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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. the TSF Grippens that are a separate download (I got them Friday), and it took me a couple hours to NOT see the difference in the image file name. this package: http://combatace.com/files/file/14351-tsf-saab-jas-39-gripen-flygvapnet-package/
  2. All right, everyone. That's enough I've edited the file announcement text by adding the words A "What If..." Scenario. Any further discussion is pointless.
  3. to repair the non-functional RWR, open the avionics ini for ALL the Grippens, and change the RWRTexture=cockpit\rwr.bmp to RWRTexture=cockpit\rwr.jpg
  4. Godzilla

    well, IF he is too fat, they can blame it on his diet of Americans??
  5. http://combatace.com/files/file/14351-tsf-saab-jas-39-gripen-flygvapnet-package/ TSF Griffons
  6. at first, I thought I'm not going to like this.. but it looks DAMN cool!! good one Alfie!!
  7. None of which will fix the issues the OP has. It's an AIRCRAFT problem, NOT a game problem. There are major differences in how SF2 reads the physical properties of model. In his case, the data ini needs updating in many facets, in particular the landing gear for the "bouncy bouncy happy joyjoy, flip over and die" problem. The "double cockpit" issue is a know problem on 1stGen models, and is easily fixed with ini edits. We even have thread in the Knowledge Base about how to fix it.
  8. the Eritrea terrains covers (most) of the region. But not enough of Somalia, unfortunately
  9. unfortunately, there's no template for AD's version Which, btw, is a Ki-43Ia, as evidenced by a lot of things too numerous to list here. Those were probably out of service (read: worn out or shot down) by the end of 42, and were replaced by the later marks. The Ia's were never used operationally in anything but camo. Later markes, especially in the Home Defense role, some Sentai's were in NM (actually silver dope paint)
  10. well, you might want to consider moving to SF2
  11. Really? I had NO trouble finding it.. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=34429
  12. Godzilla

    the trailers show it more like the Toho (aka: Classic) Godzilla. I wanna see Rodan!!!
  13. pity the sarcasm didn't come through on the written words, in my post above. But, whatever. Keep on believing that
  14. and of course, EVERYONE can access their downloads.
  15. aaaahhh..... XP maybe? did you reinstall DX9?? 1stGen won't run in Win 7, Win 8 and maybe Vista, without it. honestly, not a wise choice in getting WoE and WoV for Win8. Like MB said above, see if you can get a refund, and/or swap them for SF2:V and SF2:E
  16. You still haven't answered the questions FastCargo asked. To quote Asimov "there is insufficient data for a meaningful response". And I'll add a few more: WHICH F-16 mod are you having trouble with?. Supply the link. Also, post the loadout ini for said F-16 (copy/paste). Is it a USAF Viper, or some other nations? You said you had installed a weapons pak? Which one - give us the link. For what patch level? There's are 06 and 08 versions available. Is the weapons pack compatible with the patch level of the game (which is WHY I linked to the 08 patch; which is the last one available for the SF/Wo* series). There were, and still are, issues with trying to get earlier weapons mounted on aircraft with weapons packs and game with differing patch levels (should be a thread in KB, something about 'what needs updating for the 08 patch', but can't remember exactly). Are you using the correct weapons editor for your patch level? Have you opened the weaponsdata ini from the weapons pack with the weapons editor, and just hit the 'save' button, to rebuild to the current patch level (creates a new weaponsdata.dat file)? Do the weapons called out in the the loadout ini even exist, either in the stock install (without weapons pack) or are they listed in the weapons pack's weaponsdata.ini?? To check the stock weapons, they should be listed on the Loadout Screen, on both panes -- the left side showing available weapons, and the right pane -your aircraft-, on the individual hardpoint locations. Speaking of hardpoints ... on the Loadout Screen, are the circles white or black? Is anything listed in the 'windows' for said hardpoints? Can you hand load ANY of the weapons, of any type, on the Loadout Screen, via the individual hardpoint dropdowns? Does anything actually show up on the aircraft, when viewed 'in game'? Post a screenshot. --------------------------------------- you might also want to review this pdf (in the zip). Now, some bits won't be relevant, but the description of the weapons stations (from aircraft data inis) and weapons attachments, etc, might be of some help. This is one of the major reasons 99.9% of everyone has moved away from these dead end 1stGen games. The SF/Wo* series isn't even supported by the maker anymore. In SF2, weapons are folderized, with all inis and bits within, and are a "drag and drop" install. As to rewriting the KB, prolly ain't gonna happen. As mentioned before, SF2 is far superior and far EASIER to mod. Just saying; we stopped beating dead horses a 'ways back.
  17. File Name: SF2 Post-WW2 P-38L Lightning, AMI File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 May 2014 File Category: P-38 SF2 Post-WW2 P-38L Lightning, AMI 5/01/2014 - For SF2 (Any/All - Full 5 Merged Reccomended) == Post War Lightnings, Part 2 == * Note: will most likely NOT work in 1stGen SF/Wo*, with out some modifications/tweeking. Use in 1stGen games has not, and cannot, be tested by me * This is a revamp of Spitwulf's 1stGen Post-WW2 Italian Air Force P-38 Lightning. It is based on Wolf257's Lightning. This is the complete aircaft, updated (as much is as possible) for SF2 usage. All sounds, weapons and a pilot figure are included. Guns you should already have. A NEW skin, in jpg format, was created (now with rivets!). All Spitwulf's original decals were reused, excepting the national markings, which use stock 3W decals. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. The skin represents 3^ Stormo Caccia (1948-1954). When in-game, you'll see: P-38L Lightning (AMI) (w) on the aircraft dropdown menu. The (W) is for Wolf, diferentiating this P-38 from any others you may (or may not) have. The AMI is for, of course, Aeronautica Militare. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them!!!. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  18. engine fires due to overheats has been modeled since at least 2005 (when I first experienced it!) yeah, it pretty cool!!
  19. that's rebuilding the GAME's nations ini, and messing with the userlists. Something not usually recommend for a 'general' install. For a stand alone, perhaps like in your case above, for 56 Suez war, it can work He's asking about the terrain itself, which was answered. In P's case, you'd not only have to edit the nations, but ALL the GroundObjects that have the EXPORTED=TRUE tag, further narrowing what available for said specific terrain and you know you can use the standard (US) format, to even further narrow it down the 'operational' window ... MM/DD/YYYY
  20. it's called "RollingRadius", and is in each of the landing gear statements BE ADVISED: messing around with that on 1stGen models ported to SF2 can cause serious malfunctioins
  21. we REALLY appreciate all the hard work. I don't think you can set a 'parking slot' in the hangar bay, but one could always build a static into the lod (but why add extra work)?
  22. those were done a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago. I released an Oscar Pak with several variants some years back. There still might be some lying around for 1stGEns, but mostly for SF2
  23. http://combatace.com/files/file/7573-woe-update-oct2008b/
  24. SF2 Post-WW2 P-38L Lightning, AMI



    SF2 Post-WW2 P-38L Lightning, AMI 5/01/2014 - For SF2 (Any/All - Full 5 Merged Reccomended) == Post War Lightnings, Part 2 == * Note: will most likely NOT work in 1stGen SF/Wo*, with out some modifications/tweeking. Use in 1stGen games has not, and cannot, be tested by me * This is a revamp of Spitwulf's 1stGen Post-WW2 Italian Air Force P-38 Lightning. It is based on Wolf257's Lightning. This is the complete aircaft, updated (as much is as possible) for SF2 usage. All sounds, weapons and a pilot figure are included. Guns you should already have. A NEW skin, in jpg format, was created (now with rivets!). All Spitwulf's original decals were reused, excepting the national markings, which use stock 3W decals. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. The skin represents 3^ Stormo Caccia (1948-1954). When in-game, you'll see: P-38L Lightning (AMI) (w) on the aircraft dropdown menu. The (W) is for Wolf, diferentiating this P-38 from any others you may (or may not) have. The AMI is for, of course, Aeronautica Militare. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them!!!. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  25. you can't. unfortunately, they're either 'on' or 'off' (actually, "allowed" or "not allowed"; same difference). just like movement routes, they're active ALL the time you can, however, use the LimitedNations=TRUE statement in the terrain's main ini, and then build a terrain specific Nations ini, but there no way to to have a nation turn on in a certain year.

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