15. "dirtyexhaustemitter" ????? there's some reaaaalllllllllllllllyyyyyyy dark black ship smoke in one of Stary effect packs (think of ww1 coal burning battleships). I don't use those, so can't tell you the name. I suspect, it replaces exactly the stock shipsmokeeffect. might need renaming for smokestack emitter
  16. prolly the pre-production version that BAE used at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough "BAE Evaluation" is pretty self explanatory -- BAE being the manufacturer, Evaluation the paint job they used to "sell" the plane Personally, I'd have expected a more "hi-viz" finish, as with most prototypes
  17. as I used the Lightning cockpit (if one owns the SF2 that gave it to us) on the Sea Vixen sf2 update in 2011, I created this little illustration to explain the missile cues. This should help
  18. Storm, you on win7 or later?? if so, this path (C:\Program Files (x86)\Strategy First\Falklands 1982\Objects\Weapons) aint' gonna work. That's the protected region of the HD, and not "usable" for modding things Move the whole SF directory/.../ to the ROOT of the C drive (ie: C:/WoE, for example) also, 7 & later has issues with ALL the 1stGen editors/extractors. Put them on you desktop, and try running from there. Or place the zips on the desktop, and run from inside the zipped thingy
  19. Indeed. I'd be wary of pissing off the tail gunner, though!!!
  20. the KAW mustangs (in the D/L section here) already have the relevant units -------------- Just had to try a FFAF Airacobra for the MTO
  21. panel lines are still wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy to dark. Also, fade down the "blurred" panel lines. Maybe around 15-20% max

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