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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. totally enjoyed the movie; much better than the Red Dawn remake. Looks like I'll have to find the book! I recognize both the Darwin and NZ terrains. Dosen't the NZ terrain need 'retargetization?'
  2. barracks and base ops lods seem to be missing as well (just downloaded a few minutes ago)
  3. what you're talking about, runway wise, usually means a 'unflattened' airfield zone some screenies might be some assistance here The gams has know issues with 'draw distances'
  4. Easy Gents!! ----- is the /Decals folder supposed to be empty???
  5. File Name: SF2 WW2 Central Pacific (Marianas Islands) Height Field Fix File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 April 2014 File Category: Full Terrains SF2 WW2 Central Pacific (Marianas Islands) Height Field Fix 4/27/2014 - For SF2 WW2, PTO - This is a fix for the unflattened sections of Aslito airfield, Saipan. This package contains a new HFD (height field) that will replace the original. The original terrain, for those that don't have it, is available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/8447-central-pacificmariana-islands-for-ww2-installs/ Be advised, the above listed/linked terrain is the SF/Wo* version (1stGen). I've included my SF2 updated data ini, so you all won't be needing to make the SF2 shader tweeks (if you don't have it updated to SF2 as yet). ------------------ To use: Simply unzip to a temp folder or you desktop. Then copy/paste the included /Terrains folder DIRECTLY over the existing one in you PTO-centric mods folder. Allow the overwrite That's it! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  6. Version


    SF2 WW2 Central Pacific (Marianas Islands) Height Field Fix 4/27/2014 - For SF2 WW2, PTO - This is a fix for the unflattened sections of Aslito airfield, Saipan. This package contains a new HFD (height field) that will replace the original. The original terrain, for those that don't have it, is available at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/8447-central-pacificmariana-islands-for-ww2-installs/ Be advised, the above listed/linked terrain is the SF/Wo* version (1stGen). I've included my SF2 updated data ini, so you all won't be needing to make the SF2 shader tweeks (if you don't have it updated to SF2 as yet). ------------------ To use: Simply unzip to a temp folder or you desktop. Then copy/paste the included /Terrains folder DIRECTLY over the existing one in you PTO-centric mods folder. Allow the overwrite That's it! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. you can't. Not really the 'hot spots' are in diferent places (oth, you can try using the 1stGen ini for said screen -- I've never tried this so don't even know if it would work, but worth a shot!) you can, however, experiment with trying to get the pictues and whatnot by using the sf2 menu templates I uploaded a few years ago. However, these are for standard screens, not widescreen
  8. iirc, when the original 750 gig drive died 1 1/2 year ago, I got a 1 T for about 100 bucks. Don't remember if it was from Newegg or Best Buy. I do remember its a Caviar Black, with 5 year warranty my external 1T, that I use for backing up, is older, and ran about 120 buck from best bey. it's a western digital
  9. I was gonna say, what did you mess up in the alpha? But looks like you got it figured out
  10. and I'd also get 7z as well. It's a better standard of compressing, and just about all us modders use it. Also, create a NEW folder on C drive, call it "Downloads", and put all the things you download in there. It can also be used for unzipping the items to, so one can access their readmes and so forth and welcome!
  11. you can find eric's SF2NA expansion in the SF2 Downloads, Mission and Campaigns. It's in 3 parts, and requires the creation of a separate NA mods folder. I don't have it installed 'as such', but its VERY well put together (as is all his stuff), and includes all the items needed, excepting of course, SF2:NA. and you want to talk about "inapporpriately' marked aircraft, when building KAW, I kept getting Soviet Meteor F.8!!! (unti I extracted it's data in, and removed the ExportedToEnemy=TRUE line) as to the PI 44, all that's keeping a 'with carriers' and 'without carriers' install is HD space. And a few ini edits and file renaming (most likely the TFD and HFD)
  12. those forts REALLY are amazing! well, I know that certain items, for instance the ASR (which is a terrain object) can be made an active radar with the addition of a data ini residing in the terrain folder. have you tried putting the snowy textures for the fort IN the seasoned terrain folder, just for testing? (you can actually try putting ALL the bits for the snowy into the terrain folder too, as well as the other seasons) just for testing. With luck, the engine would "see" the gun entires and act accordingly. Thinking about the "activedate=" and "inactivedate=" switchs, with I don't know if FE has, probably won't work, as you'd have to define them over and over for each yearly seasonal quarter. Then, how would the 'year' be expressed ?
  13. did you check the 1stGen downloads? If one existed, it'd be there. If not there ....
  14. move IJN to the SECOND position in the PTO terrains that support carriers. The side effect is, losing those missions against the Jap fleet. This very same problem is a MAJOR flaw in my Phillipines 44 WW2 terrain. Apparently, the coding is "one or the other, but not both". Kinda dumb, IMO. as to IcelandNA there's no movements in for that terrain, so you won't get armed recon missions, or anti-ship either. It's virtually impossible to generate the movements ini on the STOCK Iceland terrain, because there's no way to "see" the terrain in any of our editors (Gerwin's for example), to find the X/Y coordinates to plot the routes, as it's LOD based. OTH -- and I don't know this for certain -- Gerwin's "rebuld" of NA's Iceland into the "old style" TFD/HFD should be. If so, you can use the TFD tool to plot the various routes, including CAS. But that would be an undertaking, and only if the 2 terrains "match" so to speak in the general physical similarities (land contours, etc) As to the JGSME thingy, I can't say. Don't have it, don't know it; but a 1 terabyte HD (or larger!) takes care of having the separate mods folders. They're relatively inexpensive nowadays
  15. Outbound for Romania.... (yes, Ed's new Libs)
  16. don't forget, they'll need to be added to the terrain's _Types.ini first, before placing 'in-game' via targets ini editing
  17. let's get this straightened out once and for all. When each of the 5 games (included the 2 expansion packs) are installed, the total of 'core files' -- not counting the executables are merged within each other. This can be easily seen by examining the folders and files WITHIN the C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2. One will quickly see there is only one set of dlls, and the various cat files used for all of them. One can expand this into included the DLCs available for purchase, but they reside within their own subfolder of the main "core install". OTH, the DLCs DO interact when installed with all the other program files. So, in essence: Each of the 5 games (7 counting the 2 expansion packs) have their own executables ... Which means each of the 5 (or 7) games all create their OWN mod folders when the exe is run. Within each of those mod folders, if one were to open the various sub-folders of the main /Objects folder, and study the contents therein (which is HIGHLY suggested for everyone), one will find EVERYTHING from ALL 5 (or 7) games readily available in ALL of them. The only things NOT created in the mods folder during install/running build -remember, we're talking STOCK with nothing added- is the /Terrains subfolder. The game engine ™ automatically sees all the terrain cats, making them readily available in each separate mods folder. This why user lists for Objects, and 'limited nations' statements in (add-on) terrains are so critical for correct operations. That's a subject for another day (and covered in the KB, btw) EVERYTHING within the various cats and dlls are used by the separate exes -- which is why you see only ONE core set of these files. In truth, 'merged' may be an incorrect term. The install programs, and the various exes automatically merge themselves together during installation -just watch the progress window when installing a new game or DLC; you'll all the same core files being updated-, effectively creating a (somewhat) seamless integration of all the required bits needed to run the games. Think of the 5 (or 7) exes as separate games, sharing common core files; which is EXACTLY what they are.
  18. they're terrain objects, to be placed by the Terraformers
  19. don't forget, in Real Life ™, Navy Skyrays WERE attached to ADC
  20. we'll get you up to speed. eventually!!!
  21. you screwed something up, somewhere. I looked it last night, and nothing like you're showing is presenting, Remember, it's using the FRENCH mirage IIC lod, NOT the Shahak's. use these inis in the zip attached
  22. ok. my what if USAF Mirage. the data ini is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY outdated. You'll have to extract a fresh one for the Mirage IIIC, and copy all the "top" section (MissionData) into the new one. Also, cross check the hardpoints for the nationality callouts and so forth. In essence, you'll be rebuilding the NEW data ini (don't forget to rename it) with all the USAF specifics. over the time when it was first released, MANY changes have been implemented by all the various patches and DLCs if you're speaking of the 500 ltr "supersonic" tanks, yes they do sit that tight against the wing (just look at the AdA Mirages for comparison).

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