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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. http://combatace.com/files/file/14689-open-atlantic-terrain-hfd/ Gepard did this one. should work for what you need
  2. C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects for example
  3. Oz= RAAF I like "Oz Mirage" cause it's alliterative. just rolls off the tounge
  4. that's never been my experience. The loadout ini is supposed to prevent that. Unless of course, the end users are dumb enough to NOT unload ALL the rockets before loading the bombs. Then it's on their head for not following instructions. you know, you can rewrite the loadout ini to have both (4 rockets, 2 bombs) ... you just need to know the position of which number station carries what at a given load (bombs AND rockets would definitley put the aircraft in an overload state, especially with the required belly tank -- very short legs on these beasts) but, whatever!
  5. it happens, actually, quite a lot. what needs doing is extracting the data ini, put it into the F.8's folder, and edit the hardpoints, adding a couple more groups: the rocket stations remain in their original group, but the bomb/drop tanks stations get renumbered, thereby "splitting" the hardpoints
  6. AI packs 1 & 2 are WELL worth it (for the Spitfires alone!) and it adds some new commie birds, too. The Lion may be needed for the upcoming Top Gun mod (see missions and campaings forum) Others I would recommend is the Oz Mirage IIIC and the F-4N (which I don't have! and need to get too!)
  7. All right; you bunch MADE me do this!!! It's on ALL of your heads!! Special Delivery -- "For the Boys" (other is close up of the labeling) It's releaseable, if any of you alky's want it!!
  8. C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\DLC they have their own sub-folder, containg their cats Rhino's are scattered all over, but "most" are in the ObjectData008.cat (but again, not all)
  9. off the top of my head, I don't know. But, I'd look at the F-15's and compare it to the Viper's ... you may need to add a few statements and their relevant 'sections'. TWS come to mind, but ??? did the A-blk 10 have that? The Blk10 that I have, built from TK's Netz, only has Search, SST,ACM and GM
  10. I have versions of both a British Mk.XII and a Japanese Type 91 set as cruise missiles... this disadvantage I've experienced, with Nells and Bettys carrying the (experimental) CM types, is that even with the proper AI statements, the stupid morons are STILL launching from altitude -- 1000-4000 feet, but oddly within the range parameters specified. You can watch the "wake effect" arcing down to the target ships. This may be a side effect of the game coding for use by Soviet CM bombers. OTH, during the Beau builds (particular the 1C CC version), using the Mk.XII (included in the pak, iirc) set as EOGR, the AI wingman had no real difficulties in launching on their targets. All torps, I believe, are FAR too reliable, and the ships themselves TOO vulnerable. You should NOT be able to take down a Fleet Carrier with one shot! There are some Real Life ™ things that simply can't be similated (broaching, proposing, wild runs, break up on entry, etc) I may have included the "CM" version in the Beau 1C pak; I'd have to check (as the zips are archived on external drives). So, it should be available for AI testing. Just swap the 'standard' for the CM type on the loadout screen, run some auntie shipping missions, and watch the results ------- the reason Charles and Capun name me, is pretty simple: I've done more WW2 mods than just about anyone (excepting the model builders themselves, maybe?). It's a courtesy that extend in both directions. For me, naming sources or those that assisted/helped/built the thing is a matter of Personal Honor. Fact checking is part of my technical, professional background. (considering I spent 30 years working on probably the most dangerous/deadly device ever invented by humans -the automobile!-) getting things right was truly 'life and death' on a daily basis. But that's neither here nor there. (it could also be written off to borderline OCD!! ) And the fact that 98.6% of all my work is Freeware, makes it available for use by anyone to use.
  11. don't the vipers in the viper mega pak already have this feature?
  12. Guys, just an advisory; the "Aircraft" folder is mislabeled as "Aircrafts" (plural) So when installing, you'll have to move the TyphoonBT folder to regular non-plural Aircraft folder (or after unzipping but before installing, rename it to Aircraft) also, needs drop tanks. Use the fix I posted in the WW2 Forum "Tips and Tweeks" thread Good work on this bird, Ed!!! Bravo!
  13. Drop Erik a PM describing the problem.
  14. Thank you, Sr. Mariani. I, too, may have gone a bit "off the deep end." Like many others, I'm very (perhaps TOO passionate) about that era in history. Having been modding this series since 2004 (not counting my awful first attempts at hangar screens earlier), I like many others have been watching the downward trends in SF and SF2; we all can see the writing on the wall. It doesn't read well. Let's just call it a day.
  15. if something is stated as being "more realistic", that implies that something else is "less realistic". At least, that's how I was taught logic Adding such items via the Fake pilot method induces various visual oddities -- they won't disappear in the 'no cockpit view", as I'm sure you've all see rockets and bombs hanging from nothing many times. As none of us (TMF/MM) know where the MK.1's MAX files are, that leaves use with trying to reverse model the mk.9 into a mk.5*. I'm sure it can be done; it's just a "simple matter" of removing meshes, building new ones and so forth , but who's going to do it? We're almost out of modelers, as indicated by the relative lack of new-builds for any era. Those few remaining are usually up to their eyeballs in their own projects. Think about that ... we've got THREE - count 'em!!- 3 people building ww2 stuff. And not many more for other eras So, again, we're back to square one. *(and while we're at it, why not turn it into a Griffon Mk.VII, eh?)
  16. AOTP was a LOT of fun in it's day! Wish we had a Win7, modern version!! I haven't worked with the DAT for QUITE a number of years. Everything we do here, is for stuff that's available HERE. For the most part, as many people cannot access their downloads (for a myriad of reason not relevant here), we try to "pretend" those don't exist. It's NOT a good idea to mix an match their stuff with ours. Unless one is into heavily editing the relevant data inis. the allowed types is a left over from SF1 days; some of us (me included) are simply to lazy to edit them down. I take you don't have SF2NA?? "CM" is Cruise Missile, coding for which was added when NA came out. If you look at the TOP the Beaus data ini, you'll find the AI statement for CruiseMissile attack profiles, suitably edited for close-in WW2 torp types. WGR, obviously is "wire guided rocket" CGR is "command guided rocket" (think Bullpup) EOGR is "electro-opticaly guided rocket" (think of TV Bullpup) IOGR is "infra-red opticaly guided rocket" (prolly like a Maverick) Most of which don't seem to require a 'screen' (as seen on the stock F-100D with Bullpups, or the DLC Swiss Hunter with Mavericks). the various dlls will take care of the guidance parameters, as set in the weapon's data ini The spaces were removed the MK.13 a couple of reasons: SF2 hates spaces in the folder and ini names and to not conflict with others I think I understand what you're after. But basically it comes down to a very simple statement we used quite a lot in the shop (garage) where I worked for a long time: "If it works, don't fix it"
  17. editing the Sounds list for engines is not necessary; the Game Engine ™ will automatically pick them up just drop them into the /Sounds folder, edit the data ini and enjoy! the "hard work" part is actually locating the damn data inis!!! they're scattered pretty much all over the place (just use the Extractor to explore the cats) Some you can skip, as they contain nothing but decals
  18. We (TMF/MM) never had a Mk 5. Just the Mk.1 and an unfinished Mk.9. I should know, I have the Max file for the Mk.9. Don't know if the Mk.1 MAX files even exist anymore. ---------------------- Unrealistic? you have no idea how much work we put into those Mk.5s; Daniel's own personal time, away from far more important Real Life issues, just to try and get something out as FREEWARE, so people don't have to crawl over to "the other place" and deal with their restrictions. I can't even put into words, in text, that expresses my feelings, at the insult such a statement entails. unbelievable! well, that's gratitude for ya.
  19. Alfie, as per your request/statement on the DAT site. Give me a day or so to relayer/repaint/redecal the fuselage to fix those blurred markings. Decals make like SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier. the "normal" regular use ID stripes are also missing, but I'm not going to do those
  20. Oppseyy! The new lod changed a couple of things... go to the link below for "how to fix my fix" http://combatace.com/topic/65419-the-tips-tweeks-and-tricks-thread/?p=661745
  21. Decals and Loadout Tweeks at the link below: http://combatace.com/topic/65419-the-tips-tweeks-and-tricks-thread/?p=661745
  22. Fixs & Tweeks for Veltro2k's Hawker Typhoon IB (early) -Decal Fix: If you're using the decal trick I posted here http://combatace.com/topic/82405-spinners/ AND you're using the new lod, with the fixed shadow issue (called Typhoon-v2k.lod, dated 4/13/2014), you'll need to rewrite ALL the decal inis, as a new mesh has been added, called Tail. This is for the "early" camo skin, which I've renamed in my install to the correct squadron(s). But you should get the general idea. Back up the original decals ini for Saftey's Sake!!! You'll also have to do this for the later skin, the one with the D-Day Invasion Stripes. Like in the above linked post, this adds the Type c1 roundel over the painted on fues roundel. I've also attached the zip containing the roundel here, too. Just drop the zip into the /Objects/Decals/Typhoon-v2k main folder, and unzip to there. You'll have to do this for any or all skins you have the Tiffy. -Loadout Tweek for Tiffy: This adds the drop tanks as seen in many photos. The 44 gallon tanks themselves are from Raven's Hurricane, and are also used on several Spitfire mods (both Coca's Mk.Vs and the stock 3W Mk. IX) First, back up the Tiffy's data ini. This is an important Safety Tip!! Find the weapon stations callouts, and copy/paste the text below DIRECTLY OVER THE EXISTING TEXT this adds the drop tank callout, and rearranges the groups a bit more logicly In the loadout ini, which you should also back up for Saftey: copy/paste the text below over the whole thing: If you want to increase your "time on station" for CAP, just copy/paste the LongRange statements into the AirToAir section above it. That should do it!! FRoundel.7z
  23. and there's something wrong with the Mk 5s that Daniel (Cocas) and I released recently?? (not speaking of my camo-pattern line up foul ups!)

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