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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane Mk.I No.1 Squadron, BoF, Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 15 May 2014 File Category: Hurricane SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane Mk.I No.1 Squadron, BoF, Skin Pak 5/14/2014 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to some of the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment (read: decal randomization), all the features will =NOT= be working as designed.* A new skin for Raven's Hurrican Mk.1 (2-bladded Watts prop, fabric wings), representing No. 1 Squadron in early to mid-1940, but more for the Battle of France timeframe. This skin is painted in the "half-and-half' Night/White wing undersides, with French style "rudder flash" RAF color bands, and "silver dope" remaining undersides. The skin maps remain in bmp format. Also included is a modified textureset.ini for the original No.111 squadron skin, that adds the DefaultStartDate= tag (07/1940), adds decal randomization. The decals ini provided for 111 adds the Level 1 fake "SqTail" pointer to activate the Squadron name display. This is used on BOTH skins. The new serial number decals ARE historically those for early Mk.1 Hurris, but should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent NO particular aircraft within a specific squadron. This package ONLY contains the skins/decals (and the 111 Squadron inis). I've not included any of my usual "tweeks" to SF2-ize the aircraft. It's pretty perfect as is! (the only thing I changed was turning the Fuselage OFF in the data ini to eliminate the 'double cockpit' issue). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. With Thanks To Raven for the bird! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  2. Version


    SF2 WW2 Hawker Hurricane Mk.I No.1 Squadron, BoF, Skin Pak 5/14/2014 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. However, due to some of the modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment (read: decal randomization), all the features will =NOT= be working as designed.* A new skin for Raven's Hurrican Mk.1 (2-bladded Watts prop, fabric wings), representing No. 1 Squadron in early to mid-1940, but more for the Battle of France timeframe. This skin is painted in the "half-and-half' Night/White wing undersides, with French style "rudder flash" RAF color bands, and "silver dope" remaining undersides. The skin maps remain in bmp format. Also included is a modified textureset.ini for the original No.111 squadron skin, that adds the DefaultStartDate= tag (07/1940), adds decal randomization. The decals ini provided for 111 adds the Level 1 fake "SqTail" pointer to activate the Squadron name display. This is used on BOTH skins. The new serial number decals ARE historically those for early Mk.1 Hurris, but should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent NO particular aircraft within a specific squadron. This package ONLY contains the skins/decals (and the 111 Squadron inis). I've not included any of my usual "tweeks" to SF2-ize the aircraft. It's pretty perfect as is! (the only thing I changed was turning the Fuselage OFF in the data ini to eliminate the 'double cockpit' issue). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. With Thanks To Raven for the bird! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. if it's really wanted, I can upload all 3 fonts to the /Templates section Amrillo USAF USAAF Code USAAF Stencil I still have my zips archived, as for some unknowable reason, I can't log into simmerspaintshop.com to get to ANYTHING!! fonts or color swatch or whathaveyous the particulars are, AAF Code was used a lot in SoWestPacific (New Guinia, Sololmons) for plane-in-squadron letters/numbers. I haven't seen in used for ETO or MTO markings in any of my researches. Amrillo used for serials, as is the Stencil. One needs to consult photos/profiles as it really DID vary from squadron to squadron If one uses Amrillo USAF, you can be 95% sure is damn close, no matter where or when. Now, the nightmares are IJN and IJAAF fonts; to say nothing of some of the Luftwaffe outlined letters...never that good at them! :(
  4. there's another thread in there someplace, about the Loadout.ini
  5. Have you seen this yet?

  6. serial number aren't showing .. here's the fix: open the decal ini, and scroll down till you find the "SNum" listing change the mesh name from Aft_Fues to AftFues they'll show up now
  7. Amrillo USAF works for USN as well, from WW2 to present). Can also be used for WW2 AAF, depending on where (some theatres - SWP- used a slightly different font, USAAF Code)
  8. look in the Objects/Effects (or something like that) in the downloads section -- Stary has done a buttload of stuff. Although I find his black ships smoke FAR to dark --- ships stopped using coal in the 1920s (especially naval vessals). Everything went to fuel oils by then, and the stock smoke is MUCH more correct. The smokestackeffect is a light(ish) brown/white color -- look at the generator buildings on any terrain, and you'll see it. you won't find anything in any of the terrain cats relating to those effects -- those are called in the terrain's _types ini, and reference those items in the /Flight cats what exactly are you trying to do?
  9. France, 1940 ... BEF Hurricane Mk.1s, No. 1 Squadron (I've always wanted to do the split undersides!!)
  10. in the HUDData.ini and (possibly) in the MissionControl.ini there's listing that can be turned off
  11. are you talking about the ParticleSystem.ini, or specific effects themselves? most likely in the FlightData.cat
  12. The very reason ™ we have a Knowledge Base http://combatace.com/topic/9323-adding-weapons-to-sfwovwoe-a-tutorial/
  13. oh yes, indeed. lets support piracy.
  14. wouldn't it depend on the era one want's to fly in?
  15. Indeed. One should make the basic assumption that DAT mods do NOT exist. Those with the ini dancing skills can add them themselves. There are plenty of freeware ships readily available. A note on armed merchant ships: unless they're specifically a naval vessel (ie: an AK/AP/AO etc class) are illegal by international maritime law. They could be, and in some cases ARE, considered pirate vessels, and accorded the same treatment as any militant/combatant or naval vessel would be. The precedent was set in WW2, when for example, our Liberty and Victory ships while still carrying civilian registry, carried USN gun crews, keeping with the treaty conventions. These are still in place. That's the main reason we terraformers THINK in 100 year spans for terrain mods, and build accordingly. With FULL terrain mods and your moored ships are STILL backwards in their slips. For an accurate representation the Canal Zone and it ports, I'd suggest the "Eastern Med" map (modern rebuild of the ww2 North Africa). You'll see what I mean, when flying over the ports
  16. Hell YES we still need them!!!! :)
  17. Indeed! I think these "patrol bombers" are just something fun to have; seeing them loitering around the sky, or parked on the ramps. Player usage is exceedingly limited, unfortunately, as are all Heavies. -------------- 99 Squadon Wimpy's (mk.X), Burma 1942
  18. it's not a "what if". 220 Squadron, Coastal Command, Fortress IIA. Flew from N.Ireland on North Sea/Atlantic patrols before moving down to Lajes in the Azores, and then transitioned to Liberator GR.VI & VII Some mapping issues with the cowl flaps, and I can't seem to get the 'up-swoop' on the fin quite right, but it's nearly 100%. Still have to do serials. Missing the ASV's Yagi antenna, but that's a minor matter, really When the other E models are done (ETO & PTO), I may release this. It's got NA coding for Naval_Search and Naval_Strike. (ETO 17E's are under the 4th FG Spit in the screenie below)
  19. it's not like we haven't already converted the SF2I Netz to the F-16A. but having the MiG-25 and F-5 would be a instant seller. Even without cockpits; which is 5 minutes work to install
  20. just a little experiment...
  21. WHY do people constantly insist on mooring the ships ass-backwards??? Anything over 50m length is going to be moored BOW IN to the slips. Just look at any Real Life ™ port. That's what tugs are for (getting them out into the basin, and turned to the stream). The only difference, might be RO-ROs; and even then it depends on the angle of the offload ramp. Also, wouldn't it have been better to split Port Said and Port Faoud (on the east side of the canal)? all in all, not bad!
  22. There's a Scandanavian Front "password protected/members only" forum already. I think JRL is in charge of that one.

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